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Posts posted by METAL ON METAL

  1. Only from The Nerdist would you get CM Punk, Michael Rooker, Danica McKellar and Steve Jones from the Sex Pistols in a Star Wars skit.




    I've always wanted to see if I'd get turned on by a girl wearing a backwards ICOPRO hat (with an optional bandanna under it), zubaz pants, black construction boots, a bum back and a free promotional radio t-shirt that sponsored an In Your House event. A proper wrestlers uniform.


    You need a night out in Hendon then.

  2. It's a French film called 'Queens of the Ring'. WWE Studio's had a small hand in it, and apparently it actually features cameo's from CM Punk, The Miz & Eve Torres.


    Description of it: "The film centers around Rose, a mother looking to strengthen her bond with her estranged son who is WWE fan. Going the extra mile, the loving mother begins training to become a wrestling diva. The comedy/drama follows Rose as she finds a job in a supermarket and convinces her new cashier colleagues to join her in her journey to impress her son by becoming a Queen of the Ring."

  3. Probably a blessing in disguise for Ambrose and us the fans, that.Him debuting in The Shield is far more memorable and has more longevity than him showing up individually taking out someone who struggles just to walk (and who crowds aren't too bothered about anymore) in Foley.Obviously shit for Foley like, poor bloke. Largely himself to blame though, especially if he was willing to get back in the ring in the state (health-wise) he is in.

  4. I find it impossible to believe that's Ribena Butch is drinking. I love photo's of UKFF hook ups.

    Snakebite and black, that was the day we thrashed England in the six nations, that's why I've got a drunk eye.
    Not sure about elsewhere, but up here that's known as a 'Diesel'.I like to think Kevin Nash had some part to play in that.
  5. Rick Moranis is interviewed on the latest Nerdist podcast. Rick Moranis! Completely out of the blue. Great to hear he isn't dead or anything. I haven't seen him in anything in years.

    That's cause he's retired. Quit his career to take care of his family after his wife died.Looking forward to this episode. Hardwick said the next three weeks of the podcast is stacked, can't wait!
  6. Lewis vs. Tyson was 11 years ago yesterday, time flies eh? Still remember staying up for it on SBO with my brothers and my dad - the only fight that has had the whole house excited.



    Lewis posted a few interesting notes on Twitter last night about the fight which I never knew about:

    [*]After hearing Don King had bought Tyson a brand new car during negotiations, Lewis made King buy him a fully kitted out Range Rover before he signed the contract.

    [*]King insisted on the ring in Memphis being small, to supposedly give Tyson an advantage in closing Lennox down. When made aware of this, Lewis bought a big ring out of his own money and got it shipped to Memphis & it was the one used in the fight - Lewis still actually owns the ring, he has it in storage in New Jersey.

    He also confirmed that King/Tyson did indeed pay him $4m to stand aside so Tyson could fight Holyfield.

  7. They weren't really heels in the match though, they were just teamed up with the Bellas - they were still yelling "Us" to the crowd and whatnot. It seemed like there was going to be some love interest deal between Naomi and one of the Usos, but that could easily be dropped by the next episode.


    I've only watched a few minutes of it on YouTube, but the one Uso constantly leering at Naomi seemed pretty heelish. And mental, when Cameron's there.

    Ah I didn't pay too much attention to the match, just afterwards Naomi seemed upset that one of the Uso's got beat. And yeah, Cameron's *right* there.


    One of the Uso's is engaged to Naomi, so probably some crappy angle made to play on to that.

  8. 78p on Luke Rockhold to beat Vitor Belfort. This was a mistake. I place the bet on a whim and got my Strikeforce middleweights mixed up. When I placed the bet I was actually thinking of Tyrone Woodley.







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