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Cannibal Man

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Posts posted by Cannibal Man

  1. Was that not just a throwaway line during that 'Head The Ball R-Truth' period when he referenced the trailer to the new John Cena film by sarcastically shouting "I WAN'T MY SON BACK!" at the end of a tirade about Cena's barrage of merch, catchphrases and other shite or did it go deeper?

  2. I found a book called This Is Wrestling by George Napolitano while sorting through some bollocks i've had to keep or throw away for a move. I got the book when I was about 5 or 6 and thus didn't really know anything outside of the two WWF tapes I had, and the one episode of Superstars i'd seen where Ric Flair made the Anvil give up and cry, which confused me because I fucking loved Anvil and couldn't figure out how someone who looked like an old man could wreck someone as mad as the Anvil.


    Anyway - there's a photo of Ron Simmons in there where he's leaning forward and showing off his muscles, in a photo not unlike this, but not exactly this. You'd have to see it -




    because in the actual photo he's posing in such a way that to my mind at the time it made him look like he had an enormous pair of actual tits. Like a full on set of top bollocks. Suddenly it came back to me that at the time, because I wasn't arsed about reading and mostly wanted to look at the photo of Warrior without his facepaint that's in the book, that i'd decided that this guys name was THE BOOBY MAN and what he'd do is he would slap himself on his enormous tits and he'd shout COME ON and challenge anyone to try and defeat him. The rest of the dream didn't really go that deep, he was THE BOOBY MAN to me as a kid then suddenly he was the leader of a black militant wrestling group when I got back into watching wrestling. Quite a trajectory.

  3. The end of Guilty As Charged 2001 when Rhino finishes beating the fuck out of everybody and bellows "WHY IN THE FUCK AM I TELEVISION CHAMPION WHEN THIS POOR ASS COMPANY DON'T EVEN FUCKIN' HAVE TV" is one of my favourite wrestling one liners, plus the beautiful follow up with Styles telling Cyrus "well, he doesn't have to SAY it"

  4. I've still got a lot of time for Corino during that final period, but i'd agree with Venkman in that they should have stuck the world title on Rhino a lot sooner. I know the attitude was by that point that thanks to RVD the TV Title generally meant a lot more but with Awesome having fucked off and RVD clearly on the way out with the rest of the bigger names I can't see what harm it would have done to have probably given the belt to Rhino at November To Remember 2000 in a one on one with whoever, even Credible, rather than that mad double jeopardy fuckfest they gave us. 


    After he'd torn through the Sandman, that should have been it. He was a fucking machine and I remember those promos of him backstage shouting his head off and twatting walls and going on about how he lives for violence being brilliant. He should have been the next big (f'n) deal for them and with Sandman getting into the best shape of his career by the time it all went to shit it might have been a decent feud.


    Agreed on Douglas, too. Never really liked him. By 98 he felt like a dinosaur and looked like a very angry Christmas ham in a sex pervet's flat cap.

  5. I can see being put off by his look, the only thing that bothers me is those god awful tattoos mind, but I can't get behind the notion of Owens promo being anything like terrible.


    You could see he was nervous from the start, but this is a guy who despite all the gimmick talk about doing it for his family and all that has got a kid that he loves he was willing to fuck off a career with WWE for to keep looking after, and who is a full blown John Cena fan. I'm willing to bet even Owens at some point couldn't have imagined a guy with his look or style would have been in such a grand position in the company and that he'd be making his WWE television debut laying out John Fucking Cena. I'm willing to let any line flubs or shakes off because it sounded more genuine than anybody i've heard in a long time.


    He's an unestablished developmental talent to a majority and he's just walked out and basically John Cena to fuck off. He hasn't shook his hand or tried his damndest to have the best match he can or tell the people he's thankful for the opportunity or whatever, he's told them and the biggest star in the company they aren't worth a fuck to him, that he's been doing this longer than their hero and then he's webbed the shit out of him and danced on his beloved title belt that he's just spent about 5 minutes putting over.


    Stage fright, mad look or whatever, he handled it like a star. There's not many other people lately in higher, privileged positions on the card who've done the same for a long time. It set him apart from everyone else who's had a go of the challenge. He'll be fine.

  6. I love that impression Bret does of Davey on his Timeline shoot when they bring up the proposed Doink/Bulldog feud, and it being shot down with Bulldog's courteous and thought out response of




    I was pissing myself for hours imagining Davey's mind breaking in two and absolutely losing it when the booking team come to him with the notion of him booting an evil clown up the arse as his big Wrestlemania feud and for weeks after just every so often shaking his head and saying to nobody in particular


    "...kin' clown...takin the piss..."

