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Hannibal Scorch

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Posts posted by Hannibal Scorch

  1. Not like me to disagree with David Numbers, but I feel this WrestleMania is ice cold outside of The Rock and Cody. Even Bayley vs Iyo Sky feels tepid right now, despite feeling quite hot just a few weeks ago. When LA Knight vs AJ Styles and Uso vs Uso is being pushed as big matches you have to wonder if NAME REDACTED was right on Wrestlemania not being a 2 night event. I’m getting late 00’s/early 10’s vibes from the card so far.

  2. The Hot Cross Bun pie at McDonalds is fucking grim. An almost mincemeat (fruit) like filing and dollops of a butter flavoured sauce. Pure filth and not in the good way.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Well that’s good to know.


    Absolutely not. It maybe why he does it, for the reasons listed, but you don’t have all the same symptoms if you’re neurodivergent so maybe it’s just because he’s scatty full stop. 

  4. @Supremo he’s also ADHD and is waiting for an Autism assessment. It’s pretty common for your eyes to dart around when talking to someone rather than stare down the barrel as it were. I’m not saying that’s definitely the reason but it’s something I know I do as frustrating as it is.

  5. @BomberPati can confirm it’s not a voice he’s putting on really, just a bit louder. As for all the Essex-isms he’s only dialed that up a bit (though as an East End boy via Essex knockers isn’t what you’d drop someone on a Tiger Driver 91 but you could a Pedigree).

  6. 4 hours ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

    So i didn't watch the show (just read the results) and just seems a bit "meh" that the top two advertised moments (Mone's debut and the AEW Title match) were put out first.

    Nothing against Rhio and Willow, but as a main event? 

    Anyway... after this show it appears are top fueds are:


    Maybe you should have then because it was a belter of an episode. 

    Mone getting the full CM Punk treatment was great. Obviously it was wrestlings worst kept secret of 2024, but I thought it was a great introduction for her and now all eyes on the booking to see if this sees changes going forward. To start with a woman’s main event is promising if nothing else and Rhio and Willow did a great job. 

    I skipped Jerrihook, because life’s too short. Thought Wardlow and Joe had a really good match, wonder if they will play up Wardlow was in the ropes even if he didn’t grab hold? Swerve looked a boss coming out. Ospreay with another decent promo, a clean break for the BBSG after another match where you wonder how derby survives. And a fun trios match leading to an exciting sounding Kingston/Okada for next week.

    Really good episode and loved the increase in hype videos.

  7. I saw the comments about The Curse so was prepared for a weird ending, but fuck me. I enjoyed it so Ben if I’m still trying to dissect it.

  8. 9 hours ago, Chili said:

    I saw a pic with the big PRIME bottle on the mat. That a thing going forward or a one-off because fuck that either way.

    It will look great with a rubber chicken next to it

  9. 32 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    I recently bought one for my daughters 12 year old brother, at one point he was collecting all the bottles. I handed it to him in public and he quickly hid it inside his jacket whilst worryingly telling me that Prime is cringe. 

    I’ve read this at least 10 times and I think I’m missing something because surely your daughters 12 year old brother would be your son?

  10. Great Thread idea!

    • First WrestleMania watched? This is a tough one, I think it was 6, off a VHS tape my mate had. The first proper one I watched though (as in remember it all, was 9, I remember setting up the Video Recorder to record it over night and watching it when I finished school that day.
    • Favourite WrestleMania? 17. Obvious I know, but when I was in College there were a group of us who were into it and we would all go to one house and stay up and watch it live and stumble into College after a few hours sleep. It had everything we wanted, Hardcore matches, TLC, Limp Bizkit and Rock vs Austin. Just a fantastic event, all killer no filler pretty much
    • Have you ever been to WrestleMania?  Me and my best mate from College always vowed to go to a Mania. we had tickets for Mania 30, full weekend, and then 6 months out he got a job on Geordie Shore and we had to sell them. Gutting. But we were on the floor for All In last year which made up for it.
    • Best/Worst WrestleMania matches. Warrior v Hogan (Mania 6), Bret vs Shawn Iron Man (I know its not aged well, but still), TLC 2 and Rock vs Austin at 17. Savage/Steamboat from 3 is also still a great match. It's the one thing modern Wrestlemanias have lost. If you asked me what my favourite match was from any of the last 6 Mania's was, I would struggle.  Worst Match, Playboy Match at whatever Mania that was (27?). Awful. 
    • Best/Worst WrestleMania moments. The Crowd for Hogan/Rock at 18. Bryan winning twice at 30. The Hardy Boyz return in the tag team match. All great. Worst is some of the events in the last few years. Some proper guff Manias. 
    • Favourite WrestleMania theme and/or intro? I loved the intros to 16-19. 16 I think was the Classy Freddie Blassie one, that was insane. The one for 21 was pretty good to, what with the movie parodies. 
    • Favourite WrestleMania announcer call? ("The boyhood dream has come true" etc etc) By the time The Iron Sheik gets to the ring, it will be Wrestlemania 37. God bless the Brain.
  11. 28 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

