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Posts posted by TheScarlettChad

  1. 1 hour ago, StrongStyle said:

    As a PS5 owner, I'm beginning to look enviously at the Xbox Game Pass. I am a teacher and I'm about to go on my summer holidays and, with June's pay packet and the permission of my wife, I'm going to treat myself.

    I probably don't even use the features/get the most out of my PS5 as it is, so would I be safe enough with buying a Series S for making use of the Game Pass etc? The Series X sounds like an immense piece of equipment, but I think I would feel guilt in having two top-end consoles that I don't make full use of.

    Basically - looking a bit of advice from Series S owners. Is it a good purchase?!

    The Series S is essentially the game pass machine. It's great for that. I love it for that. It's not as powerful as The X but it's still really good. I'd recommend 

  2. 12 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    It's crazy that emulating MGS4 is only becoming feasible now. Forever the killer app of the PS3's Cell processor. The whole thing gives me flashbacks to that mental 2006 E3 conference Sony did, where Ken Kutaragi led us through endless powerpoint presentations on the Cell's architecture before the final slide said the PS3 would cost a bomb and you'd need to sell your kids to be able to afford one. 

    Multiplatform games always looked better on the 360, which was easily the weaker system on paper. The thing must have been an absolute nightmare to develop for. Ended up being a great system in the end, of course. 

    The fact the arrogant twat said "People will work extra shifts to buy a PS3" says it all. They turned it around in the late 2000's though. By 2013, The PS3 was awesome.

  3. 21 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    Yeah, someone at work popped it on the company wide comms thing and some BASTARD from IT got there two minutes before me.

    He's picking up tomorrow, maybe I'll go in this afternoon and poison their water supply or something.

    I'm not massively arsed about gaming, but that seemed a good price and something else for the kids to play.

    Fingers crossed Dave comes a cropper* overnight.



    *obviously not death :)

    I own one, as well as a PS5. That's a bargain. Great tidy system with Game Pass.


  4. How was his promo a pipebomb? He made two lame references to The Bucks then went on about how sold out Chicago arenas (Which if you look at the crowd, he didn't lol)

    His fans are almost as insufferable as he is. Not on here, you lads are sound and reasonable, but some of the people on twitter etc. Errrrugh.

  5. 2 hours ago, Nick James said:

    From a fantastic episode of Dynamite to a stunning episode of Smackdown, anyone still banging the AEW or WWE drum like it's a football derby needs to get a grip of themselves and enjoy the ride. We really are living in a brilliant time for wrestling, factor in Impact and ROH and how could you not just have a good time? 

    My mate's like this. He deadpanly serious, said, that Jey turned on Roman BECAUSE CM Punk was returning and "Knowing WWE" They want to ruin his big return. 

  6. Can't wait for this interview, I wonder if he slags off Hangman some more, maybe calls him an even dumber empty headed fuck.


    Punk is awful but he's good TV for how toxic he is. 

  7. What's intriguing about Charlotte and Askua? She'll beat Askua as is tradition and then bugger off again, When she gets cashed in on. 

    I won't lie, it was funny seeing Charlotte just rock up and get a title match. They aren't even trying lmao. 

  8. I try not to play as dead wrestlers as much as I can, I get why you would, just isn't for me. I find it very uncomfortable, but yeah, the people moaning about this is a bit rich. Dead wrestlers in games is extremely common.

  9. 50 minutes ago, Loki said:

    Montez Ford getting booed because he’s wrestling LA Knight.

     Even if you don’t like Knight, you have to admit he’s incredibly over.

     Over, he can talk, he’s got the look, he can wrestle - I wonder why they don’t push him into the main event?  He seems designed for WWE.  Unless it’s his age, I can only assume someone in management has a personal thing with him.

    He's my pick for MITB. 

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