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Hannibal Scorch

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Posts posted by Hannibal Scorch

  1. 27 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

    Me too - I don’t watch Collision or Rampage, and NXT is just abysmal - it feels like Vince McMahon won booking duties in his divorce from WWE. I briefly gave up on Dynamite before giving it another chance; but there’s a good chance I’ll stop watching again. I want to love it in the way I once did, but it’s a frustrating watch on a number of levels.

    I still watch Rampage (it’s 45 minutes of a Saturday morning, sometimes less). As a night owl I normally watch the first hour of Dynamite/Collision before bed, sometimes the whole thing. And as me and a mate pay for AEW+ it is an easy luxury. But I also enjoy 75-100% of those shows. Far higher than I’d enjoy a Raw or Smackdown (and I agree on NXT 2.0, woof). All that said, AEW do a pretty good job of putting the best bits on YouTube as well, which again cuts down on the commitment.

  2. Just now, tiger_rick said:

    . Though as we've said many time, they can make billions without booking anything well so it's not like any of it matters. 

    This. I had a chat with someone at Rev Pro last week (HE APPROACHED ME, I’m not a chatty person). His first live event was All In, he’s got the bug. But he said he didn’t buy All In tickets this year yet because he’s waiting for announcements. WrestleMania sold over 100k tickets (granted, 2 night combos for the most part) in its first few days. You’re going because it’s Mania, the card being matches you really want is a cherry on top. That’s why Glastonbury sells out before a single artist is announced.




  3. 12 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

    No, this is totally fair - you’re not being contrarian at all. I’m maybe being a bit more broad with what I’m saying, and likely not clear enough - outside of the petty feuds and Khan’s behaviour, when I say problems, I’m referring to things like the dogged insistence to push on with Jericho, the use of people like Ric Flair and Jericho, Jim Ross (though he’s all but gone now) feeling all too comfortable insulting the product he’s watching alongside the Punk/Page/Perry nonsense and Baker’s ‘sandbag’ nonsense with Thunder Rosa etc. 

    I didn’t particularly mind the digs they would take at WWE, but on reflection, Khan would be better off discouraging tribalism; saying something like ‘they’re doing good things, so are we; watch what you enjoy, I certainly do…’ 

    But yeah, your point about social media is entirely fair; whether it’s a wrestler complaining or Khan being an ass, it feels very constant - I’d be lying if I said I don’t let a wrestler’s (…or owner’s) social media behaviour affect how I feel about what I’m watching. It plays a significant role in how I feel about AEW at the moment.


    I think we all feel similar about Jericho and Flair (although, to his credit, that was to appease Sting and was cut from every match to a couple and than his last ever match). I didn't think the Rosa/Baker stuff was on TV, I thought that was just on the reality show (could be wrong).

    As to the WWE digs, I thought about this a lot over the weekend, and the majorityof the digs at WWE that I could remember were from Cody and CM Punk. 

  4. 2 hours ago, RedRooster said:


    I also think AEW’s problems make their way on to television far too often, and it’s not fun to watch. WWE doesn’t do that. If you simply want to enjoy the mad wrestling world and forget about the politics of it all; AEW can make that difficult.

    Again, Scorchers, I think you’re a top guy. And I wish I felt as passionate about anything as you do AEW. But how can telling someone to switch off because they have a problem with something ever be beneficial to a company you clearly love? Unfortunately, AEW is often struggling to attract an audience - and while that might not bother you, it’ll eventually result in downsizing of some form. That’s not good for the wrestlers who work there, or the wider industry.

    If I want to watch AEW in spite of Tony Khan, I will. If or when I feel done with it, I’ll switch off. I can enjoy a good episode of Dynamite because of its performers; and simultaneously roll my eyes at its utter berk of an owner. 

    No need to butter me up, 😉 I am just an average guy  idiot, but thanks for the compliment(s).

