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Posts posted by TheScarlettChad

  1. 14 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    I'm quite looking forward to having Randy back, but i'm not really sure what I want them to do with him. I want him back as a sort of presence on the shows, but I don't think I want him doing anything meaningful with anyone I particularly like.

    Maybe Gunther would be good, but suspect that might be a bit physical for Randy. Cody, maybe, but the risk there is you just make Cody boring.

    He'll come back, look motivated, and then stop giving a shit again, as per. 


  2. 47 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    The Nakamura thing is the most interesting thing in wrestling currently.

    They've either gone and got ol' Punky, which will be excellent as despite him being an absolute lunatic I'm starting to miss the grumpy old goat.

    Or, they haven't and they're so confident that their audience don't really give a shit that they can run a 'mystery opponent' angle heading into Chicago and not got any backlash. And if that's their flex, and Chicago doesn't come apart at Punk not being there, they'll have delivered one of the biggest fuck you's in the history of wrestling to One Bil.

    I genuinely can't wait to find out which it is.


    Are they running the Seth/Cody Mania 38 thing with Naka?

  3. 3 hours ago, Loki said:

    They were at the time!  I wasn't watching TNA at all at that point but sought out a few bits of Eli Drake as I read about him, probably on here.  He was doing very much the same sort of gimmick, and it was over big time.  Then he took the same thing more or less to NWA where he was also getting rave reviews, then to NXT where he also got over, and finally to Smackdown.

    The guy has been doing this act since 2016.  He's been wrestling for 20 years.  You could argue that he's been under their nose for ages, they've just not given him the chance until this year, and he's knocked it out of the park.  

    If it's not to your taste, fair enough.  But he's hardly some shlep they are taking a huge risk on, nor is he inexperienced.  Hell - Austin had been wrestling for about 7 years through various companies by the time WWF decided to take a chance on him, and he only wrestled for another 6 years for them, most of them so injured he could only really brawl, and yet was one of their biggest stars of all time.

    Late Edit: the Reigns/Knight signing clip got 38 million views on the old socials.  To the moon!

    I don't get the hate for him, I just don't. People wanted a old school trash talker, and a star. Well here he is. He's not making transphobic jokes like Rock or being a twat like Austin was. And they were both beloved.

  4. 2 hours ago, air_raid said:

    That's exactly what they were going to do. As a collective, with Cena out, the team reached consensus that Ryback could win the belt and have a run, "lightning in a bottle" etc. Then, with the PPV on the Sunday, Vince changed his mind on the Thursday. And of course, consensus of a booking team means fuck all when one guy has overall veto over anything he wants to.

    Even stupider. Ryback was supposed to win with Shellshock for a "WrestleMania Moment" of picking the big lad up, but they changed their mind because they wanted Mark to win and work Cena after WrestleMania. Which is fine... except they ended up turning Ryback to work Cena instead because (Ryback claims) Cena didnt want to work Henry because he thought he'd hurt him and could only be persuaded to wrestle Mark a few months later.

    Ryback says a lot of things. Not all true. 

  5. Wrestling was never not scummy. You either accept that and watch it for what it is, lowest form of trash tv or you don't, there's good people in the biz, but there's plenty of scum, Sniff included. Bans Hulk but brings flair out and employs a lad who took his name from GG Allin, a rapist and general scumbag. Its all dirty. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

    I don't think it really matters on the cash front, I'm sure they always want more if they can get it.

    Second point is valid, and probably why it wouldn't happen.

    I only said it would be funny if it happened,  not that it will or should.

    True, honestly I'd want it to happen, I'm not a workrate pervert, give me grandpa sting at mania 

  7. 40 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

    1 - Would be funny if after Revolution he goes and has his real retirement match at Wrestlemania 40.

    2 - I think MJF is leaving so they are getting all the big matches done this side of Christmas.

    Who would Sting even work at Mania 40? 'Taker's done. He never shut up about that match. No way does he come in to job to anyone but 'Taker.

    MJF leaving would be interesting. Him showing up at The Rumble is so unlikely but imagine that theme hitting? The roof would explode.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

    That's a strange list.

    Hall's problems were never about his age.

    Steiner was getting the WWA payday before signing with WWE. He wouldn't pop up in TNA until 2006. He's someone they would have loved to have at launch but couldn't afford. When he did arrive I don't remember too many complaints over it. Other than acknowleding he couldn't really go anymore. Which more injury related and carrying all that muscle.

    Nash, they would loved to have had. But he was still picking up the WWE pay cheque and wouldn't arrive until 2004. Even then from 04-07 he wrestled a grand total of 12 times. It wasn't age that was the problem.

    Did have Buff in the beginning. Quickly found out he didn't have the stuff anymore. Only made a handful of appearances in the weekly PPV era.


    Buff cutting werid promos in 2002 is a highlight. Didn't he say he was going by Marcus from now on? And it never amounted to anything?

  9. 9 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    They're both cunts who should be fired into the sun, how about we go with that line of reasoning.

    A man who speaks sense. I agree, both Sniff and Vinny are cunts, And I find Tone having as meltdown utterly hilarious, the little manchild.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Loki said:

    Sign me up for a grass skirt and copy of The Complete Works of Shakespeare then.

     When will you all learn??   It’ll be a big jazzy return, a series of snarky insider promos, one decent match, injury, Twitter bitching, and then a huge destructive hissy fit.

     Babe, it’ll be different this time babe, I promise.

    Well it's happening regardless, so lets just enjoy the trainwreck.

  11. 5 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    The thing is that's such an every day word isn't it, and he could just use it innocently "oh yeah they offered me a million bucks" or something and everyone will lose their minds. @Gay as FOOK is right, wrestling is the best. Actually CM Punk is the best.

    I don't want him without Cult Of Personality though, as I didn't really watch when he was using Killswitch or AFI (is that right?) so no Cult, no Cunt in my opinion.

    He used Killswitch in WWE from 06 to 2011, AFI was ROH, And oddly enough OVW. Heyman wanted him to be ROH Punk, I guess.

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