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Posts posted by patiirc

  1. 14 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    Some new Megadrive games have been added to Switch Online this morning. I played some Fantasy World Deluxe, and remembered that I'm bad at shooters. Also on there is Sonic Spinball, Alien Soldier, Light Crusader and a couple of others I can't remember at the moment. 

    There have also been a couple of other leaks recently. One is that some new games are coming to the NES library of Switch Online games, including Megaman, Galaga, and Pacman. 

    The other is that GameBoy, GameBoy Colour and GameBoy Advance games are coming to NSO as well. 

    Sonic Spin ball can get very addictive. I cant get on with Alien Soldier, prefer the other Treasure MD titles  as a rule. 

    Anyone doing Extra Life next week at Arcade Club?? 

  2. 13 hours ago, Egg Shen said:

    bloody hell, was anybody a fan of Symposium back in the 90's? this was my shit when I was 16.

    The band are probably a year or so older than me, so when they were around they didn't seem young to me, but look at that picture, they were wee nippers!


    Saw them supporting Reef way back on the Rides tour, must have been late 90s. Had some tunes back in the day Fairweather Friend is a banger. 

  3. 11 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    The English Patient

    Quit telling your stupid story about the stupid desert and DIE already. DIE!

    Best review of The English Patient, I've ever read.  I fucking hate that film, and not got much time for Minghella films in general. Talented Mr Ripley was shite too. 


    Got round to watching No Time To Die (Prime)  it was a confusing, in so much that plot was shoehorned in for the sake of good byes. It was overly long hot mess of a film that didn't know what it wanted to do. Some good action sequences, but really missed it's mark a lot of the time. The Carribean stuff felt more like Death in Paradise than Bond (didn't help that there were shared actors either) 

    Rewatched Planes, Trains and Automobiles (Netflix) too. Absolutely wonderful. 90 mins of pure joy

  4. 53 minutes ago, johnnyboy said:

    Made famous by being on kids TV where you'd shout down the phone to have it controlled.  I want to say Saturday morning on ITV.

    The king of Amiga beat 'em ups was Body Blows where instead of yelling "Hadouken" it sounds like the main protagonist is shouting "Judith."

    Aye, Motor Mouth Or Ghost Train. First game was Weird Dreams. The original Xenon and Starglider popped up on the Millenium Dustbin ' Get Fresh'. 

    Xenon 2 suffers from being a Euro shooter, for many used to faster paced games. 


    Other games for Miggy Lovers to try include Myth, Colorado, Cadaver, Moonshine Racers, The Ocean Vietnam game I can never remember the name of, Battle Command, Amourgeddon, Midwinter 2, Geoff Crammond Grand Prix, Gold of The Aztecs, Murder. Team Yankee 2 Pacific Islands, Space Crusade, Lords of Chaos and Jimmy White's Snooker.. Ooh and Banshee. 


    Lemon Amiga has a decent top 100 list here too https://www.lemonamiga.com/games/votes_list.php



  5. After a fab Ben Ottewell/Gomez (Accoustic Set) in Blackpool the other week, I gatecrashed a Don Letts DJ set on Sunday night, which was very good. The audience was very white though to the point it was utterly bizarre. 

    Few local bands lined up in the coming weeks but nowt bigger on the horizon at the moment. 

  6. 10 hours ago, Onyx2 said:

    I've watched the Jimmy Savile documentary on Netflix twice already. I'm trying to figure out why I find his whole situation fascinating. If you were born in the 70s he was omnipresent, on everything TV and radio, and so recognisable. He has always just been there. Watching all these clips back of him makes you realise - hopefully - how far we've come. All the lewd comments and references to being the terror of girls' schools just wouldn't fly today. And the Internet tracking his movements would shut him down? Wishful thinking maybe. 

    He was an incredible character. I couldn't reconcile the enormous volume of charity work with the disgusting acts. Was it truly kind hearted or was it a penance to balance out everything else he did, as a perverted Catholic? He was famously a wrestler in the 50s and so much of kayfabe and keeping up appearances from pro wrestling translates to his everyday life. His ability to always present the 'Jimmy' character in public is impressive, always with the shock of white hair, always with the cigar, always giving the wide eyes, dressing like a January sale in Sports Direct. Nobody appeared to really know who he was. He referred to himself as 'tricky' and 'odd' which is something of an understatement. 

