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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. *Carbomb mode* Spong has a brother as well and even if Usyk fought both of them at the same time he would best them, because 2 Spong's don't make a fight *Carbomb mode off*

  2. 1 hour ago, Loki said:

    One thing I expect NXT to do well is some good packages introducing their stars to the new audience.  Their promo videos for incoming indy stars are always excellent.

    That's only because Vince isn't involved at all. Once he is you can safely bet that he won't give a shit about incoming indy stars. 

  3. This could go in the stupid things you say or do thread, but as it's from a sitcom I'll leave it here. 

    I've just googled the phrase "Just the one Mrs Wembley" as it is something we say regularly when having a drink but I could not remember for the life of me where it came from. To my surprise it comes from a sitcom called On The Up, which starred Dennis Waterman, I imagine he also sang the theme tune. 

    I remember absolutely nothing of this programme. Google tells me that Joan Simms played Mrs Wembley, but I didn't remember that. There are some episodes on YouTube, and it takes very little imagination to see me watching some later. Does anyone remember anything about it?

  4. Every Tuesday and Thursday on our way to work my sister and I drive past one of those former Little Chef's that for reasons best known to no one have been converted into an adult shop. As we drive past we both sing "Sex Shop, Sex Shop, Your a Sex Shop" to the tune of Sex Bomb by Tom Jones.

    Neither of us know how it started, but we do it every time. 

  5. 1 hour ago, ElCece said:

    I largely agree with this particularly Joel Wilson. I have to say though I really don't think the no call for Stokes LBW was a particularly bad call

    The Stokes LBW is a tricky one. In real time on TV I thought it was out, but what i forgot is that the view you see on TV is not the umpires view. Looking at the DRS the ball definitely hits the front pad and on to the back pad. The DRS reads the flick off the front pad as turn, which is a technical problem for the DRS. They have re-analysed it and from the impact on the front pad it would have gone on to miss the stumps. So Joel got it right, though I do wonder if he saw it hit the front pad. 

  6. Joel Wilson even gets them wrong as 3rd umpire, that catch by Root in the last Test didn't look out. 

    The thing about elite level umpiring is that it's a numbers game. The West Indies have far less umpires than England so it is easier to get on the ICC Panel if you are from the West Indies. It's the same for most countries apart from England and Australia really. 

    If Joel Wilson had to get to the ICC Panel in England he wouldn't make the Minor Counties list let alone the ICC list. I'm not that sure he would even get on to my counties ECB Premier League panel. 

  7. Deliver me a pizza, deliver me a chinese, and deliver me an indian takeaway but a chippy, no chance. From wrapped and paid for to unwrapped and started to be eaten needs to be 5 minutes max. Any longer than that and the chips would get far to sweaty. 

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