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Sergio Mendacious

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Posts posted by Sergio Mendacious

  1. 1 hour ago, Sonny Mustang said:

    I’m disappointed this appears to be no longer on the cards...

    It's Bronn now, with Ser Robson Green as Hand — the set pulls away, and they're in the "Saturday Night at the Movies" set from 1996, as the whole cast of the past seven or so years comes out for a big Westerosi knees up to a Chas 'n' Dave version of "The Rains of Castermere," recorded before Chas passed away.y2mate.gif.6a1c768c2b941e428b56e03c4dd0a064.gif

  2. This is genuinely the only place I see a consistently non-fucking stupid reaction to this show. People all over the internet have built up their own ideas of what will happen with the characters - not even what should, but what will - and a deviation from that is taken as a personal insult. Last week Cersei chained Missandei up, and I saw so much dumb anger - “she doesn’t deserve that,” “that’s wrong!” - yeah, no shit. That’s the point - Cersei was being cruel to intimidate and infuriate her enemies, and yet that does get a reaction of hate to Cersei, it gets an indignant response.

    And this week, Dany was “suddenly” driven to insane violence. Seemed to me like she has lost practically all advisors and friends, pushed the rest away, lost 2/3 of her children, and discovered it was all possibly for nothing due to Jon having the better claim. She went to Kings Landing expecting Cersei to refuse to yield, and thereby give her a mandate to burn the city. Didn’t happen, so she just took it anyway. But that’s not what the “fandom” wanted.

    in summation, fandoms can fuck right off.

  3. Might be a bit of a calculation - Missandei was a captive, and chopping her block off might not result into Drogon spitting liquid napalm on the city twenty seconds later. Tyrion was her hand, sent to negotiate, and doing him in would be a massive breach, with the Lannister name already associated with the Red Wedding and her nuking the big sept (izzat common knowledge?)

  4. 9 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

    New theory, The Golden Company are there under orders from the Iron Bank. They will turn on Cersie as the Bank want a new monarch who can stabilise the realm and repay them.


    They’re going to declare Westeros in chapter 11 bankruptcy, put the receivers in charge. Sell off the bits to the highest bidders.

  5. I thought that music was the prelude to Tyrion and Sansa going all Butch & Sundance, really got me. 

    I made the mistake of rewatching the whole show, but not getting it all done before the start of the series, so I’ve been interspersing series. I feel altogether too invested, so seeing some of them die is going to be knackering

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