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Posts posted by TheScarlettChad

  1. 4 hours ago, Michael_3165 said:

    It's weird because many people w autism are now wanting to use the word autistic. 

    What is the matter w these bullying fucktards? (EDIT: Not autistic people!)

    I'm autistic. I was diagnosed at 12. I have always used the term. I don't know what else term I'd use honestly.

  2. 15 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    I’m not debating the quality of either idea, just suggesting a way to give some others some TV time and a reason to be on the show

    Oh I know. I'm just saying his idea is the way they should go. But what you said is what they'll do. But knowing them, they'd make a women's version of the whc. Can't have anything unique anymore. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    They could say that both will be on their respective brands but still have to defend their titles, building up challengers on both shows to “being the belts back” to the respective show. 
    But we all know that they’re just going to swap them and everyone just moves on regardless

    Nick's idea is better so they'll just swap the belts. The raw and smackdown women title names are so stupid. 

  4. CM Punk can't be a baby-face now surely? The fans love The Elite. And if people I've spoken to are any indication. The fans who will cheer Punk over them are WWE fans who watch AEW. So maybe make him a heel to the die hard AEW fans and a face to the WWE ones who still call Bryan, "Daniel Bryan". It'd be a fun take on his hero Bret's Canada Vs USA thing from 1997. But what do I know? 

  5. 12 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Joey Janela knows the score. You can’t be letting someone waltz around these locker rooms when he doesn’t even know who Ivan Drago is. Absolute weirdo.

    Recent photos suggest Punk has shaved his head. Shades of his heel run in WWE. It’s such a shame that’s probably the last thing they’re planning. If he’s carrying the Saturday show and they’re trying to get Jericho onside for his first big feud, then you assume he’s going to be top babyface. What a drag. Of all the ways he could come back, that would be the last interesting.

    If you must bring him back and risk another meltdown, at least cash in on Brawl Out. Have him jump the rail in Chicago and go after the Young Bucks. Have security dragging him away as he tries to bite Kenny Omega. Does anyone other than Dax want him to come back as the returning hero, wrestling in his own bubble?!

    Him and Khan. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Tsurutagun said:

    Left field opinion here. Maybe Punk is recruiting for the Saturday night show. Impact do have guys on short term deals and Punk as well as saying hi to people was maybe doing some scouting for Collision. 

    Also if you watch Punk become Muffin Man at All Out again, he makes references that suggest he might actually some stake or points in the AEW. He says "I'm trying to run a business here" 



    Doubt that'd go down well regardless of how short term the deals are. 

  7. 39 minutes ago, SpiritOfTheForest said:

     An icon of growing up in the 90s. And Jerry Springer too. 

    Loved seeing The Green Man on Springer. Wow, that's just so shocking. He was great as a talk show host. Remember his brief run here before Jeremy Kyle took over?

  8. 14 minutes ago, Uncle Zeb said:

    "and a love triangle between Mansoor, Aliyah and Angel Garza, which included Mansoor's secret being that he was behind 9/11."

    How could they even contemplate trivialising the worst attack against innocent Americans since the WWF steroid trial?

    That's fucking wild man. Mansoor who was 5 years old at the time too. Jesus Christ. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    One of the more forced attempts at aping a classic design ever. Imagine buying and wearing this shit:



    Imagine being proud that you let a lad go out with his brain almost hanging out. 

    Wrestling is weird man.

  10. 2 hours ago, gmoney said:

    I could see a situation where Cody is accidentally left off of the draft he does a promo in the middle of the ring crying at the disrespect and says he will retire. Two masked wrestlers in black body suits show up on Raw and Smackdown separately and begin destroying the rosters week by week. In the meantime Randy Orton returns and wins the new title in Saudi Arabia. At the Rumble everyone expects just one masked man to enter, as its assumed it is the same person, and he enters at 29, destroying everyone in 1.30 minutes. He unmasks, bah gawd  it's.... Ted Dibiase Jr! He stands alone in the ring, but the countdown starts up and it's the other masked man! He unmasks as Cody! They fight but eliminate each other! A 3 way is declared for Mania, Cody v Ted v Roman. During the match, a third masked man enters and they triple pin Roman. He unmasks as... Randy Orton! They laugh in the rind together and declare themselves co-champions, to rule as Legacy Gold. 

    That seems very much like typical WWE booking, and unfortunately I can't see it going any other way. Thanks Vince. 

    Whatever you've been smoking, I want some. That's some bonkers fan booking. 

  11. 25 minutes ago, Daddymagic said:

    Apparently he was in Florida and flew in to Chicago with some of the WWE crew.  

    Really? He lives in Chicago. Why would he fly there? Unless he was visiting with Tony in Florida. Which would make this story even more bizarre. 

  12. Few friends are getting hype over his potential return to WWE. Like are they forgetting his contract? But yeah it's just to get people talking. Proper old school worker lol

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