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Posts posted by TheScarlettChad

  1. 2 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

    I won't say I was ever a massive Dolph Ziggler fan, but the lad was there from 2005 and wrestled over 1500 matches and for the most part made the people he wrestled look a million dollars. Sold every move like HBK overselling for Hogan. He had one of the more memorable MITB cash ins and got super over at a couple of points too.

    Was he ever the guy? Not even close, but he's undeniably had a Hall of Fame career there and you get the feeling he's well respected by his peers too. For someone who started as Kerwin White's caddy and then followed that up with being a cheerleader, he did very well for himself and fair play to him.

    His peak was 2014. Good riddance. 

  2. "CM Punk has reportedly decided NOT to file a lawsuit against AEW for wrongful termination. According to Haus of Wrestling, both sides have decided to finish their story here and move on rather than tie each other down in months of legal proceedings, which would restrict CM Punk from appearing for any other wrestling promotion while the case is ongoing." Per Hausman.


    Well that video must be damming and also....See you at Survivor Series, Punk?

  3. 21 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    On UFC Fight Pass last night, during his commentary gig, Punk said he’s got a lot of free time on his hands “for the next two months.”

    Pro Wrestling Sport GIF by ALL ELITE WRESTLING

    He knows what he's doing lol


  4. The Yanks don't know Only Fools and Horses. So they won't know or care who Lyndhurst is.

    And the reboot looks like utter shit. Frasier ended in 2004, Won't be the same without Marty, Daphne or Niles. And it feels like they wrote Niles in but DHP refused to come back so Lyndhurst is playing Not Niles. I mean look at the way he dressed.

  5. 24 minutes ago, David said:

    There's every chance he's went to AEW and quickly realised that the grass isn't always greener. Maybe having to deal with the younger guys in AEW while he's old, tired and sore will give him a newfound appreciation as to what Triple H and others had to put up with when he was acting the prick in WWE years back.

    Honestly think this is likely. He went there, keep in mind as early as last year, he was pitching ideas to come back to WWE. Triple H for all his faults, is willing to do business if it means making money. 

  6. His 2011 BITW is so iconic, AEW ripped it off. 

    So yeah, his merch is pretty great. 

    Come to think of it, they ripped off most of his WWE designs in AEW, They were great so no complaints tho!


  7. 5 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    I see the sheets are already making with the "CM Punk's WWE return plans and Wrestlemania opponents" click bait headlines. 

    Well yeah. If he's going anywhere, it'll be WWE. I don't know why you're surprised? He'll go crawling back. Like the scab he is.

  8. 1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

    I disagree, because…

    That seems to be what’s happening here. Instead of the old “We sort this out  like men” bollocks that used to go on, this IS (correctly in my opinion) being treated like a workplace incident with a corporate structure in place. 

    The problem is that very structure though, it’s what @Butch2000 called a Caste system.  We have a dispute between someone high up the pecking order and others higher up that pecking order who are favoured and have the EVP title as a reward. It’s like a team leader in a dispute with two line managers who are related to the boss.

    And of course, making that workplace dispute public and slagging off the boss and his mates is gross misconduct and will be dealt with as such. But Performative Phil gonna be performative. This is the bloke who recently wore a T shirt in support of striking workers, then produced a T shirt with all money going to union busting scab cunts with a history of bullying and toxicity after all. He’s always the victim. 

    Well his name is cm PUNK. 

    Are we surprised that he's a hypocrite and a knob? 

  9. 1 minute ago, Version1.0 said:

    I have more screws in my foot than this guy has had in his life.

    Brutal. Especially as a face.

    Its such a shit insult too.




  10. 11 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

    Punk winning the 2024 Rumble 10 years after his last appearance with the company seems too good to pass up on.

    Make it happen, H! 

    IF he returns, don't reward him with that. 

    He doesn't deserve to win The Rumble. It'll only make his rotten ego worse.

  11. 1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

    A guy on Twitter who has been previously shown to have reliable info from within AEW said that there has also been some issues around Punk being creepy and inappropriate with some of the female wrestlers. Punk used to come to weekly TV with Starbucks gift cards and give them to all the women wrestlers as presents and eventually management asked him to stop. Seemed to notably be some unspecified creepy behaviour from him toward Britt Baker, among others.

    Punk being a dodgy sex pest, would not shock me. 

  12. 7 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

    Reflectively it’s sad it has come to this. Watching his initial debut and it is genuinely one of those moments that just has you smiling at the screen (and this is from someone who dislikes Punk) he is obviously a very thin skinned and bitter man in a profession that swallows people like that up. Hopefully he will keep away this time and stay off twitter. 10 years time and we will have a Punk is Crud thread on here. 

    Can't wait for this thread to be revived when he turns up in The Rumble in January and we can all call him a big old hypocrite for going back to the place that fired him on his wedding day.

  13. A montor falling on his head, could have killed him to be fair, Lot of Toxic Masculine bullshit here. "Kick his head in Tone!"

    Punk may have sucked at MMA, But if you choke me, I'm fearing for my life.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Meng said:

    Is big the same as well attended? Discuss.

    Yes. If they weren't draws, it wouldn't be well attended. Nothing to discuss. MJF was a massive reason it was sold out. 

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