    Tone is hard to get across, and I can say it certainly wasn't written in anger. But I think you nailed your own problem with the drawing the line. Because what has made me decide I can walk away from WWE now is the PR Campaign used this week but most of all this Wrestlemania. The white washing and introduction of the Levesque Era made me feel nauseous. Steph taking a jig on Vinces grave was fine, until it turned into that. And she be a reminder as to why for the last 40+ WWE/F has been the dominant company. Murders? What Murders? Drugs? What Drugs? Sexual Assaults? What you talking about? The PR and Lawyers fees have been worth every penny to keep the brand Teflon. What have they cleaned up exactly? Vince and Kevin Dunn? If anything the closing moments with Bruce Prichard, HHH and Unamed Plaintiff number 3(?)  should demonstrate just because one head was cut off, the monster is still alive. But we have our lines and my justification for continuing to watch WWE was 1- Habbit and 2 - I haven't given them a penny since the Ashley stuff came out.

    2 hours ago, RedRooster said:


    I also think AEW’s problems make their way on to television far too often, and it’s not fun to watch. WWE doesn’t do that. If you simply want to enjoy the mad wrestling world and forget about the politics of it all; AEW can make that difficult.


    Curious as to which ones? I am genuinely struggling to think of any (outside of the Brawl Out suspensions). And thats probably my stupid memory more than anything.

    2 hours ago, RedRooster said:

    Again, Scorchers, I think you’re a top guy. And I wish I felt as passionate about anything as you do AEW. But how can telling someone to switch off because they have a problem with something ever be beneficial to a company you clearly love? Unfortunately, AEW is often struggling to attract an audience - and while that might not bother you, it’ll eventually result in downsizing of some form. That’s not good for the wrestlers who work there, or the wider industry.

    If I want to watch AEW in spite of Tony Khan, I will. If or when I feel done with it, I’ll switch off. I can enjoy a good episode of Dynamite because of its performers; and simultaneously roll my eyes at its utter berk of an owner. 

    I wasn't expecting you to take it literally. I just mean I have reached a point where I now can stop watching something I have watched pretty much weekly for 33 years because I have reached that point. I just don't think I can enjoy it anymore, so why waste the time watching it. On another point, I know plenty of folks the other way, stopped watching AEW in 2020/2021 and will complain about it without watching it. Now that is something that angers me (the complaining about something you don't watch, not just not watching it).

  5. 4 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    About the only positive I can find is that they waited for the right guy to come round to beat him.

    The right guy was also there at Wrestlemania 39. In fact, you have to ask yourself why now in that case. Is it because they had to pivot? Because what did another year of Reigns as champ give us? A few forgotten defences and the Rock returning to face him and due to fan reaction, swapping sides. It almost feels the extra year wait did nothing much for Cody (don’t tell me the reaction last night was any better than what he’d have received last year).

    Anyway, I hope Cody gets a good title run for at least a year, he’s earned it.

    Also, delighted to see @d-d-d-dAz not only so happy, but also that we have mutual feelings about Samantha!

  6. Night Two was a far far superior event than night one. 2 duffers (LA Knight/AJ did nothing for me, at least the trios was treated as a comedy match).

    Bayley and Io Skye had a great match. Woman’s match of the weekendSeth vs Drew pretty much went as well as I’d hoped, but did feel bad they gave him the Adam Copeland title run, though guess that will lead to his revenge at the Hydro (if he re-signs). 

    Logan Paul is still impressive, as long as you ignore his matches are very samey and he has a limited move set.

    The Main event. It will either be the best match you’ve ever seen or over booked nostalgia bait. I know you shouldn’t read to much into wrestling, but he was put through a table, thrown in the ring, superman punch and kicked out at 2. Come on, I had £18.75 resting on it! But I was enjoying it. But there was this air of waiting for the interferences, and as that had been the discussion for a while it was a case of who first and how many. Once we got to Rock/Cena I’d had enough. It felt like HHH/Sting from 32 at that point.

    Anyway, Cody gets the win, he finishes the story. Samantha Irvin, because she can’t remain professional, can barely get her words out. He gets the belt. He’s done it, the faces run down, the family comes in. THERES THE WRESTLEMANIA MOMENT. I’m pleased for him.

