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Posts posted by METAL ON METAL

  1. A chippy near mine, the locally famous Katie Mac's, does the battered Mars Bar but they also do battered Kit-Kat's. Can't say I've ever been tempted to try though.


    Battered burgers are heavenly though, always thought they were common place in every chippy countrywide. Is cheesy chips primarily a northern thing too?

  2. From how it read on Meltzer's site, Payback is a proper "ppv" style event, whereas Elimination Chamber has been reduced this year to being a Network exclusive show that will be taped after a Raw or SmackDown like King Of The Ring was a few weeks back.


    Nope. It's still an actual full PPV event live on the Sunday, it's just 'exclusive' to the Network (which isn't saying much considering they barely have any real PPV buyers left).

  3. So Justin Roberts has been trashing WWE, apparently he's been saying that the fans deserve better than the garbage they give them every Monday night. Also reckons the WWE is dying a slow death.


    Funny how he said it was his dream job and he couldn't believe he got paid for it, he also sent endless tweets about how much he loved the company.

    That was of course until he got fired. Sour grapes Justin?

    He's a good friend of Punk, wouldn't be surprised if all the drama of the WWE lawsuit has contributed to his feelings somewhat.

  4. What will get more people tuning in, Orton vs Rollins or Orton (w/ Jon Stewart) vs Rollins? Easy answer, and that is what counts for WWE as it is a business after all.


    As said above, it's a world of difference to Snooki or Maria Menounos, he is one of the biggest names and most highly acclaimed people in the TV industry - Rollins (and Orton) will benefit from his association rather than any harm.


    Plus, who even said it'll go to Mania? It's more than likely just a one time thing on Raw.

  5. I know Meltzer also writes about pro wrestling as well, but it's not all he writes about.


    I wish it was.


    For someone who has supposedly been covering MMA since the mid-90's, he is still pretty dreadful with it - always (probably subconsciously) keying pro-wrestling terms in to his articles.

  6. It looks like Baron Corbin might be getting his spot now anyway, I actually enjoyed his quick demolition of CJ. Super finisher.


    I'm glad they're doing something with him now, thought for a while that he has good potential and a convincing look.



    It's a shame Shaul Guerrero left again (due to an eating disorder apparently), because the plan was to pair them up. Looked great together:



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