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Kaz Hayashi

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Posts posted by Kaz Hayashi

  1. Iā€™m a big fan of fighting games, more so 90ā€™s classics. We run fighting game tournaments at our events along with wrestling games and I knocked this up for ourĀ SF2 Turbo tournaments (old pic, it now has engraved plates relating to each tournament winner).


    I fell in love with Toshinden 2 when it came out, and was absolutely class using Chaos. It was his winning taunts that dragged me in.Ā 
    Was always a fan of MK2, probs my favourite from the line though 3 was probably better. I also really enjoyed MKĀ Deception on PS2.

  2. An empty packet of MonsterĀ Munch from the 80ā€™s is selling on eBay for Ā£250. Fuck off.


    This is the world we live in. People assume everything is collectible and has a high ticket price, even if itā€™s absolute shite. What better way to celebrate that than making a pointless thread about the shite in question.

    Donā€™t post stuff youā€™re selling,Ā use classifieds for that. We want to see insanely priced bin fodder,Ā and nonsenseĀ like this, a knock off Hulk Hogan doubleĀ egg cup.Ā 
    Post pics, not links, as links disappear.


  3. 3 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    Apparently they're bringing back the beef, and prawn cocktail flavour Wotsits?Ā 

    It'll be the return of vanilla Monster Munch next.Ā 

    Shit, I forgot about beef Wotsits. They were bloody lovely. Chuffed to hear this.

  4. 1 hour ago, scratchdj said:

    Exactly as I was told. I didn't ask too many questions and haven't been back since. This was also about 15 years ago.

    Wow. Well, I suppose I hope he managed to finish offĀ the last two.Ā 

  5. 23 hours ago, scratchdj said:

    It turned out that someone in the building had been shitting in the bogs, not flushing it....Ā and then cutting the seat in half with a hacksaw and putting the bits in the bowl.Ā 

    You what?Ā 
    Is this two separate stories?Ā Itā€™s starts off as Happy Gilmore but quickly turns in to a Serbian Film.Ā 

  6. In terms of fizzy drinks, I can only drink Coke Zero or Pepsi Max these days. I turned to them when losing weight and canā€™t tolerate sugary drinks at all now.Ā The issue is, Iā€™m really addicted to them. Itā€™s the main thing I need to sort out this year. Iā€™ve managed to knock smoking (5 years) and booze (1.5 years)Ā on the head, but Zero & Max are much harder.Ā 

  7. Probs more common knowledge than I realised, but TIL that when Harold swept up on the beach as ā€˜Tedā€™ in Neighbours, the name is aĀ reference to his character Ted from Cell Block H.

    No idea how I never linked the two before now.

  8. 53 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

    Is there a photo of a big wooden arsehole you've missed that should go between these two to complete the narrative?

    Not yet, but now we have a new project for the Monday afternoon group šŸ‘

  9. Both @Onyx2Ā & I are going down the pizza route tonight. I ended up going to Morrisonā€™s for a ā€˜make your ownā€™. I didnā€™t know what to get so got loads. Iā€™m meant to be sharing it... am I fuck.

    14ā€ for Ā£5, thatā€™s an amazing deal regardless of the product.


  10. The other bloke Iā€™m running the wood workshop with brought some of his work in today, just to put on display forĀ when I bring people over for a visit, with a viewing of the attending our sessions. Look at some of this magic, heā€™s a wizard...








  11. Heā€™s basically the head of a company, taking the piss out of a female employee, suggesting she might have some kids she doesnā€™t know about, based on her sex life.
    A sex life thatĀ was shared on the internet in graphic detailĀ without her consent and caused her to have some wellbeing issues.Ā 

    Thatā€™s why itā€™s not the same as a dad joke. Heā€™s not her dad, heā€™s her boss, andĀ it was insensitive and unprofessional. Heā€™s an idiot for saying it.


  12. My much older brother and his girlfriend, coming home from an all night session,Ā walking in the living room at about 6.00am, while I was watching theĀ WM12 from the night before, bang at the point of Piper stripping Goldust.

    Him: ā€The fuckā€™s this?ā€
    Me: ā€œ....Ā errrr...Ā theyĀ were really fighting in an alley with blood... and the car chase... and errrā€Ā 
    Him: ā€œSort ya life out ya cretinā€

  13. 4 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

    I got married 45 days ago and I'm only just now getting a few shots sent to me by the photographer, and I can see why it's taking him so long as I have never, ever looked this good in my life and I willĀ never reach this peak again. You wouldn't know that I am hungover, knackered and all ready four whiskies in.


    The magic of editing. I'm going to use him for all my weddings going forward.

    Why are you carrying your shoes around? Still pissed? Jokes.

    Looking Sharp man, good effort.

  14. Aldis looks mint, carries himself brilliantly, knows what to say, knows how to look at the camera and has improved a lot in ring.Ā Heā€™s 95%Ā nailed it for me. If I was to criticise anything, it would simply be the tone of his voice. Thereā€™s no grit in it, heā€™s very softly spoken, so when heā€™s angry or agitated, it doesnā€™t always have the bite it needs.

    Such a small thing to bring up in the scheme of things, but itā€™s the only negative I notice, meaning heā€™s doing a lot right.

  15. Stage 1:Ā Reducing funding, close surgeries, force pressure on other surgeries.

    Stage 2: Blame the rise in waiting times and pressure on foreigners and the ineptness of the NHS, to get the general public angry.

    Stage 3: Use this anger as rational to privatise new and remaining health care facilities.

    Stage 4: Scrap Brain Zone.

  16. 8 hours ago, boyfriend said:

    How is Ricky StrarxĀ not a heel? Smug little bollox. Kamille is money. Love the no speaking, really creates so much mystique. God this show is fun.

    I think thereā€™s a lot more to come from Starx. I think heā€™s a bit green at times and his promo timing is a bit off, but thereā€™s elements of a youngĀ heel HBK/model Martel hiding in there. He defo should be heel because heā€™s believably smug. He posted a video of twitter himself of himself dancing outside a few months back, and it painted a bit more of a picture of his persona. I want to see more of that character in NWA.

  17. Just now, Chest Rockwell said:

    Is it a he? I assumed it was a she.

    I assumed the author is a he. Shit, not sure now. Hang on, isĀ this some evil plot to get us to check by reading it again?

  18. Telling the story the way he did,Ā tells me heā€™s more of an attention seeker than she is and thatĀ heā€™s probably made it up for attention.

    She blows on strangersĀ necks and doesnā€™t exist, yet comes off as a better person.

  19. They both look absolutely incredible lads. Iā€™d absolutely destroy both of them, right up my street. Out of curiosity, would would be your accompanying drink/drinks of choice with said cakes?

  20. 37 minutes ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    I've given a name to my pain. And it is Teddy Hart defenders.

    I was reading one of your tweetsĀ about him about 5 mins ago, one where you posted a vid of him boxing her face.

    Fuck me mate, those responses caught me off guard. I was about to reply to one, then read another, then was about to reply to it but read another. This continued until I realised it doesnā€™t matter what you reply with, they arenā€™t humans.

    What a bunch of absolute fucking lunatics. I assume all simply hoping for a like & a follow off him. Amazing what people will stick up for in the hope of recognition.

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