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Sergio Mendacious

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Posts posted by Sergio Mendacious

  1. 1 minute ago, Loki said:

    She's not going anywhere, they'll have to prize her out with a winkle picker.

    Think she'll need more than that, maybe a pair?

  2. TBF to Bran, he had to spend several of his formative years hanging out with Anne Frank and that ageless kid, and then The Exorcist and some Bratz dolls, in a magic tree. He's been through the ringer, Sydow trying to get him to play chess all the time, and taking him to all the sex scenes from earlier seasons but then intoning "we must leave" just before the tops came off. And now Sansa tells everyone he has no willy.

  3. 10 minutes ago, neil said:

    I think the episode lost me when Jon killed Dany. Not that I was against that as a story, but I wanted them to either shock me with the outcome (Oh shit Dany killed Jon!) or work through the suspense of Jon maybe getting merked by Dany for a while longer.

    I found the follow-up from that of Greyworm bringing Tyrion to the "council" to be very weak - the whole unsullied and dothraki were just like "yeah we'll chill here by the thousand while you guys work out who is replacing her"?

    Rationalizing a bit that at this point, the Dothraki and Unsullied just wanted to get the fuck out of there — holed up in a ruined city, with choices to make that would taste like shit whichever way they chose to go. Got to be tempting to chuck Tyrion (and by extension Jon) at the feet of the lords of Westeros, say "solve this" (knowing that they didn't want to fight) and get on with their lives. Tyrion's betrayal was relatively weak compared to Jon's regicide, so he basically got a pardon, and Jon got a punishment that wasn't really a punishment, whether the outsiders knew it or not.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Astro Hollywood said:

    One weird thing though; winter never really came, did it? The changing season is this big looming thing in the books and the show, and we're told about winters that could last a decade with 10-feet snowdrifts. S7 was delayed because they had to wait for summer to end in the places they shoot, but all we really got was a few flakes in King's Landing in the S7 finale, and the snows during Stannis' seige in S5, which was in the north anyway. By the end of the finale, there's not a flake to be seen anywhere south of the Wall.

    Early in the last episode, I had to be quietly reminded "that's not snow" in King's Landing.

  5. 14 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    No, and this is part of what’s been fueling all the online fandom nonsense. The last 2 episodes have had a section of people rating 1/10 because they’re salty about a girl killing the Night King/the final series in general because it’s not how they’ve fantasy booked it, and another section rating them 10/10 to try and counteract the people giving low ratings. And all of that has been happening before the episode airs

    Jesus... as I said earlier, have a lot of love for how GoT has been discussed here. The vitriol for the godly Euron on Twitter, for a start — I don't know, he was added late to the cast? He wasn't a mopey conflicted sod? For a bloke with so many boats, he didn't have many ships?

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