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Posts posted by METAL ON METAL

  1. Absolutely gutted, more so than any other recent passing due to the shocking timing of it all.


    He seemed to finally be in a good place and free from resentment for the most part, your heart has to go out to his wife and two young children. You could tell how much he loved them at the HOF ceremony. I'm thankful to HHH for bridging the relationship between Warrior and Vince, this past weekend will certainly help for closure for fans in the long run - something we sadly didn't get whilst Savage was alive.


    54 really is no age to go at all.

  2. Warrior announced for Raw on WWE.com!


    WWE.com can confirm that newly-minted WWE Hall of Famer The Ultimate Warrior will be at Raw tonight, but what else lies ahead? WWE.com has five ideas for you to ponder while you wait for the action to unfold on USA tonight at 8/7 CT. (Not to mention the Raw Pre-Show on WWE Network at 7:30 ET.)
  3. I wouldn't be massively arsed about seeing Undertaker vs Sting at WrestleMania, but I wouldn't be against it either. It's just how many WrestleManias does Undertaker have left in him? I still would love to see him and Cena headline one before he retires. Maybe we can get both if Taker can hang on for another two years. Is that likely, or is next year's probably his last WrestleMania?


    I think he's likely around for at least two more, can't see him wanting to miss out on the rumoured big Cowboys Stadium WrestleMania in his home state of Texas.


    Plus, by then he'd be (likely) 25-0. Best way to go out, IMO.

  4. This dipshit referee should be raped in the shower for getting Bray Wyatt in his Scooby Doo mark out picture.



    Speaking of dipshits, in a radio interview last week Nikki Bella randomly mentioned to the host that Wyatt was apologising profusely to her backstage for the 'plastic girlfriend' comment. Either intentionally demeaning his character or more likely she's an absolute idiot.

  5. 4 hours of JBL, plus the terrible bickering between him, Lawler & Cole is what I'm looking forward to least at Wrestlemania.


    He really adds nothing postive to the commentary at all, which is saying a lot when his co-commentator is Jerry Lawler. The sooner they get rid of him and promote someone like Alex Riley or Regal, the better as far as I'm concerned.

  6. NXT is probably the one place where winning a title is a hindrance. I means you're probably sticking around in developmental for a while.


    I wouldn't really say that's true, its a case by case basis. Rollins got called up to the main roster three months after winning the NXT title and was still champion for two months after Shield's debut. Big E won the NXT title in the same week that he got called up, and didn't drop it until four or five months later.


    The fact all three previous champions have all been called up (Bo Dallas' terrible forgotten thing with Barrett included) must surely go in his favour if anything. WWE don't really seem to mind people pulling double duty, they had/have plenty people appearing on Raw/Smackdown whilst having completely different feuds on NXT at the same time.

  7. WWE have lucked out with Renee Young. Not only is she incredibly cute, but she's also the most natural interviewer they've had for a long time. I think I'm in love.


    How have they lucked out? She was a (wrestling) chat show host in Canada when they signed her, not exactly the usual incoherent models they sign to interview.

  8. Gotta imagine they'll be putting him in bubble wrap in the next few weeks before Mania. His muscle mass certainly doesn't help him as far as those frequent tears go.


    Wonder if this is why he wasn't involved on NXT ArRIVAL the other day, despite being advertised to make an appearance (aside from sitting in the crowd).

  9. I wonder if they're giving Punk time off. I'd hope until the night after Elimination Chamber at least, so it gives him a few weeks to get refreshed and change his awful look.


    Knowing WWE, they'll just shoehorn him into the Chamber match for no apparent reason or any real need.

  10. Really good 30 min interview with CM Punk done yesterday in his home by Ariel Helwani, obviously some UFC talk but mostly wrestling based interview.




    Interesting about him being out of contract in 6 months and texting Vince at 4am saying he wants to induct Ultimate Warrior.

  11. The Bad Guy being fantastic on Twitter as usual, responding to what Lawler said about him on Raw:


    "So apparently I do not know which way an elevator goes if you gave me two guesses according to Jerry Lawler. I can tell you one thing. If I was in an elevator with The Kat it would definitely be going down. Ryback Rules"

  12. Goldberg Cena and Batista all won the belt. Ryback was pushed to main event then they bottled giving him the belt beacause i guess they didnt want him to have it (not ready)


    You really aren't getting it. Ryback was only pushed into the main event (sooner than they would've planned) against Punk because Cena got injured and they had fuck all else in terms of potential good drawing main events.


    And the reason they didn't 'want him to have it' wasn't because he wasn't ready, it was because they thought CM Punk's year plus title reign being ended by The Rock (which had been planned for months) would be massive, which it wasn't.


    It doesn't excuse that God awful finish though.

  13. Bjorn has said Alvarez will still get his PPV points from this show, which considering its on free TV, is strange.


    Clearly he's only saying/doing that so he doesn't get yet another lawsuit coming his way.

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