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Posts posted by TheScarlettChad

  1. He can be fired again. He peaked with his return last year. Then it went downhill. Like it always does. Either make him cult Bray or tell him to fuck off and he can go do shit movies nobody will watch. 

  2. 16 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    Taking a break from Zelda and bought No More Heroes for half price on the Switch, batshit mad and the main character trained in wrestling with Stu Hart?!

    Named after the song by The Stranglers too. 

  3. 1 minute ago, 69MeDon said:

    I'm not here trying to diagnose people or whatever but he's always seemed - both in the DSoTR episode and a bunch of different interviews he's done elsewhere - to be not quite right, which is hardly a surprise given the shit he's gone through. Didn't Jericho and Chavo have to step in once or twice to stop some carny independent promotors taking advantage of him?

    Yes. I just don't think it does him any favours to think he can be front row at a show and being interacted with. He needs to stay away from this damn seedy business. Because yeah, he seems off but hey, who can blame him? The things he's had to deal with.


  4. Solo's good, but he can't be the break out star, He hasn't cut a proper promo. He's said some lines but never a full on promo since his call up. I reckon Heyman will manage him when he goes.....Solo. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Good job it’s not £60 then. In fact, quite a few on-line retailers have got it for around £40. Also your criticisms are what it’s meant to be. I paid £50 for No Mercy the day it came out. £40 for Def Jam 2 on release day. 

    I am aware that's what it's meant to be. And at £40, it's still a bit steep. But hey, enjoy it! We all like different things. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Browser Brady said:

    Why not ?

    It just looks very basic. Like something you'd play in the late 90s. No community creations, short entrances. It doesn't look bad by any means. But not £60 good. 

  7. 30 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    I've only watched 3x matches as I really only wanted to see them and don't care about the others, but those 3 were very good to great.

    CM Punk is such a wonderful dickhead. He had the crowd in the palm of his hand and him screaming "Lariat! Lariat! Kojima! Kojima!" whilst mugging into the camera was hilarious. I am sure there is added context to that I don't get as someone that doesn't watch a lot of wrestling (does Kojima do it?) but still so funny.

    Kenny Omega is, and has been for years, LEVELS above everyone else in wrestling. He is just incredible at what he does.

    I enjoyed their NJPW slightly more but this was still probably MOTY for me. Amazing, and I really don't often like matches that long.

    Danielson vs Okada was great, but I don't know if it should've main evented. 

    I'm torn on the 'convulsing' as it's just a part of selling, but it still seemed a bit...off.

    Anyway, Bryan is one of my all time favourites so was always going to enjoy this, but can see why it's not for everyone.

    The Lariat thing is, because he prank called Gabe in the 2000's. pretending to be Homicide and he shouted LARIAT LARIAT down the phone at him. It blew up and became viral when the match became official, because Homicide was due to work Kojima or something and Punk was referencing that.

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