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Posts posted by BrodyGraham

  1. Sounds about right. He, along with Jon Thompson was always a good bet to be stumbling around Manchester in the early evenings around the early to mid 2000's. 

    Thompson especially I used to clock staggering up Deansgate of a Sunday afternoon absolutely ratted.

  2. Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed just dropped on X-Box Games with Gold for free.

    In terms of track design it's in my 2 favourite racing games, next to Burnout 2. I'd also recommend it purely on the level of being an old school Sega fan. It feels like a proper love letter. 

  3. Another great main event this week. Of course it helps when the crowd are invested in at least one of the guys but if someone in the back isn't seeing the work these guys are putting in, and not just on 'movez', I'm utterly flabbergasted.

  4. Yoku's Island Express dropped yesterday and is a bit of a treat.

    It's basically a Metroidvania style game where the whole map is a giant pin ball table. It looks lovely and is super chilled out.

    If Ori by way of Sonic Spinball sounds appealing, consider it recommended.

  5. I know but having not long subscribed, Dontaku was my first real go at watching a tour front to back. I’ve been skipping to the tournament matches this time.

    But my point was more that generally I think we dismiss a lot of guys because we don’t see them in their best environment. 

    In the middle of Ospreay Vs Yoh right now. Yoh has a fucking shocker right after I compliment him.

  6. After the Dontaku tour being 80% multi man tag matches it’s been refreshing to see a lot of guys in singles matches.

    I know it’s not a popular opinion on here but I’ve enjoyed the couple of Flip Gordon matches I’ve seen so far, especially his match with ACH. 

    Likewise Sho and Yoh have been better than I expected. Yoh vs Bushi being a particularly pleasant surprise.

    Also, Taguchi has been an absolute delight, you forget how good he is when you get used to watching him in 6 man tags or skipping through Young Lions matches.

  7. Already a much stronger line up than last time. There's only Connors that I can't get behind being there.

    Be interesting to see who is in the last 8. I reckon Chris Brookes is a shoe in and I wouldn't be surprised if Ridgeway is in there as well.

    Holding on to the hope that Wor Nev is coming home to do this. Never happen but a boy can dream.


  8. 2 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:


    Jesamyn Duke has smackhead chic going on.


    That's exactly what I was avoiding saying!

    The video announcing the signing on wwe's youtube is fairly amusing. Makes it sound like they've signed a couple of can't miss prospects and not just 'Ronda's mates.'

  9.  Marina Shafir is Roddy Strong's Mrs so I imagine she has a pretty good resource there.

    I think all 4 Horsewomen have been training with Nattie on and off for years and I imagine Jesamyn  Duke was training with Josh Barnett when Shayna was, so they're not complete newbies.

    That said I can't see Vince wanting Duke on TV a whole lot, she looks kinda unhealthy.

  10. I don't mind Jay White. I think he'll be very good in a year or two when he understands/finds his character, but yeah Gedo kinda fucked him over sticking him so high up the card at WK.

    Does him being in Chaos actually mean anything? 

  11. The little bits of Shazza I've seen, she comes across like Toni Storm's ropy older sister. I don't take much notice of how indy girls look in NXT squashes anymore though. Kimber Lee and Tessa Blanchard both looked a bit suspect as job girls but have always impressed me whenever else I've seen them.

    I just wish they'd give up with Kona. Whatever they see, I don't think anyone else can.

  12. I watched about 4 episodes of The Orville before dismissing it as a comfort blanket for TNG fans who just can't move on.

    Count me amongst the people who don't understand why The Expanse is being held up as something for Discovery to aspire to. I love The Expanse, I'm just about to start the latest novel, but it's so intrinsically not Trek that comparisons are redundant.

  13. 11 hours ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

     Agree, I think they do, hence my point. I think it’s the wrong way around. 205 is almost silly and redundant. No need for it. It’s full of the crap that NXT doesn’t need. It’s filler, OTT, unrefined NXT fodder. (Bar a couple)

    When was the last time you watched 205?

    Since the reboot it's been a consistently good hour of wrestling TV. I do think it suffers from it's placement but I'm excited about it now that it's what it should have been from the off.

  14. I've spent the majority of Sullivan's NXT run trying to figure out what the appeal is. He's big and scary looking. So was Heidenreich and Ryback and Snitsky all of whom I found interminably dull.

    Cole plays the smarmy opportunist as well as anyone I can think of since Edge, and he can go. I've even grown to appreciate Kyle O'Reilly's ridiculous gurning as a deliberate part of the act.

    Aside from Dream's inability to handle a ladder, there wasn't anything in that ladder match that I'd point out as feeling any more contrived than any number of multi man ladder matches. It's not like the ladders side by side schtick hasn't been seen before. 


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