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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. Positive awards

    Post of the Year

    Kevin Webster's Sacrifice. 

    On Topic Poster of the Year

    Supremo, Bomber Pat, IandrewDiceClay

    Off Topic Poster of the Year

    Onyx2, tiger_rick, JNLister

    Funniest Poster

    Keith Houchen, IandrewDiceClay

    Thread of the Year

    Chippy Tea, Eatclean, Fatty Facesitter Crucible Diary 

    Good plant based egg substitute Award

    Onyx2, tiger_rick, Kat

    Negative awards

    Dolt of the Year

    Lord Mountevans MPDTT, Hannibal Scorch

    White Noise

    Hannibal Scorch. I've got him on ignore but he still gets everywhere. 


    Flounce of the Year

    Cromer's second finest MMA reporter Julian Radbourne. 

  2. 2 hours ago, garynysmon said:

    I'm getting irrationally annoyed by the shit nicknames in the BDO.

    Not that the PDC ones are any good, but "Happy Feet"? What the fuck?

    At least Wesley Harms does not have the nickname "Self"

  3. John Gwynne commentating on this dirt after previously commentating on the PDC is the sports equivalent of getting David Dimbleby to do a commentary on Derek Acorah's funeral having done all the great state occasions he has done in the past. 

    This is real dogdirt darts

  4. Ryan Hewson. Cool Ry's WrestleXpress finally finds its spiritual home, no not Strangeways, Minute Maid Park. 

    Sherri Hewson. Don't let Big Dave Batista know there is someone off Loose Women about, or it could lead to the biggest facial splattering since Taka Michinoku. 

    Paul Hewson. Bono has disappeared so far up his own arse that when he heard that Edge might be making an appearance he thought he was invited as well. 


  5. Farage was bought off with something to get him to drop half of the Brexit Party candidates at the election. So either Sir Nigel Farage or Lord Farage of Dover. The Tories definitely have the bollocks to have bought him off and Farage has wanted an honour for a long time. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Marshmallo said:

    Give me our league over the plastic tourist showcase down South any day of the week 

    Scottish football is like indy wrestling. Sparsely attended matches in shitty little venues where 99% of the talent is barely trained and the other 1% is looking to move up to the big leagues.

    Brechin v Stenhousmuir is very much the Jekkel v Exxodus of football. 

  7. 26 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

    BT are losing all of the Scottish football coverage at the end of the season. Sky will have 100% of it again.

    Seems like a fair swap. Even with the downturn in wrestling of late it will still be more exciting than the Celtic and Rangers squash matches every week. 

  8. I haven't called anyone racist @David but I have observed plenty of racism, and had people say racist stuff to me because they think by the look of me that I agree with them. It's not my fault that I have the appearance of a man who looks like he should be making and selling pork pies and scotch eggs whilst shouting BREXIT MEANS BREXIT is it. I do look like gammon so it does seem to encourage other gammon, mostly strangers to look to me for support when they say something that is clearly racist. I am always polite but I always make it clear I dont agree with them. 

    As for getting the job done, people choose the facts they want to believe now, even if those facts are not true. The way for the Left to win is to stop being so outraged when the Tories lie, because people want to believe the lie, so telling people its lie gets you nowhere. The only way to win is to come up with a better, more credible lie. That is something the Left needs to do better. 

    People have always lied to win elections, social media just gives you a broader scope to spread your lies over a greater area. 

  9. The thing about the social media advertising I saw Pat, was that the Labour message seemed to be aimed at people who already agreed with them, whereas the Tory ads went after Labour voters who voted to Leave, but had never voted Tory before. 

    The Tories were just better switched on in the campaign overall and their social media marketing in particular. As much as the Left laugh at Cummings this is his area and he obliterated them. 

  10. 19 minutes ago, MPDTT said:

    knife crime will be key.

    It won't be key for 65 year old plus white people, it isn't them who are getting stabbed. 

    What will affect them is if they have to pay for social care. My uncle has just passed away, he has spent the last 6 months in a care home since his wife died. His daughter looked at a lovely care home for him that was 5 minutes from her house, it would have been perfect. They were told by the owners that unless she had as a minimum £100k in the bank that they wouldn't take him. She didn't have the money so they had to find him another one. They finally got him into 1 an hour away from where she lived. I know that this isn't common practice from care homes, but it is heading that way. When it is all those 65+ tories might change their views. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, quote the raven said:

    There really is no where to hide for the current government they have the numbers to do anything they want. 

    If they mess it up the next election could end very very differently 

    I think this is the key point. Johnson has to get Brexit done in the next 5 years. How this is perceived will be key to the next election. If it looks like he has got us out of the EU and done various trade deals around the world that is half the battle won. There is a strong sentiment around here though that getting Brexit done includes sending home all eastern European immigrants, and possibly all immigrants.  If he doesn't manage that a lot of the racist locals will not be happy. 

  12. In order for there to be another Scottish independence referendum the Westminster government would have to grant a Section 30 Order under the Scotland Act. Johnson has already said he won't do it. Wee Jimmy Krankie hasn't really got any leverage at this point so it would be difficult for her to get him to agree to it. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, quote the raven said:

    There was a statement made about a drinking game for every time get brexit done was said, and scorch mentioned he would be in hospital or something along those lines. The reply was I’d gladly take a under funded nhs if they let you die in a corridor  or some such response. 

    No need for that imo 

    Snowflakes the both of you. In the good old days on here you would get people wishing that other people died of cancer or bad aids on a regular basis. That would barely have got a look in. 

    The trouble with Soapdish is that he cries foul everytime he says something stupid, and either gets called on it, or someone makes a joke at his expense. It is incredibly tiresome, so that's why I have him on ignore. I encourage the rest of you to do the same, he is one of the worst white noise merchants on here.

    And just for the record Soapdish I dont hope you die in an underfunded hospital. I hope it is fully funded

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