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Sergio Mendacious

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Posts posted by Sergio Mendacious

  1. 31 minutes ago, cobra_gordo said:

    That's pretty much known as one of the roughest pubs in town. It allegedly had a brothel upstairs. Surprised by the thing about your black mates though as they had quite a lot of black customers, in particular the most terrifying drug dealer ever.

    They only liked the bad ones

  2. 1 hour ago, PowerButchi said:

    I was about to mention the later one. We've always said "Suthell" up my part of the world when discussing the racecourse. 

    There’s no debate - if someone says south-well, they’re either not local or they’re fake. I was amazed when I went to Ilkeston and found that they called it Ilson

  3. 1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

     My girlfriend is from Bedduff (That's how the locals pronounce it)

    Always love seeing regional contractions like that. Blidworth in Nottingham is pronounced Bliduth, although I swear I've heard Bluth from some inbred types.

  4. 1 minute ago, PowerButchi said:

    Baps in cling film are made on site. Cheese and Onion, Ham, or Ham and Cheese. Cockles are a geographical thing I think, some of the older pubs around here do them in a crisp packet. The Oddfellows in Acrefair for one which has a mainly 60+ clientele. It's one of my favourite pubs but lookingt at some of the posts in this thread most here would hate it.

    I've seen those cockles in a packet, never tried them. How about cheese and pickle?

    I remember lots of Cockle Men going round pubs in Nottingham and Ingoldmells when I was a lad, but now apparently Nottingham has just the one left. You can even get a badge.

  5. The only acceptable food in a pub is scratchings in a brick on the bar. The only acceptable sport is ferret cricket. The only drink is diesel wrung out of a rag. Take your year in Provence and shove it up your arsssse

  6. Does anyone remember this kid's show? It was called Candle Cove and I must have been 6 or 7. I never found reference to it anywhere so I think it was on a local station around 1971 or 1972. I lived in Ironton at the time. I don't remember which station, but I do remember it was on at a weird time, like 4:00 PM.

  7. At home I drink Yorkshire Gold that my mum sends me, like contraband in the post. If I run out, it's PG Tips, which is a step up from the lipton muck I used to have to drink.

    I hate coffee, but I need the caffeine a lot of the time, so it's terrible coffee pot crap hopefully with creamer not milk at work, and Trader Joe's with some funky super sweet creamer at home. 

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