    I think it's good this documentary exists to keep the conversation moving forward, to give voice to some of the victims, to be aware. I found watching both of Louis Theroux's documentaries afterwards good companion pieces (When Louis Met Jimmy is easy to find on Vimeo, and the post-death Savile is on iplayer). 

    I've watched the first episode and found it really hard going tbh. He, like Rolf was pretty much ubiquitous on Telly growing up and seeing some of the interviews like the 'tricky' and 'odd' and the very weird speech pattern are alarming looking back with adult eyes there's red flags everywhere and in plain sight. 

    I thought the first part was also heavily hinting that he and Margaret Thatcher had an affair but stopped short of saying it outright. 

    The stuff with Stoke Mandeville isn't that difficult to get as it's all about attention, whether good or bad and same with running etc. There's a need to have attention, be adored and give the impression of being fine and upstanding it's not uncommon in people who abuse either. The two are very easily either compartmentalised (abuse/helping)  and the help isn't coming from a genuine place either see this https://psychcentral.com/blog/psychology-self/2020/05/narcissists-generosity#5 for further insight, and once spotted it is almost a by the book approach. 

    Finding the courage to watch the rest, which will be a very difficult watch going by the first part. 

  7. 49 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    Horrible news, he took a german suplex to the turnbuckle during a match for ZERO1 and didn't get up after it and saying that he couldn't move his extremities.

    I don't want to seem like Cornette but are these moves in to the corner in any way worth it? I really don't see them as adding much to a match.

    That's sad news, ring injuries and deaths on turnbuckles are the reason why Boxing largely has those strips in the corner, brought in many moons ago to prevent situations exactly like this. 

    Adds nothing like the really stupid apron stuff that's de rigeur at the moment. 

  8. Trauma and recovery isn't linear, it doesn't exist for social media conventions, nor is it ever fucking straightforward. 

    The amount of crap that comes out after the abuser has gone, will literally make you question your very existence and triggers come from absolutely anytime and anywhere from that date forward. 

    Some of the stuff will be realised years later, or possibly even never. 

    I hate that people victim blame, dont understand that trauma bonds mean that two very different scenarios can exist together at the same time and both be true as well. (it was a loving situation, I felt loved but then it was also actually abusive and coercive or dangerous as fuck being one example where the two things co exist and are both true. ) 

    The only people that Kimber's narrative needs to make sense for is her own, to heal and for the authorities if there's an investigation. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Ironic Indie Lad said:

    Whats the actual scenario here? Your utilities are in your ex partners name and you need to get them moved into your name?


    1 hour ago, Chris B said:

    What is it that's the issue? Most of the time, for bills, it's just a case of showing proof that you're the person who should be paying the bills, like a rent agreement or something.

    Is the issue that wherever you live is still under your ex's name? If you have a landlord, an updated contract or a letter from them confirming that you're now the main billpayer should be enough, so I'm assuming there's a complication to this?

    Thanks for the replies 

    Yes, she's still on the rent, there's no bail conditions as she's not been questioned or arrested yet, and Non molestation order is proving more difficult than expected to get as the only certain place to serve things is her work address as I've no idea where she is since going awol in December.

    She's still got house keys and  Ican't change locks until either she's off the tenancy  as with no bail condition and no address for Non Molestation I cant do that whilst she has rights of access. Small Claims was a pain but with some negotiation they can serve on work address. 

    She's given notice to quit entire tenancy, to the Landlord, but the Landlord hasn't given an updated tenancy agreement, and the letting agency say that the contract is rolling with her on it..

    Poison Pen Letters, random texts and silent phone calls have started last few weeks but police cant yet link the two

    She's still the main named bill payer on Gas and Electricity and still  on council tax. I've paid these all in full on my own since moving in but can't update as not named on gas and electricity bill. Until shes off tenancy, which hasnt happened either. 

    I'm absolutely at my wits end hence asking for any advice possible

  10. 1 hour ago, Butch2000 said:

    What an amusing anecdote.

