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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. We go on the middle Sunday(afternoon sesh) every year, and never buy tickets in advance. Just got the ticket office an hour or two before the session and ask what is available. 12 consecutive years now, and weve got  tickets every time(for the last few years, we got 5 together in the wheelchair accessable area that had not been purchased).

  2. I'm obviously going to say this, but I don't think Wednesday anywhere near deserved that today. Over the season, yep, I can say they really should have been top 2. But today? Second best in every area of the park, against a team unjustly made to play with 10 men.

    I personally think it would have been a year too early for us to go up anyway, but when you lose a game like that then it really hurts.

    Good luck next season to all Wednesday fans though. Hopefully, we're not swapping places at the end of it...

  3. 1 hour ago, cobra_gordo said:

    the fact he's self employed and can charge what he wants.

    I had the same with my Step-Dad, who is a plumber. He was slagging the Posties and nurses off for asking for a "huge" pay rise, and that because he is self employed if he just down tools he'd not get a penny. This was followed 5 minutes later by him telling me he was putting his hourly rate up "a bit" to cover for the spiralling cost of living. Honestly, I had no words...

  4. 16 hours ago, MungoChutney said:

    100% behind the current strikes from posties, nurses and rail workers. The misrepresentation of the asks of each had been horrendous, Daily Mail leading the charge as usual.

    I work in the public sector and there's an ongoing pay dispute at the moment. I'm finding it a bit tricky to be honest because due to a regrading, people in my role have had an increase of around 20% in two years. Given the financial constraints in Scotland I do wonder if we'd be better settling and allowing more funds to be allocated to nurses. Government funding and powers are finite at Hollyrood so I'm not sure Scot Gov can really do much more without drastically trimming other pots.

    I'm in a funny position too regarding pay/pay rises. I work for the regions Pension Authority(who manage, invest and administer the pensions/funds for all the councils and many private companies(who use the Local Government Pension Scheme), so we're classes as public sector, but because all our operating costs are taken out of the actual pension fund, we can run independently. Normally, its a best of both worlds situation, as we get all the benefits of the public sector(job security, decent pension, their employment rules, etc), but we get paid in line with the private sector. 

    We've had a pay dispute for the last year. The authority automatically applied a 4% rise in April, with the proviso that any additional agreement would be backdated to April too. Well, the Union came back to us eventually saying the final offer was for a £3k pay rise across the board. It was great for the lower end of the pay scale, but poor for the top(I'm in the middle). We accepted it in the end for the benefit of the lower scaled staff, even though for me it meant no change in real terms, and those higher up are essentially taking a pay cut.

    Luckily, 99% of my colleagues are great and could see that to the lower paid staff and extra £3k a year could be the difference between them freezing over the winter or not.

  5. 1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:


    By "unfortunately", I mean that it's unfortunate that it has come to this. That in 2022, in a developed, "democratic" and wealthy county, even the emergency services are having to down tools just to get a fair wage and it's looking like the only way to achieve anything is for everyone to walk out.

    I agree it needs a general nationwide strike to try and totally wipe the slate clean. 

    If it works or not, that's another matter.

  6. This is the first Christmas in about 15 years I'm actually looking forward to. 

    It will be the first one with the new Mrs(the Polish one I mentioned in the relationships thead, for those that saw it). They have their big day on Christmas Eve, when they prepare 12 different dishes(full ones too, no passing mash off as one of the them), have a live fish swimming in their bath until they slaughter it to make yet another dish, talk to animals and expect them to answer, give presents, etc.  Then we will move on to Chrismas Day where we will have out traditional day with more gifts, big fuckoff dinner and get pissed. 

    From there, it's my mums birthday on Boxing Day, so its out on the traditional all day drinking sesh, which is usually the highlight of Christmas!

    Away from family, at work everyone is now back working at least 2 days per week in the office, so I've been invited to 5 different departments nights out, the company-wide night out and the works Christmas dinner. I've been in charge of all the staffs bonus' and gifts from the company, so know for a fact everyone will be buzzing after they see whet they have been awarded. Everything just feels so fucking good at the minute!!!


  7. My only concern with the Regal/MJF partnership is if MJF needs Regal? The guy can already talk, so doesn't need a mouthpiece. He already has tons of legitimate heat(probably more than anyone else is AEW has ever had), so doesn't need a "heater". 

    I do hope its more of a mentorship where Regal is legitimately working with MJF to take him to the next level both characterise and on the mat. I don't know why they would have to align them on-screen to achieve this, though. 

    It will be interesting to see where they go with it, though...

  8. Cheers all, and you've given me a few laughs too!

    We did sit and have a talk last night, and we agreed that I should never attempt to learn Polish as I was absolutely dreadful! She's fluent in English, so that helps, but nor so fluent in Barnsley so I've agreed to try and hold my accent back a little to help(I do have a really strong accent, to be fair. I'm more Barnsley than Kes!). We've agreed to just go with the flow and if I do anything wrong, she can swear at me in whatever language she feels fit!