    Oh no, what’s he doing? Oh he’s not surely….

    So the only thing I really hated was what was uttered by Stephanie McMahon at the top of the night. This is the Paul Levesque era. Look, steering away from Vince is best for business. But I already hate this is the choice, and Cody declaring it too just left me cold. He’s also the new voice for the opening and closing bumpers. 

    So the good news, now I’ve seen the story finish and lost my £18.75, this is where my story ends. I’m not tuning into Raw or Smackdown. I may check out stuff down the road, but this sugar coating is too sickly for me. It’s been a rollercoaster of the last 34 years, but I’m ready to hop off WWE. Good luck in your future endeavours.

  7. 1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

    This is pretty much how I feel. I’ve come to realise that all I want from my wrestling shows is to feel like I’ve had fun watching them. That’s why I really enjoyed Wrestlemania last night in spite of its flaws. I felt similarly around the early years of AEW, there was a feel-good factor surrounding the promotion which made each show a delight to watch.

    The undercurrent of negativity and backstage drama is something I find more than a little exhausting. And it can pretty much all be traced back to Tony Khan. Any good intentions he may have are lost in the leadership skills he appears to lack, along with his ridiculous behaviour on Twitter. 

    Considering what’s been happening inside WWE in the last few months, let alone years, it’s interesting that some back stage drama and dodgy twitter exchanges is the rubicon and not the sex trafficking for example.

    AEW have far better matches and PPV’s. WWE have better production and can deliver better storylines. But maybe just stop watching AEW if Tony Khan bothers you to the point of affecting your enjoyment. 

  8. 19 minutes ago, Chili said:

    Double pedigrees? Absolutely not.

    What Cody did was hardly a Pedigree.

    @air_raid definitely a benefit of watching on demand and not having to sit through everything in real time.

  9. The main event being almost an hour long (with entrances) was insane, especially with half of the match it seemed they were doing everything they could to not get hurt for night 2. 

    Thanks to having the flu I made it through live. Overall outside of the Sami/Gunther match which over delivered in spades, I thought it was a poor show and the Jimmy and Jay match being one of the worst WrestleMania matches I can remember.

    Will Cody finish his story during night 2? I may have changed my mind.

  10. Giulia is a top talent. My concern is how much she’ll be watered down because she’s very hard hitting. There’s no one like her in WWE, but I hope she does well because she’s a breath of fresh air. From what I’ve seen, her English is pretty poor which will hold her back.

  11. 1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

    Are wrestling fans that much more incurious, or small-minded, to not understand the idea that other countries exist where other people are performing in a similar context? Would they have had their minds blown by International Gladiators?

    Yes. 100%. At least most American mainstream /WWE fans. How many stars from Mexico or Japan have really done well in WWE? Rey, Shinsuke, Asuka? What about Mistico, Ultimo Dragon. They discussed this on Wrestle Me this week where they went to a show on Thursday and the was a 10 man, Lucha vs DDT and he said the match was great but there was zero reaction from the fans because they didn’t know who they  were (ironically one of them was Mistico). 

    I think your average AEW fan is probably aware of Japanese and Indy stars because they watched RoH or NJPW or TNA. A lot of WWE fans don’t watch anything outside of the company. Now of course I’m generalising but I don’t think I’m being unfair with that assumption. At least based on real life experiences.

  12. 1 hour ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

    No, but cutting people for 'budget reasons' and then publicly saying a few days later that you spent more money on one song than the guys you just released will earn in a year is pretty cunty. 

    Still, at least Tony's not petty....


    I assume you’ve not been following the storyline on ROH if you thought that was a shot at The Boys. 

    @d-d-d-dAz you’re right, but that’s what people have been saying for years and indication of why he was nothing like Vince or HHH in that regard, not that you would necessarily want to be.

    This isn’t the first TK miss-step, it won’t be the last, I still think averaging things out he’s doing a better job than most, but he really needs to sort the communications out better than he has been, specially in regards talent relations.

