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Kaz Hayashi

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Posts posted by Kaz Hayashi

  1. Iā€™m highly looking forward to watching this when I get home.

    ā€œLearning To Skateboard In A Warzone (If You're A Girl)' is currently on the short list for an Oscar!
    It follows a class of girls atĀ @skateistan which isĀ a nonprofit org that began as a skate school in Kabul in 2007 & grew into a multinational educational initiative.ā€


  2. At the For The Love Of WrestlingĀ convention in April, he got in to the ring for a Q&A. Before the first question was asked he proclaimed, ā€œTo all the ladies, Iā€™ll be in room 202, so yeah, just come up and see me afterā€.

    I later found out that an olderĀ lesbian couple did apparently go back to his hotel room, to hang out with him and ā€™partyā€™ but deniedĀ him to made sex. I bet he was like a Jack Russell, grinding a table leg, begging for a flash of a tit.

  3. All caught up, thank god for that. Both the shows since the PPV are exactly why I like it. Brilliant bounce back after the bullshit fortnight leading up to the PPV.

    Great promos, great characters, fun matches. Iā€™d like to see some more CW Anderson, always been a fan. Heā€™s really close with Colby Corino for obvious reasons, and Colby has some involvement in the Retro Mania game that NWA endorseĀ (heā€™s part of the tournament to find new characters).Ā Iā€™d love to see him in NWA.Ā 

    So Pope is going to put a Horseman team together, with him as manager I guess?Ā I canā€™t see past Tim Storm, Eli Drake and Rock n Roll at present.

    Bang up for some factions.

  4. 20 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    I spot them all the time. Saw a WWF earlier this week. Realise you're a proper sad bastard when you spot something as minor as APA.

    Thereā€™s a ā€˜Darsow Streetā€™ on my bus route. You can imagine my pathetic,Ā dailyĀ grin.

  5. On 12/19/2019 at 11:57 AM, Kaz Hayashi said:

    My local fed and friends at North Wrestling have just been part of some kind of mini documentary for Sky Sports.

    Really chuffed for them. They put on some bloody brilliant shows, and weā€™re really proud to have been an extended member of the family.

    Itā€™ll be interesting to see if this leads to further documentaries regarding wrestling on Sky, post-WWE.


    On top of this, North have just announced Eddie Kingston for their February show. IĀ think itā€™s a great signing and hope to see him go up again the likes of Rory Coyle & Jack Jester in a brutal 3-way. Could be a banger. Iā€˜mĀ chuffed to see a local promotion progressing as well as these are, especially in a climate where there have been numerous casualties.

  6. 2 hours ago, Accident Prone said:

    Anyone who empties theirĀ chippy tea onto a plate is a heathen, and are downĀ there with people who eat pizza with a knife and fork.

    I used a tea towel to wipe my hands on too. Deal with it.

  7. 4 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

    Anything more extravagant than a Victoria Sponge is a bit peas above sticks for me.

    To be fair, I donā€™t totally disagree. A Victoria Sponge is spot on for 6 nights of the week, but 1 night of the week I want to put my good jeans and a nice shirt on.

  8. My local fed and friends at North Wrestling have just been part of some kind of mini documentary for Sky Sports.

    Really chuffed for them. They put on some bloody brilliant shows, and weā€™re really proud to have been an extended member of the family.

    Itā€™ll be interesting to see if this leads to further documentaries regarding wrestling on Sky, post-WWE.


  9. 51 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    You lightweight. Think of ToeSucker walking 3 hours for his...I mean her chippy tea

    Donā€™t get me wrong mate, Iā€™d lap Ralphy for a good dinner, but the nursery catchment area dictates where I get my chips from.Ā 

  10. It was a decent chippy tea. First one Iā€™ve had in a while and first one Iā€™ve tried from that chip shop. The battered sausage was good, just the right levels of crispy grease. Chips were very good, mushy peas were average.Ā 
    Itā€™s a 20 min walk so you earn your bait.

    Iā€™ve never seen thisĀ chip shopĀ before but I spotted it when walking home from nursery with my youngster this evening. She loves a good chip, but this is the first time she has been in a chip shop. She didnā€™t have a clue where we were, then she saw the bloke bagging the chips. Her face was priceless.Ā 

  11. 31 minutes ago, ElCece said:

    I don't care if he is an actual prick as long as I believe he is an actual prick.....Aries is a prick though isnt he.

    Your spot on and it's what always what made Michael's a great heel to me.

    Either that or heā€™s incredibly good at playing one, but general behaviour & comments over the years would indicate that heā€™s a bit of a bell.Ā 
    I want to see himĀ get battered, but heā€™s really good in the ring as a rule of thumb, so he irritates you even more. Heā€™s just very believable and is instantly aggravating, but impressive.

  12. Austin Aries.

    Regardless if whether he is a prick or not, he is the epitome of small man syndrome. Loud mouth arrogant little fucker, who can be bloody wonderful to watch in the ring. I felt his most recent spell in WWE was a massive waste.Ā 

    I had visions of him being in the main event picture, being an utter heelĀ twat, winding people up but having a couple of heavies close by.

    Heā€™s like a real life version of what Ziggler tries to be. I donā€™t want bland people pretending to be pricks. I want pricks being pricks.

  13. 27 minutes ago, Loki said:

    ...Ā and sure enough there was a DAT machine under the record decks. Ā His whole set was pretaped.



    A prepared professional by the sounds of it.

    For all he has the public image of a 50 year old youth offender, he seemed pretty sound (we did a gig with him about 10-12 years ago, hence the piss). I never realised until recently that his son was doing life in prison for murder.

  14. 7 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    My friend works for our local version doing the cakes. She says they're pre-bought and they just decorate them. Still very impressive but does take a bit of the magic away.

    If Iā€™m honest, Iā€™m impressed they do any of it. I assumed they were 100% bought in.Ā I went in on a whim andĀ I only spotted these on the way out. Iā€™m defo going back. The only issue is what to start with. I think Iā€™ll start top left and work my way through them.Ā 

  15. 1 minute ago, BigJag said:

    Wow! Where is this?

    Valley Farm, in Team Valley,Ā Gateshead. Next time I go Iā€™ll take a photo of the carvery/plate and post it in Eat Clean, or Doomed Anecdotal.Ā 

  16. I went for a carvery on my own today, because thatā€™s the kind of thing I do now apparently. It was absolutely class. It involvedĀ 4 meats, loads of roasted beige, sweet & crispy roast parsnips & potatoes,Ā loads of buttery veg, all home made, top quality too, for Ā£5. Unreal.

    On top of that, you could add a slice of cake for Ā£3. The absolute plight of these...



  17. 3 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    As much as there's that trend in terms of social media - I read somewhere that Tweets of more than 100 characters are less likely to get good numbers...Ā Bring back 89 minute movies and 10 minute wrestling matches!

    And threeĀ word sentences.

  18. It was a solid PPV.

    Whilst I appreciate what NWAĀ is in regards to its presentation, I felt it missed a bit of fanfare and visuals. I donā€™t mean it required WWE levels of effects, but it didnā€™t have anything. I would have liked a bit more differentiation from Powerrr, but it looked exactly the same.

    Wrestling wise, spot on. Everyone put on their dinner jackets and got to work. Everything was timed nicely, it flowed well with some good quality wrestling, fun reveals and a lack of racism. Well done.

    Bennett did well on commentary for his 1st gig. Surely a matter of time before he gets in the ring? It would suit him to a T.

    Having another PPV in January is daft. They should maybe look at 4 a year to space them out, with a new Powerrr series nestled nicely in between each PPV.

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