    It's all going well though, so fingers crossed it does work out!

    On 10/29/2022 at 12:24 PM, King Coconut said:

    I've worked in Poland many times and every morning the men go around the office shaking each other's hands, completely ignoring the women. I hope this helps. 

    Do they ignore the balding Asian man too(sorry, but that was one of my all time favourite threads)? 

  9. I'm looking for a little bit of advice please, ladies and gents! After two years of being single to flush the remnants of my last relationship out and get my head sorted, I've met someone and we've really, really quickly got serious and I've fell head over heel's for her. 

    Everything is great and going well, but there is one thing that is brand new to me, and I'm not sure how to approach it and get used to it. She's not English(she's from Poland), so I'm trying to be mindful of her customs and things, but I keep dropping myself in it with things,

    Do any of you have any experience with this sort of situation who can give advice? I really don't want to fuck this up? 

  10. Thanks for the recommendations all! My only previous knowledge of the sport were knowing who the Yankees and Red Sox are and knoing The Cleveland Indians and Chicago Cubs from the Major League and Rookie of the Year movies.

    1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

    I think that’s how @FelatioLipsbecame a Mariner! Some great advice here, I might even try a fantasy baseball league next season. 

    I’d recommend watching last nights game on the iplayer  having the English guy (he’s a cricket podcaster and was in The Maccabees) on comms learning stuff from the presenters was a fantastic format, think Eliot Page in Inception, a human FAQ to keep you in the loop explaining why batters are doing this and pitchers and fielders are doing that etc  it will honestly help to pick up on the subtleties of the game!

    And yes, fuck the Yankees!!

    The BBC's coverage did help yesterday. Is Felix involved in all the BBC's coverage this season?

  11. I'm finally giving Baseball a try, and I'm really enjoying the BBC coverage with that Felix bloke on commentary and actively learning the sport along with me. 

    I need a team to "support" though, but I've no idea who anyone is. So come on lads, suggest me a team to support, please!

  12. 13 hours ago, Nick James said:

    Currently on the second series of Ladhood and I'm not sure if I'm genuinely enjoying it because it's a good show, or out of pure nostalgia because it's about a 33 year old bloke from Yorkshire with underlying mental health issues, looking back at his teen years in the early 2000's. Each episode reminds me of something that either happened at school or reminded me of those times.

    Once you get past Liam Williams' odd 'radio style' voice, it has some genuinely funny moments.

    I'm in the exact same boat as you regarding Ladhood. 

    I watched it with my now 18 y/o son a little while back, and he got fed up of me telling him that the same things happened to my mates an I when we where that age! 

  13. Agree with the Fosters Ice. i loved it as a 13 year old, and was my choice of lager until about 16 y/o! Saturday night in the park was usually a bottle of 20/20(we used to call it Mad Dog, for some reason), or a bottle of "Quid Shit" cider if we were counting the pennies. 

    We also had a spell drinking something called Zafra. I don't remember much about it(so it must have been good!), but it was a Hooch knock off, I think.

    Skol lager was really, really cheap for a few months, so we had that too... 

  14. 2 hours ago, Ironic Indie Lad said:


    There are quite a few remasters of games that were already stunning on PS4 but are now nicer looking, better framerates, zero loading times etc. If you haven't played them before then FFVII Intergrade, Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection and Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut are all well worth a look.

    It looks like I can pay £10 to upgrade my Uncharted Legacy to the PS5 version, so that's a no-brainer, and I always fancied Ghost of Tsushima last gen, but never to around to getting it, so I might plump for that too


    1 hour ago, The Curious Orange said:

    Both the Spider-Man games will be worth a look on PS5 too if you haven't already played them

    I loved the Spider-Man game on PS4. Is it worth getting the PS5 version too, then?

  15. Just managed to get a PS5, which should be delivered tomorrow. 

    What games are considered must haves? I'm not a fan of First Person games(although I have already ordered the last Resident Evil game), but really like 3rd Person ones. Is there any games that will show off the next gen qualities and really impress me?

  16. 43 minutes ago, Perry said:

    All the wrestling shows were an hour long back in the day and it always seemed sufficient.  Although you had to watch around 3 different shows to keep up with the storylines.

    I wonder if similar would work now? Say the WWE cut Raw and Smackdown to 90 minutes each, and added a third show as a bridge on a Wednesday(main show, not development). they would be losing an hour of ads, but would it make the shows seem more attractive to viewers and improve the figures enough to offset it(I might be wrong, but doesn't the viewership drop anyway in Raw's third hour)? I suppose the concern would be over saturation...

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