    I was trying ask for genuine help, after drawing a blank elsewhere. 

    2 separate crime reference numbers, 6 different police logs,  in receipt of poison pen letters and unable to get further help after exhausting myself trying to get answers

    Ive overdosed more than once because of the trauma and stress of the situation. 

    Im struggling massively and had to come off social media because I'm being stalked too. 

    This place is usually very good for help when chips are down and has some informative people. 

    I'm m sorry that it's amusing for you. 

  11. 5 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    This is the most maddening thing to me. We spent the start of the pandemic talking about the need to fundamentally alter how we do business, how the days of 9-to-5 and being chained to a desk were behind us, and all the opportunities this would present, and then as soon as restrictions were being lifted we were dragged back into the office, and it's only because I have a good line manager that I'm permitted to work from home one day a week, even though there's no part of my job that can't be done remotely, and even though I spent the first six months doing the job from home. 

    The rush to "back to normal" is just devastating. A crisis like Covid should be the time for transformative politics and action, and we've done fuck all. No effort has been made to learn from the experience of the pandemic, to better prepare us for the next one, or just to improve quality of life in general. We're just throwing vulnerable people under the bus and forgetting everything we should have learned - and after the pandemic has created more vulnerable people, either physically or financially. It's fucked.

    Personally, I'm more than a month into recovering from Covid and I can't go on a half hour walk without needing a nap afterwards. I get out of breath walking up the stairs to my flat. Being able to work from home when I need to is a godsend right now, but as I'm having to start job hunting, it feels like I'm being difficult if I ask about that.


    Thing is, I think we will end up changing our ways of working, but gradually, and for economic rather than public health reasons. Companies will start to see the rent come up on their offices, and someone will look at the books and question whether they actually need to pay for that much office space when they could either go to fully remote working, or rent a smaller space and introduce a hybrid model. I said at the start of the pandemic that if I'd had money to invest in a business idea, it would have been in hireable office spaces and meeting rooms, because that's the model that will take over. Of course, the other side of that coin is how much influence the landlords who own those offices will exert pressure on the government to avoid that change.

    I've generally worked from home or in the community for about 4 years now, couldn't imagine going back into an office full time. I think it would mentally completely break me, being stuck somewhere I could do from home just as well without the expenses and added stress. 

    Office days have tended to be the most unproductive and useless days as a rule and a complete waste of time and effort. 

    Hopefully your job search will go well. 

  12. 55 minutes ago, Big'Olympic_Hero'Pete said:

    Go with your gut instinct. Yes it's a challenge, but the grass isn't always greener and perhaps if they are that impressed where you are they maybe view you as someone worthwhile having around and have longer term plans for you?


    54 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

    Sounds like waiting to see is your most sensible option there - if you’ve got the freedom to hang on until you have as much information as you can, do that, and then your decision can be more informed.

    Cheers, I'm a bit shakey in making decisions as last job is the worst one I've ever had by some considerable distance.

    Getting let go on grounds of long term injury despite actually being fit for work amongst other things has kinda shattered my go with the right decision as I thought that job was the right one and I couldn't have been more wrong and wasn't not just the injury stuff. 

    2 more months in temp job and not sure when the other final offer will come through if it doesn't then back to job hunting as a fall back. 

  13. Bit of an odd one. 

    I recently got dismissed for being unfit for work,  because of a shoulder injury, despite being fit enough for work that I started with a new company on a 3 month temp contract the very next day. 

    Since then I've managed to be interviewed and be successful for another job (not long after nearly checking out of life again:( ) , however they've started to drag their heels despite making an initial offer nothing else has been forthcoming and the last update Ive had was theyre still doing some checks, despite having had a proper medical with them showing that I'm fit to work. 

    On Friday I was working with the CEO of my current place on some stats and things and he's asked for my CV and Salary Expectations as they seem quite impressed with the work I've done to date. 

    If they do offer something then that's ace, but I'm then I've two job offers. I love where I'm working now, the other job is a huge challenge and that appeals too. 

    Which one to pick, or should I wait to see if anything comes barring initial offers.

    I don't want to mess up after the disaster of my last job and I'm not sure I trust my own judgement currently after getting things so wrong before. 