  7. Vaguely related, but when I started rewatching wrestling after a bit of a break and heard Mick Foley make his weird "AHHHHTEH AHHHHHTATH WATTTEHH" noises during matches in about 1996 it sounded like he was going "TOOOOOONY! TOOOOOOOOOOOOONY!" to my young ears and since I had no idea what was going on, I concocted the theory that 'Tony' was some sort of spirit guide that he sought power from ala Undertaker's urn and that Tony was eventually going to come back and replace Paul Bearer as his manager

  8. Road Dogg was pretty big around here, too.


    I remember when Attitude was coming out and none of us had any access to the internet, so we were relying on lies and half truths from twats in school and games magazines covering it every month. We were watching the updates like fucking hawks because all most of us gave a fuck about was whether Road Dogg was in it. 


    Gamesmaster had an ad for it maybe a month or so before it came out and had pictures of HHH, Billy Gunn and I think Chyna, among others.  We went absolutely apeshit with fear in the way people and kids do when they know there's a logical answer to something but choose to believe the worst until the truth is there singing With My Baby Tonight into their face. Panicked, I was then somehow conned into ringing Acclaim by the small group of mates I had and asked a receptionist who'd clearly been asked all sorts of absolute shite about this game from 12 year olds all around the country for months now, and before I could finish asking her whether Road Dogg was definitely in it she put me through to a phone advert without saying a word and I spent the next three or so premium minutes reading everything out aloud to them until we got to Road Dogg. We all cheered, then went about getting beat up by harder kids and letting people Gangrel DDT us onto gym mats for a fleeting moment of popularity.


    The joy lasted about as long as it took for the phone bill to arrive.
  9. I'll stay up to see the Reigns interview knowing i'll be sat here at 4am having waited the entire show, head in hands, freezing cold, electricity meter on it's arse, broken shower dripping pathetically, alone in the dark in my underpants with a litre of half drank Pepsi on the table muttering "every fucking time" to nobody.

  10. Yeah it's early days for Reigns, relatively. I'd gone off him a little bit because of the promos and non descript matches, but I remembered a bunch of shit like the "THIS MY TABLE NOW FOOLS" shout from a few years back and how fucking cool he was as a mute pumpkin brooding badass. He hasn't had some enormous nail in the coffin ala Sheamus and the 18 second match/RAW crowd the next night. He's probably got a good future rather than a half shite one if by some miraculous chance they can reign in the usual bollocks they give top babyfaces these days


    People just hate the idea of what he is, rather than him I reckon. People most likely to boo him have had to watch guys they absolutely want on top go through all sorts of shite over the years and get given Lashley, Sheamus, a returning Batista instead. I remember at the start of all the Shield stuff people were pissing and moaning about him being the odd one out among the two indy guys, but soon enough people were pretty excited and surprised he'd become a breakout star in his own right, but at some point it became obvious that Vince was basically cupping his balls and might aswell have put a sandwich board on him saying THIS IS YOUR NEW FAVORITE NOW YOU FREAKS and at this point people are smart enough to realise the sort of utter shite that entails.


    Coupled with the obvious paranoia over Bryan either retiring or never getting back to the top of the mountain after they somehow managed to force WWE into giving a 5ft10, pale hobo who looks like a Safety Dance extra a spot meant for the love child of Gary Strydom and Peter North  who's just starred in a movie that's made enough money to keep the leccy meter running til the sun implodes, you've got a recipe for trouble.


    Reigns has almost certainly got a big future whether anybody likes it or not, and I reckon people definitely want to give him a chance, it's just the WWE standard for the past few years of star making has been a comedy of bollocks.

  11. I'd love to see SID JUSTICE in the Hall of Fame as soon as possible, His name never comes up in these sorts of discussions among the usual suggestions of Savage, Rude & Owen but I can't think of a reason why they wouldn't do it, or have done it already. Multiple time world champion, headlined every Wrestlemania match he was in, tried to kill Arn Anderson once. He's got the criteria.

  12. I also missed City Hunter as a child because it wasn't included in the video shop's 3 for a quid offer. I made sure I paid the full 1.50 as soon as I got my first paycheck though. If I remember rightly, he had a cool "City Hunteeeer" jingle accompanying him through the film. That's probably where the extra expense went, and rightly so.


    I got to see City Hunter as a child after borrowing a Jackie Chan boxset from an uncle which for whatever reason packaged the light hearted anime adaptation together with Master With Cracked Fingers, a period piece made up of re-edited footage, and Island Of Fire, which as far as I remember is an incredibly grim and hard boiled prison drama.


    I dunno whether it's part nostalgia, but I rate City Hunter higher than most seem to. It's not Police Story like, but what is!

  13. Think i'm in the minority with this, but I wasn't into that Ryback promo at all. At least, I wasn't up until the point where he credited a fucking self help book that teaches you the power of positive thinking and harnessing good energy to get all that you desire, at which point I started pissing myself laughing.


    I'm not his biggest fan in the first place, but sincerely going on about fucking space magic, particularly when he's supposed to be some invincible nails bastard cokehead bouncer from fucking hell, is absolutely demented. No wonder the guy seemed like such a head the ball all these years - he is.

  14. Just enquired at the box office and there's still expensive and less so but still fuck me up the arse priced tickets for RAW tonight. Never attended one before but does anyone know the likelihood of them reducing tickets or giving them away at showtime given it's TV and they'll presumably want it full

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