    Whoa!!!! Shit just got REALLY interesting!!

    He just doesn’t want me to watch Cody win his first world title when he ends up back at AEW

  12. 35 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    Last night read to me like the fix comes in on night 1. 

    Night 1 is the night of schmozz. Drew will be there, the Bloodline will be there, KO, sami, Heyman the lot... and it'll end with The Rock costing Roman explicitly, giving Cody a clean swing at the title.

    It seems the best way to go to get all their shit in, without overshadowing Cody's win.

    Sure, but you realise Cody isn’t winning right?

  13. 2 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Ah right, thought he owned more of them and didn’t realise that Matilda was RSC too.

    I can see it staying at Barbican though. They know what they’re doing with staging it there rather than having to make changes to a different venue, and it’s clearly a big draw for the Barbican as well

    It's a tough one. Because the Barbican I would assume would not want a full time production. But it's a small, intimate venue and it's a good stage size for the show. On the other hand, bigger theatre, bigger staging, potentially bigger audience (I know its not THAT far out but you can imagine if people are looking to see a show on the day they are buying from TKTS and going to one of the West End venues). It's had 2 pretty sold out seasons, so you'd like to think the Barbican would be open to it being a regular thing, but wonder what RSC are thinking,

  14. 20 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Does it being produced by the RSC stop it from transferring to the West End? As Cameron Mackentosh owns the majority of those theatres.


    I'd assume not because Matilda has been playing for years in the West End. Makentosh only operates 8 theatres in the West End which is quite a few, but no the most of any company (I believe Ambassador own the most of anyone).

  15. 44 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    I absolutely love the Barbican. The sheer range of stuff they put on throughout the year is incredible and the design of the building is beautiful. I love hanging out there.

    Oh I agree on the Barbican itself, more the location of it being in the centre of what felt like it belonged in Mega City One from Judge Dredd

  16. 19 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    The staging in Totoro was so beautiful that I found myself actually crying throughout in wonder, child-like joy and awe of it.

    Yes! it's why I hated saying what I did (although on the discussion back we all shared similar opinions on it, I have seen a lot of musicals and this was by far the most beautiful I had seen staged). I absolutely cried at Totoro and later on at the cat bus. The way they bought the film to life was incredible, I just wish they condensed things down a bit because it did drag out a few, I think, unnecessary elements.  And will definitely see it again, whether that is at the Barbican, or if it gets a transfer like it deserves to the West End where more people can see it. We're seeing Spirited Away in May and I know nothing about the production at all so excited with how they do that.

    By the way, whilst it made for a good venue, Barbican itself is a weird place isn't it? 

  17. I finally got to see My Neighbour Totoro yesterday. I felt mixed on it. 


    The staging is incredible. The first time we saw Totoro we say there in shock, absolutely breathtaking. The puppetry throughout is incredible.

    However, we felt the pacing was off, a few things which could either of been trimmed or cut entirely out (the second act was especially bad for this). It ends up being an 86 minute film turned into 165 minute performance. In fact when the first half ended we wondered if it was the end (and we were already satisfied at that point with what we'd seen).

    I still recommend it, one of the most incredible things I have seen in a theatre, despite those issues.

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