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Posts posted by TheScarlettChad

  1. For what its worth, Lapsed fans on my FB are all dying for Dwayne/Roman now. One even said "I've never seen Cody as a top babyface, he's still the bland CAWdy Rhodes, give us Rock vs Roman at Mania". 


    Lapsed Fans will kill the business. Cody or nothing for me, Clive.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    I am genuinely shocked to hear these accusations about Jericho, he isn't a saint clearly and tried to defend ric flair on the sexual assault part on dark side of the ring but yeah didn't expect this level of scumbag behaviour.

    Tony absolutely needs to fuck him off and show some backbone to the entire world currently looking at him and the company In this really dark and negative stance, it won't go away it might stop and quieten down but something else comes out and all piles on top making it a situation very difficult to get out of and come back from for the good of the company 

    Didn't he have it off with Kelly Kelly too in like 09? He's always been a sex pest. 

  3. Just now, Devon Malcolm said:

    A really unfair sweeping generalisation, isn't it? The responses in this thread counter it immediately. We know there will be a percentage that will happily forgive him or sweep it under the carpet. But there's no need for this sort of statement at all.

    Oh no, I didn't mean here. I meant in the Twitter cesspools of the internet. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Judging from his last effort I’d say Waititi has no interest at all in being involved  in anything Marvel.

    Thank fuck for that. He's awful.



    They'll recast Kang, Doom isn't gonna be replacing him, its far too soon. Majors being a wrongun won't change course, They'll recast and he'll fade away. 

  5. 1 minute ago, RedRooster said:

    Wow, that’s incredible. Fair play to him for that. Given the potential he appeared to have, it was no small sacrifice to make.

    Its been almost 17 years, I wonder if Monty will ever show up for a one off? I've always wanted to see THE POUNCE again.

  6. 2 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

    I wasn’t - for want of a better term - much of an ‘internet fan’ back then, so you may be in a better position to comment on the general consensus, but it certainly seemed to me that TNA wanted to push him, and he was presented as being a real threat to Jeff Jarrett when he was NWA Champion. During the tail end of his TNA career, he struggled with injury, didn’t he? I may be misremembering but I think circumstances outwith his control affected him somewhat. 

    On the subject of TNA, Monty Brown and Awesome Kong are also worth mentioning here. Who knows what would have happened had it not been for Kong’s pregnancy, but there wasn’t anything stopping them from using her upon her return. 

    I can’t really remember what happened with Brown, but his decline and disappearance felt incredibly sudden.

    Monty's sister died suddenly and he retired to look after her kids, Which is a top move. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

    Yeah, I was trying to avoid those since there were so many.

    Jeff Hardy leaving for AEW. Worked his ticket to get fired. I know he had personal problems and injuries after returning from TNA/ROH in 2017. He was still a regular presence despite all that. It's an unknown how staying in the WWE would have went, but we know the AEW run hasn't gone to plan.


    We'd have gotten Jeff vs Roman at The Rumble instead of Seth vs Roman, He'd have probably gotten the DUI like he did in our timeline and been fired in March instead of December 2021.

  8. 1 minute ago, FelatioLips said:

    Add Andrade to that list too. I never rated him in WWE either but he likely could have went much further than he has in AEW with his months off TV at a time and his tearaway stripper suit.

    Not to mention his mrs is literally one of the most pushed women they have, He'd have been on TV if nothing else.

  9. 10 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

    I see a Orton/Knight/AJ triple threat happening soon with the winner facing Roman at the Rumble.

    I see a Lone Wolf arc coming for AJ tbh. Hopefully he doesn't start wrestling in slacks, those pants looked awful on him. 

  10. I think he's probably happy to be back in WWE. I know the armchair shrinks want to analyze him, but I think the Elite can be prats, and Punk is a grumpy arsehole. But he lasted in WWE for almost a decade, with the last year being messy. But other than that. He didn't hit anyone, try to start shit. 

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