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Posts posted by Michael_3165

  1. Another from me...

    Meetings generally. I used to sit in these things all day, wondering WTF the whole thing was about and why everyone needed to be there. As I got used to the role I'd just get up half way through and walk out. If you need a meeting to discuss a meeting, about a meeting for a meeting about getting catering for a meeting then you have lost me. In public services (my area of work) it is rife and I have no time for it. Same as meetings that have a load of people all batting around ideas where the right, simple and bloody obvious answer is eventually agreed upon anyway. I 'get' the whole need to include people and make them feel part of the change process but holy fuck just make the damn decision! 

    People who have to justify their jobs by bringing out another data set that has to be worked on and given to a senior team to pour over for a few weeks leading to NO action. Then trying to change a system that works, making a hash of it and going back to the original way anyway. The NHS for example is rife with this bullshit.

    When people post 'enlightened' posts on social media. Or those that post those 'I am a tough fucker who gets up when I get knocked down' type memes on Facebook. Then you see the face to face and there is always some big drama, not the calm, composed 'live each day as it comes' type of tosh that they post online. Agh

  2. Also people copying every fucker into emails. Just pick up the phone and talk to me reasonably!

    People saying literally when it is anything but LITERAL. 'I literally burnt to death in that boiling car'.... no but I wish you had! 

    Being asked 'are you sure?'... yes love I am sure, otherwise I wouldn't have said it!

  3. Apologies if this is a thread that is already in circulation. Search is being temperamental.

    So what trivial things annoy you? Stupid things that shouldn't matter but do...

    Mine are:

    People coughing without covering their mouth. I don't want to smell manky breath!

    The term 'political correctness gone mad'. No its kindness and compassion gone mad... 

    TV commercials. Stop it! I don't want to buy your junk.

    Those piddly portions that you get at expensive restaurants then get home and have to eat more food!

    Bottled water. No. I won't pay for something I can get out of a tap. 




  4. For one of the better companies in the UK I would expect better. Watching it back it I shocking how poor the production really is. Blurred cameras, crappy announcing (sorry Simmons!) and dodgy camera angles. They don't mic up the ring very well it seems so everything is a bit tinny.

  5. I think the most irritating thing about the whole saga is how Rev-Pro have completely ignored any questions about the whole thing. Its not like they have said 'this is why and we 'get' why people would feel a little cheated' they literally just IGNORE questions from the fans they are (apparently) trying to draw to their product. 

    From a business perspective it is extremely shoddy. I don't even mean apologise just give people a bit of respect and be professional in these things. It disappoints me because Rev-Pro have really let themselves down with this display. Especially as a promotion which has a fairly good reputation, it is this type of shit that makes people think a promotion isn't professional or serious about building their brand. I want Rev-Pro to succeed but this isn't the way you go about interacting with potential new fans (or not interact in this case). 


    If it was any other type of business it wouldn't be acceptable. If a customer queries the product they are getting the expectation should be that the company explains the position and/or offers an apology if things aren't as they were sold. That is a reasonable way of conducting business. Simply going 'la la la la la' *fingers in ears* may in the short term be a strategy but people don't forget when they feel cheated. 


    On the plus side I am looking forward to the main event and Nagata match. Tiger Mask will be fun as I haven't seen that character live. I will give the Rev Pro guys a go and see what they can do, no harm in that I guess.

  6. 8 hours ago, westlondonmist said:

    Do you mean Strong style evolved? The show had Golden Lovers vs Young Bucks as the main event, IWGP US Title defence, LIJ (except for Evil), the same tag match that is main eventing the Milton Keynes show and Tanahashi. It had over 30 New Japan regulars, just because it had So Cal Uncensored in a 6 man opener does not detract from the fact it was a packed card with all the big names.

    You can hardly compare David Starr to Rey Mysterio to be fair. Mysterio is a HUGE name across the world, not some relative no-name indy wrestler from a small part of the US. 

  7. 1 hour ago, BrodyGraham said:

    Chances are Umino gets Danny Duggan who has been through the LA Dojo.

    Aussie Open have been doing some really good work around the UK scene and Mark Davies especially should fit in really well.

    David Starr and Walter are two of the very best independent wrestlers in the world right now. If anyone can pull good singles matches out of Tiger and Nagata it's these two. Walter is basically a dream match for Nagata right now and I'd be as happy to see Starr in singles action as I am to see him mix with Ishimori in the 4 way.

    Has it occurred to you that maybe Gedo has had a hand in booking these matches? They use these overseas tours as way to give their talent fresh matches and to scout new guys. No shows like this no Ospreay in Super Juniors or Sabre in G1. Brookes especially just turned down a WWE deal so it's very likely this is an audition of sorts.  

    I'm pretty sure I wouldn't feel the need to apologise about fulfilling my end of the talent deal that helps keep my company afloat, especially to people who don't even take the time to find out about what they're getting. I said it before, a card like either of these shows was basically unfathomable a few years ago.

