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Posts posted by TheScarlettChad

  1. 2 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    That Pat McAfee spot was clearly going to be Lesnar, wasn't it?

    Lesnar coming out, battering Omos and Breakker before having a how to with Gunther?

    Either way, silly spot.

    It was all fine. The women's match was more fun than the men's, but a lot more scruffy. Naomi is offensively rubbish, not realising she was needed for the face off with Jordynne Grace (who was good), inexplicably picking someone up for a suplex whilst Bianca and Jade were doing dual suplex spots, lots of instances of her being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Cargill looks like a megastar.

    Men's Rumble was a bit of a slog through the mid card wilderness, though with Jordynne Grace turning up earlier I spent the entire match on edge that Ziggles was going to pop up.

    Thought the end stretch was great, and really want them to do Punk/Cody properly at some point.

    Hopefully The Rock just goes away for a bit and they play Mania with a straight bat, Punk vs Rollins and Cody vs Roman are the two best title matches they can run... so let's just do that.

    I get the impression brons spot was meant for Lesnar  

  2. 1 minute ago, waters44 said:

    That’s the first hurdle that will never be jumped for sure. But I think when we started comparing potential damage of a WWE universe virgin entering the Rumble for a cheap pop to one of their biggest stars gloating about the competition on the biggest night of the year the discussion was over, we’ve all moved on matey.

    I’m really looking forward to the show tonight. Owens vs Logan Paul should be good and I’m interested in seeing how Reigns works a four way match. His big matches have got a bit of a formula these days and they’re going to have to mix it up. Then the Rumble, where even a bad one is quite good. Plenty to look forward to, I hope you all enjoy it too

    Quick Predictions - Reigns wins, Logan Paul wins, ummm Bayley wins the Womens rumble and fuck it let’s say Rocky is last man standing in the mens 

    Rocky winning will help me be justified even more that i have stopped watching, that's for sure. If dwayne was smart he'd nope out of this awful company.  

  3. 8 hours ago, Stewson said:

    Plus the Starbucks gift card story and the training with some of the women in NXT late last year. Maybe I'm over-thinking it, but I'm sensing slightly creepy vibes.

    Was the starbucks thing legit?

  4. 12 minutes ago, Vamp said:

    Hope he gave her a Starbucks voucher. 

     I think this is a nice thing to do. She grew up loving him. Bet he'd have been well made up if Bret did that for him.

  5. 2 minutes ago, TheBurningRed said:

    Where was the demand of marriage from both those articles?

    Its just something that has been said over the years, that he demanded she marry him. I heard that part in a podcast. But still, Breaking into your mrs house when you have an argument. Hardly matters WHY he did it. He's still a wrongun and a cunt.

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