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Posts posted by BrodyGraham

  1. Was trying to recall where I heard that, and I remembered it was from a Madden column in the Torch, so was probably just Madden being an uppity prick. The story was that Jacobs was there to convince guys that NXT was the land of milk and honey and that WWE were serious about changing up. 

    Also Jimmy's only 33 so if he can get back in ring shape, he'd be a great hand with a few years left in him.


  2. I'm all for a return of The Barbaric Berzerker, I'd fell out with wrestling by the time he was doing the weird Emo thing, but tiny Jimmy thinking he was Bruiser Brody was one of my favourite parts of early ROH.

    Wasn't the rumour abound that he was only hired because Trips wanted to poach a bunch of ROH guys, specifically Lethal and the Briscoes? If that was the case he did alright to keep a job as long as he did.


  3. 54 minutes ago, honor87 said:

    Because heaven forbid, anyone have a difference of opinion or political standing in the modern world



    It's ok to have a difference of opinion. It's also ok to decide that you don't want to support a company that funds or benefits from something you don't agree with.

    People buy ethically sourced clothing and food. If they feel strongly enough about it, why wouldn't they do the same with wrestling?

  4. I don't mind Nigel as part of a 2 man booth. Thought he was good with both JR and Cole when actually calling the matches. He needs to stop telling me how all the Brummie lads had rough childhoods and that Wolfgang works in a pub though. Percy Watson seems to solely exist to make David Otunga sound like Bobby Heenan by comparison.

    Super happy to have Mauro back, ditch Watson and we'll be golden.

  5. I've seen Ohno in the flesh, of which there is, admittedly, quite a lot and trust me, you wouldn't feel quite so brave in person. He looks like a fucking Viking and puts his stuff in VERY convincingly. Although he's obviously not in the same shape as McIntyre, he's in there with him as one of the 3 most physically intimidating wrestlers I've seen at shows.

  6. 1. Ditch the purple ropes.

    2. Have some crossing over, even if it's in vignettes. They've referenced Tozawa and Crews being best friends before. Use that. Shit, put them in a damn tag team. 

    3. Let them work their style. There's the constant rumour of Ricochet coming in. He'd be a star, if they let him be Ricochet. If not he's just some guy not working New Japan anymore which is a waste for everyone involved.

  7. And now there's a bunch of people kicking off because now that Progress have got a bigger, nicer hall to run their big show out of, it's still not good enough/ too expensive/ seats aren't wholly allocated.

    Blimey, it'd be nice to get to a Progress show about now. Manchester seems to sell out before it goes on sale. If I could get to one show this year it'd be worth paying a bit more to get there.

  8. 2 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    Jack Evans has no bones, though, so I'm sure he was fine.

    I'd got to thinking that way over the years a little bit!

    That's one of the reasons this weekend was so shocking to be honest. If this was a work, it's in shocking taste, especially since it's not a kick in the arse away from the Mysterio/ Perro incident.


  9. I haven't seen the twitter stuff with Drake. I've just taken him as the perfect heel for Progress mostly because of the complete antipathy he has for the crowd.

    In a company where the fans see themselves as a huge part of the show I can't think of a better villain than someone who just refuses to engage them at all.

    From listening to Smallman's podcast he's doing exactly what they want and getting the response they want as well.

  10. I think Orton is a good comparison, really methodical, eminently dislikeable and crisp as anything. Orton's problem is that they've tried to pass him off as a face over the years which has never worked.

    I can't see Progress doing that with Drake. In all honesty I think they're building him for Haskins. When someone eventually fires up and gets some back and forth out of him I think the crowd will pop huge and Haskins to me is Progress' quintessential fiery babyface.

  11. The James Drake hate amuses me. The Progress Fan Facebook page is full of, 'I don't get James Drake, he doesn't do high spots and he doesn't jaw at the crowd!'

    He's getting his heat, you're not supposed to think he's a cool guy, he's there to stop your favourites popping you. He's doing a bloody good job as well.

    The funniest thing to me, is that a lot of the people who 'don't get' Drake lose their shit over Haskins who is basically Generic Grunge Babyface whilst Drake is Generic Grunge Heel. I'm a fan of both guys but the disparity amongst the fans is hilarious.

    I suppose a big problem is that no one in Progress has really had proper heel heat in the last year. Marty did as much to pop the crowd as a babyface would and even Gibson who gets the shit booed out of him, gets it in a tongue in cheek, 'We're booing the panto villain' way.

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