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Posts posted by METAL ON METAL

  1. Chalk me up as one who isn't completely sold on Balor too.


    He is a great wrestler and has great matches that I enjoy, but this is the most talented era WWE as a whole have ever had in-ring wise. Outside of his entrance, he doesn't have much that stands out.


    I just can't find an emotional connection with him, I've never felt myself wanting to will him on when his opponent has the upper hand - unlike other crowd favourites such as Zayn or Bayley. He's (a not as talented) Cesaro but with a better entrance.

  2. Shouldn't Brock Lesnar, or at least Paul Heyman, been on to hype up Lesnar vs Del Rio at the house show? Or am I mistaken thinking they've done that with his other ones?


    That house show isn't being shown on the network, so anything bar local advertisements would be a waste of time. He's been added because they hadn't even sold 5,000 tickets and had to make up for Cena not being on the card.

  3. If you use Chrome, you can watch the last episode of Peep Show right now at http://thanks4.channel4.com/video/peep-show-series-9-episode-6-premiere


    Right click on the white above the grayed box that says 'This isn't available yet' and press Inspect. Click on the 'reward content' arrow, then do the same with the 'media-embed'. Then on the first box below it change 'display:none;' to 'display:block;' and the episode will appear.

  4. Enjoyed the first episode of Breaking Ground, WWE always nail the behind the scenes shows. Looking forward to the rest of the series.


    Came away from it a bigger fan of Baron Corbin than I was before, he has that Lesnar-esque sense of self-importance/confidence in his abilities that is just too scarce these days. His verbal exchanges here were night and day to his stuff on NXT, comes across as so much more of a natural badass when left to his own devices.


    Albert still bores me to death whenever he talks though, makes me wish Billy Gunn was head trainer. 

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