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Retro Red

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Posts posted by Retro Red

  1. 27 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Blimey, surprised by that. I suppose 20 years on and that genre not being in the in thing, those songs are still affordable to license

    It’s not fully intact but near as damned. They’ve nearly doubled the original soundtrack with a good selection of newer songs as well so the 1 or 2 missing tracks isn’t noticeable.

    there’s been re-releases of Crazy Taxi without the licensed music over the years, if they really wanted to include the game it wouldn’t be the hardest thing in the world to mod the original to swap them out with generic replacements.

  2. I watched it last night (aptly just after 10, it’s old time slot), it was good, never great but far far better more recent ‘topical’ impression based sketch output like Newzoids, Dead Ringers, etc. The absence of Jon Culshaw probably helped a lot, can’t stand his smug face (not that he would be visible, but you know what I mean).

  3. Interesting that Sony were heavily featuring Ghostwire Tokyo as a PS5 (timed?) exclusive - that may now not even get a ps5 release at all. Massive acquisition as others have said, Microsoft now own a massive catalogue of big IPs to bolster their first party offerings.

  4. Same to be honest, Xbox or PS4 means I won’t get to play as much due to competing for screen time with the wife and kids. Work takes up enough time as it is so having the portable option would have given me more time in the evenings with it.

  5. Same here - no crowns but I've come 2nd a few times - either right behind the one who grabs the crown or the last to fall on Hex-a-gone. It's incredibly fun and everyone in the family is having a great time with it. Season 2 got revealed last night on the Gamescom live show - medieval themed levels look like they'll be a blast.

  6. 7 hours ago, waters44 said:

    My mate keeps badgering me to get into FFXIV but I’m worried because a) I’ve never played a FF game and b) I can only really give an hour a night to play, maybe more at weekends

    Is that enough time do you think or am I better off not bothering?

    He’s really ramping up the pressure because as I understand it part of the patch yesterday was making the free trial even bigger and better to new players 

    Just keep playing Destiny 2. You know it makes sense.

  7. I’ll echo the love for 8bitdo pads, I use the SF30pro which is the same as the plus but without the grips at the bottom (so it’s form factor is more like a slightly deeper SNES controller). Great controller very comfortable and reliable.

    The difference between the SN30 and the SF30 is just button colour, so go for the SF30 if you want to avoid the American purple colour scheme.

  8. No worries, it's just the more implicated we are (indirectly) by this then the more chance this thread has to be locked/deleted which will be a headache for the mods. Obv if a current/regular/historically prolific user were to be implicated then there'd be no avoiding it and rightly so but hopefully it doesn't' come to that.

  9. 17 minutes ago, Divorced Dad said:

    Britwtes fan Martin Bentley (who posts on here as @themib) has been implicated for taking inappropriate photos of female wrestlers and sharing them online.

    'posted' rather than 'posts', he hasn't logged on in nearly 5 years and only joined the year before that. Let's not make associations with characters like this when it's not really valid.

    24 minutes ago, elisarcabrera said:

    It’s sad that this is the only way victims feel they can be heard. That needs to change. Promoters need to have an open door to listen in confidence to anyone who has a concern, allegation or proof of abuse (whether it’s sexual, mental or physical).

    To an extent, yes - as an employer (Progress with it's 'they're not our responsibility when they aren't at a show' bollocks can piss off) they need to be open to listening to complaints and act accordingly. When it's more serious though such as an actual physical assault or rape - not to belittle harassment and bullying -  we should have a society where women feel comfortable and confident that they can report the matter to the police without worrying about being made to feel like a liar and being shunned by people who side with the defendant. It shouldn't be on an employer to handle something like that directly as a first point of contact, that's a criminal matter.

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