  13. 1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

    I mean; come on, he’s used the ridiculous amount paid for music as a justification for cutting people - people who likely earned much less than what he was paying for the songs in question; given that one released wrestler a post saying he’d had to hold down another job to make ends meet. I’d rather see lower card wrestlers get paid more, and have no licensed music than a situation where people aren’t earning enough to live off.

    Khan has also claimed The Boys no-showed multiple shows; something they’ve denied in a detailed statement.

    Obviously I don’t know whose account is more accurate, but saying something about a lower paid act that might hinder their chances of getting bookings elsewhere is a bit shitty. 

    Do I have to say every time something is slightly tongue in cheek? Of course jobs are more important than music clearances. But people moaned he’s not a real boss, the roster is too bloated. He cuts some of the roster and now he’s the second coming of satan apparently. 

    The Boys showed some conversations about 1 date. A date they couldn’t be arsed to drive to an international airport for even though they were told expenses would be paid. So they did have to drive 3 hours to the airport (America, so not unusual or unreasonable), at no expense but didn’t. And they were a bottom card act. Of the people cut only Sasha was a loss, but I guess they already had 2 other ring announcers, but I’m still sad to see her go. 

  14. 21 minutes ago, JimmyAnderson said:

    This may be common knowledge to everyone else on here but it was a surprise to me; as I was watching RAW Homecoming from 2005 the other day on the network and there's a lad front and centre with a hatful of signs that he shows throughout the night and during the main event (John Cena v Eric Bischoff for the WWE Title) one of his many was CM Punk is the future.

    During the Michaels/Angle Iron Man match there was "my myspace name is Nature Brad". That hit home how old the episode was because he was advertising myspace. Ian Rotter = king of hardcore. Matt Sydal of all fucking things. He had plenty of others as well.

    Steve Brule GIF by MOODMAN

  15. 1 minute ago, Arch Stanton said:

    AJ Styles is a weird one. Unquestionably one of the best in-ring performers of his generation, but I've just never felt even remotely engaged in any feud he's ever had. I saw these clips going round yesterday but didn't even feel bothered enough to press the play button on them. LA Knight feels like a particularly bad fit for him too. AJ has had a history of disappointing matches at WrestleMania and I'm sure that will continue with this one.

    AJ Styles at WrestleMania has the same success as Ian Wright in an England shirt.

  16. 6 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Shocked there hasn’t been more chat about this. Five years ago, in the dark days, it’d be the most interesting and exciting thing to happen all year. It’s mad. So unlike anything WWE usually do.

    Was the whole thing planned, including the blood and dangerously crashing through the chairs? Did they clue anyone in beforehand? Were some security guards supposed to break them up, but forgot?

    Feels like a work someone came up with at the last second, which came off the tracks almost immediately. If that whole thing went exactly as planned and AJ isn’t legitimately furious at the end then that’s the best acting of his career and the best thing he’s done since the Boneyard match. F-bombs from a dweeb like AJ Styles! Crazy! Guess we should be thankful though. I reckon there are other words AJ Styles might say when legitimately angry that wouldn’t have gone down so well.

    I only saw a clip after they break apart and saw AJ’s bloody nose. That looked diverting. Seeing the whole clip ruined it for me because the fight is so lame, especially if you’ve ever seen any UFC or MMA. The fact everyone is just standing around doing nothing and not trying to pull them apart also makes it look bad. 

    But seeing the other F words AJ has used in the past, you’re right in his acting. How his nose got bloody from that though I’ll never know, like the fight from Bridget Jones in it’s viciousness. 

  17. Why has WrestleMania week just been slights at AEW? Rent free indeed. Also just a reminder the champion has had 9 matches since April 2023 and Big Kev and Scott routinely didn’t want to work at WCW and just took time off. What a chump.

  18. 1 hour ago, Dr. Alan Grant said:

    I can’t remember who it was on here who said they wanted Cody/Reigns to have the Avengers Endgame portals ending. Well…somebody’s made it.

    The Maui army is my personal highlight.

    You know those football match posters they would make ripping off popular films, same energy. That was awful. 

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