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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. In not at all surprising news Tory candidate for Lincoln Karl McCartney is facing pressure from Hope Not Hate for retweeting Tommy Robinson and other islamophobic tweets. I'm sure he will be claiming it wasnt him like the time he retweeted the professional dominatrix. 

  2. The best thing to freeze is water in little trays. It turns into ice cubes and you can put it in your cold drink. If you are freezing any sort of sweets or chocolate that doesn't normally belong in a freezer you are doing it wrong. 

  3. We have been very lucky the last few weeks. Prograis/Taylor, Cash/Cullen, and Donaire/Inouye have all been absolutely cracking. I think that today's may have been the best of the lot. What a fight, some tremendous power punches thrown by both, both in trouble at points, just a great fight. The scoring was a bit odd but I think the right result was reached. Coked Up Kalle has done well with both Super Series finals. 

  4. There is a big battle for brand recognition amongst the Tory MPs. Boris has the blonde hair and the bumbling buffoonery. Jacob Ree-Mogg has the look of a Dickensian workhouse owner with an air of snootyness. Mark "Respect the votes of 17.4 Million People" Francois looks like an exploding pressure cooker made of spam. 

    That's before you get to the second tier gimmicks like Liz "Pork Markets" Truss and James "Not So" Cleverley 

  5. Still stuck in the usual limbo. 25 thousand Tory majority, big leave voting area. My MP has towed the party line at all times about wanting to leave, so it would seem unlikely that a Brexit Party candidate would get much traction against her. So once again, as I support none of the above my vote will count for very little. 

  6. Nigel Benn's comeback fight is off. Benn has a shoulder injury. I know some of you wanted to see him fight again, but I'm pleased it is off. Boxing is dangerous enough at 25 at 55 like he is it is ridiculous. 

  7. Prograis v Taylor was a great fight. Del Boy despatched Price and his corner did what a corner should do. Price needs to retire now, he found his level and it's not where he thought it was. Burns and Selby was decent as well, but the real stinker as always was Okolie. I watched that fight at 30x speed. The main thing you saw was still the ref splitting them up. Okolie really is excitement kryptonite. 

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