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Posts posted by TheScarlettChad

  1. Just now, chokeout said:

    It's forgotten with how well they've done since the MCU but Marvel have gone scorched earth with their own stuff so many times because they had lost control of their licences. The films helped the xmen become their biggest franchise and despite them still holding the rights to the merch from the films they refused to release tie ins, because they didn't want fox to have thier small percentage. Same with the Fantastic Four. They are fantastic books written about how many dumb decisions Marvel have made over the years. They were happy to kill off the popularity of their characters, just so they could have them back. 

    Yeah, always seemed Petty to me. Especially when Fox released DOFP and First Class. To me, those movies rival the MCU's best. Even the time travel worked and wasn't super confusing!

  2. 3 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    To be fair, they didn't say they bombed financially. They bombed with the critics.

    Bombed. Funny word when you think about it.

    Yeah, I must be honest, I meant bombed as in the reviews. It made money, All of them did, But bad movies make bank all the time, Until the money stops because people just get fed up with bad movies. Look at Madam Web, it was packed in my showing yesterday, Once the movie reaches "casuals" that packed house will dwindle.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

    Even moreso when you consider the other big title feud at the time was Seth and Becky vs Corbin and Lacey Evans...

    I think this was roughly the same time WWE was doing the weird '2 out of 3 falls' stuff too. WWE was the fucking pits in 2019, I don't think AEW could've picked a better time to come along.

    Don't forget the wild card era or whatever that was. 

  4. 12 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    I know you like to just say stuff to be edgy or trolling or whatever, but a very quick google search tells you that’s bollocks. Both the first 2 Fantastic Four films were successful and made almost as much as X-Men and X-2. Whether you liked them or not is another thing entirely.


    I mean it's just my opinion. Not trying to be edgy or trolling. They weren't well received. Especially the 2015 one. I'd love to be proven wrong and I'm excited for the new one. Pedro is my favourite actor currently. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Jesus! Unless the law has changed it’s also an offence. Someone near me found a sawn off shotgun in a bag and assumed it had been used in a recent post office robbery. Plod thanked him for the break in the case and then nicked him for possession of a firearm!

    I shouldn't laugh but getting arrested for doing a good deed is fucking hilarious.

  6. 1 hour ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    I genuinely don't care now who wins and gets Seth in the raw title match as long as it's not drew. I would rather have Ivor win than him 

    Can't wait for drew to win now 

  7. Just now, DavidB6937 said:

    I doubt it's just one night. I'd say it's a solid addition to the Bloodline storyline and any potential feud going forward, depending on how they do this.

    Yeah thats the story. Rock is the true head of the family. I dunno, I like it. It could be compelling tv 

  8. I don't get why it doesn't make sense to some? The Rock and Roman are family. He may not LIKE him, but he is Family. And he's never  gonna choose Cody over his blood. It makes perfect sense. Loved it, Love Heel Rock, Loved him slapping Cody, talking shit to Haitch, it was fun seeing Roman and Rock strutting off together.

  9. Just now, d-d-d-dAz said:

    I don't think this is necessarily wrong, but I think he was good for a particular time.

    He's something I think people tend to grow out of.

    I don't know that I've ever met a wrestling fan who says The Rock is their favourite, but I've met plenty who said he used to be. I think he was a great gateway drug into wrestling for lots of people, and was great in his pomp when you were young. But I think his act ages like milk, and from the moment you're first exposed to it there's a pretty strict time limit on how long you're going to enjoy it for.

    My mate adores The Rock. He wants him to win the title too! I'm starting to think I need to cut him out of my life CM Punk style.

  10. 6 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Just when I thought this year couldn't get any weirder.




    The Saudis do love him don't they? Poor sod having to wear leather in that heat to hold up a fucking footie trophy. If I thought 'Taker was anything other than a cunt, I'd feel sorry for the bloke.

  11. 1 minute ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    How so?

    I just think not even Cody can make Dullard Seth watchable. And nobody is gonna actually believe he chose Seth willingly, this whole story is shit. I have faith in Cody, But I think the good will was under the belief Cody would finally win THE belt, THE main title, And finally beat Roman. 

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