  14. On 3/28/2022 at 2:31 PM, lightningxlock said:

    A Covid related gig question here. How are people finding returning to live events? I personally haven’t been to a show since February 2020 so I’m feeling some trepidation about dipping my toes in again. I’m feeling like I need to just take the plunge soon. I’ve got Chuck Ragan on the 1st May and Tool the following evening. Are people being considerate at shows? Anybody masking up?

    About 15 and counting since January, biggest was Bastille packed into a small night club. 

    Masking out the window, some will use hand sanitiser though and respect those who do want space etc. 

    Take as many precautions as you can want to and make space where you can.. 

    Otherwise enjoy. Live music has been an absolute god send following a torrid few months. 

  15. On 3/10/2022 at 10:39 AM, jazzygeofferz said:

    Further to the Ninja Turtles announcement it's been said that the 2 coin op ports, Hyperstone Heist and Tournament Fighters will have online. I presume they mean the port of the SNES version. 

    @Merzbowsome movie ports were pretty awesome. The Data East Robocop arcade game, and the Ocean ports for home computers were good.There were also some really good Batman games on micro and console, but there were also plenty of games where the developer would just shoehorn characters from the movie/show into a generic looking platform game. I would guess a lot of that is due to time constraints and movie studios wanting to have a game out around the time the movie is due to release. TV/comic tie-ins tended to fare a little better because there wasn't necessarily as much of a rush to get them into the shops. 

    I'll stop before I get into Konami/Capcom/Sega etc licenced arcade brawlers again. 


    Useless facts of the day

    Robocop the Arcade was sublicensed to Data East from Ocean, who had got rights during script development. 

    Some people will swear blind that the home version was made into the arcade game and not vice versa as a result of this. 

    Also and on and on and Ariston :)

  16. Strongbow Ice, whatever local cider we could get our hands on, occasionally snuff too. Which is still a thing in that neck of the woods, never sneezed so much.. 

    Mad Dog 20/20 was about as was Wild Brew, Vanilla Schotts and crates of Miller. Got stopped by MoD police on my way to a mates 18th with that whilst underage. 

    The icing on the cake was those Biere D'or stubbies that tasted like piss. Boak. 

  17. 2 hours ago, Tommy! said:

    That's nothing to do with the meaning of the song as it's written, that's people projecting onto it.

    If lots of men found listening to fat bottom girls by queen helps them come out it doesn't make the song any more about gay love because it's about Brian May's appreciation of women's big booty's.

    For let it go the songs "meaning" is tied unavoidably into the film's plot which has nothing to do with sexuality at all. I'm not saying that's the case with every film song but we're not talking about tears in heaven here it's a song written specifically for the film to forward plot and entertain the 4 to 12 year olds.

    If you hadn't said Westworld was a horror film I'd say this is the most wrong you've ever been about films.

    Cheers for the misogyny 'mate'

    God forbid that other people see different things in different ways to your all encompassing viewpoint. 

    'Most Wrong' nah, just in your eyes. 

    I'm sorry you feel the need to tell people that this must be a cishet thing for kids and no one else who struggles for representation, such as those who are lgbtq cant be apart of that. 

    Sorry gang, Tommy's said you cant use that as a coming out thing, it's for straight people only. You arent like them, so you can't have that and must retreat to the nearest Ice Palace you've created yourself and shy away from your identity having already been disowned by those that were supposed to be caregivers and love you. 

    You're all alone, so screw it may as well be gay hidden away, in a closet which is predominantly where the far right and other US twonks want to keep you and pretend you dont exist. 

    And is mirrored by posts like yours. 





  18. 2 hours ago, Tommy! said:

    If we're reading meaning into Disney songs, although why you would I'm not sure, surely it's a heterosexual woman singing about the isolation she feels as a result of disability and is nothing to do with sexuality. 

    I'd link a load of online articles to support this but unfortunately it's just based on watching the film. 

    Appreciate your response, disagree with it given the amount of people who've said it allowed them to come out. 

    It's amazing what people will find resonance in order to give them courage to be themselves irrespective of whether you posit as Disability, or as a coming out anthem. 



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