    Again I will state the point, I bought tickets on the basis it was a NJPW show not Global Wars. I am much happier now but RPW's issues are theirs not anyone elses. I don't believe we should just be grateful. If you bring a brand you better do it right. 'At least we have these shows in the UK' is all well and good but come on do it right! I am sure they will be good shows but lets not blindly defend a company which has been completely unprofessional in its approach to the situation. A simple tweet in response isn't that difficult. 

    I don't mind people from RPW and other companies being on the shows as long as its sticking to one match or maybe two exhibition type matches where they get their faces in front of the audience. Just looking on twitter I am not the only one that was miffed at how these shows came about to have so many GW type bouts.

    I 'took the time' to see what I was 'getting'. They put tweets out clearly indicating that these would be pure NJPW shows and not Global Wars type events. I don't research The Foo Fighters when I want to see Metallica because I don't expect to turn up to get half a show of both! 


    Not taking an issue with you at all. I have had my share of that shit on here over the years. I just don't believe in defending poor showings from people/companies.

  8. I was furious after the initial announcements for the MK show vs the Manchester card. Not just a little irritated but furious!


    On reflection though I am not as pissed as I was about the card though I am a little miffed as to why Manchester get the additional match...

    Umino vs ??? - I suspect we will get Liger here though it may well end up being a indy talent from the UK. Liger would be awesome as I have always wanted to see him live. I doubt Tanahashi is going to be on the shows or they would have announced in advance so that would be my ideal second option.

    Yujiro & Ishimori v Aussie Open - I don't know these guys. Ishimori is brilliant and Yujiro is well, Yujiro. Want to see this purely for Ishimori though he should have been put against Ospreay in a singles.

    Taichi, Desperado & Iizuka v Switchblade, Yano & Gedo - Nice six man which is to be expected and actually similar to many of the other non-big-events that NJPW put together. Sticking all of those I am less interested in into one match isn't a bad thing. 

    Tiger Mask Vs. David Starr - WhoAreYa! Seeing Tiger Mask live will be fun, I have wanted to catch him wrestling. I don't know this David Starr.

    Walter Vs. Yuji Nagata - Not big on indy companies so not sure about Walter but I hear he is fairly decent. Nagata is a legend so should be decent.

    Chris Brookes Vs. Yoshi Hashi - I hear very mixed reviews about Brookes with a lot of people saying he is the shits. 

    Kanemaru Vs. Will Ospreay - Will be an okay match though Ospreay should really be against someone with a lot more 'wow' than Kanemaru. 

    Minoru Suzuki and Zack Sabre Jr(c) Vs Tomohiro Ishii and Kazuchika Okada for the British Tag Team Titles - If they don't phone it in it should be a great match. Just worrying that this is purely there as a backdrop to the main event the following night. 


    I am particularly disappointed at the total unprofessionalism from RPW though with no responses to any messages/emails that have been sent by myself and other people I know about the disappointing state of N1. Not a good look for the company and not endearing them to a larger audience.

  9. So basically the MK fans are fucked. They get a semi decent main event that will end in Ishii getting pinned by Suzuki. Then Manchester get two HUGE matches (on paper). I am furious. Lop-sided booking at its worst. Whoever booked this needs firing. 

  10. 9 hours ago, air_raid said:

    I'm not sure why they should be that significant. It's a Rev Pro show where they've been given access to a bunch of New Japan guys ; it's not New Japan doing a UK tour. If it felt anything like that and anyone feels short-changed, that's on Quildan, not New Japan. If New Japan were making a serious push for traction here, they wouldn't have booked a date when some big name talent were elsewhere and they'd be doing it under their own banner rather than a partner. I agree that the way it was set up made me initially think this would be a bigger deal than it is, but again, that's Andy Q misfiring, not New Japan not putting everything into cracking a new market. 

    The point about "champions," I'll be honest, means fuck all to me. Going for the great wrestlers and their matches on a stage like this, not to see shiny props. I'm ecstatic that Okada is wrestling a short public transport ride from my house, that he's lost the title is completely irrelevant to me.

    The promotion for it indicated it was an actual NJPW tour though. 'Strong Style Evolved' kinda gave that impression. They have even said in twitter posts that this is NOT a Rev-Pro/NJPW tour but may have some RPW talent on them. I may be wrong but the whole way it was promoted gave us a wrong impression.

  11. I think the main point for Westlondonmist (I might be wrong) is that the UK shows seem to be lacking of any real significance and the fact they can't be bothered to get the main players over for the event isn't going to endear some sections of the paying audience. The UK is the WWEs second biggest market outside of the US (or was?) why they wouldn't go 'all out' for these shows, nobody knows. I am hoping they announce Tanahashi in the final slot just to appease fans for not having Ibushi, Omega, Bucks, Naito etc. 

  12. That's an incredible photo. Is that the most human and ordinary Vince has ever looked in a picture?


    Above all else, I love how utterly uncomfortable both men look as if they both learned how to pose for a photo by reading a manual moments before it was taken.


    Human? He looks like a re-animated corpse. 

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