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Posts posted by BionicRedneck

  1. To be fair, Barrera is 34, semi-retired and a small lightweight. Khan is young, active and big for the division. Plus, Khan has Freddie Roach in his corner.


    I mean, as long as MAB isn't completely shot, I think he'll win, I'm just saying it's maybe not as crazy as it first sounds.

  2. London, Sept. 22: Former England footballer Paul Gascoigne aka "Gazza" seems to have completely lost it.A secret video of him talking to bemused drinkers at a pub that he visits frequently shows him insisting that he tried to steal two billion pounds from the Pope. He also says President George Bush wants him to marry his daughter.According to the Sun, this astonishing rant, gives a worrying insight into how warped Gazza

  3. I was looking for highlights of last night's footy and found the goals from the Liverpool-Toulouse game with hilarious commentary from well-known fruitcake Ray Hudson. It's inspired stuff.


    "Clean, accurate, dynamic! It's a screamer of a header. He locks his focus in - jumps, jacknifes, punches! Bulging net...broken spirits." :laugh:


    Here is more of his lunacy : Stroking their big big WHITE beards and saying "VAMONOS MUCHACHOS!!"


    And here is his Kickboxing equivalent, the equally stupid Will Vanders : In and out like a fiddler's elbow!

  4. Well, the crossface isn't a choke. And if he did choke him from that position, as you say, there would've been clear damage to the neck.

    Think about the hold though: Benoit's hands would have been locked across the nose and mouth of young Daniel. Look at the size difference - it's easily conceivable that his hands would have engulfed the nose and mouth of his son; making suffocation pretty simple.
    I suppose. It just seems like a really bizarre way to suffocate someone. If he wanted to do that, he could have just covered his face with his hands. Surely that would've been simpler and less painful for the kid. If it was a 'mercy killing' which is the suggestion, he sure picked a painful way to do it.
  5. That thread is hilarious.EDIT: I see someone has edited Kevin Sullivan's wikipedia page to say 'He killed Chris Benoit and his family!'.

  6. The people screaming about him being a child killer who should rot in hell are pretty much as stupid as those who refused to believe a good worker would ever murder his family. He went nuts, folks. Stone bonkers. I want to know why, when it seems like this has come as a total shock to anyone who knew him at all, he would suddenly flip like that. The News Of The World hyperboyle is ridiculous. Something really, really weird happened to this guy, he didn't just "turn evil" on Friday.

    Bingo.I'm not gonna totally condemn someone, whoever they are, when I've no idea why they did something. I think it'd be stupid to do that. I've no idea why the guy did this. If he did it for fun, then sure he's a sick fuck. If he did it because he was mentally ill, then surely that's different.
  7. FOX News is fucking awful. They spend most of the time hyping something before the ads (like 'we'll have more on the story, right after this...') and then when it comes back, they talk about something completely different.

  8. I don't care what the evidence points to but if any of you honestly think Benoit killed his wife and son and then himself you're morons. Someone's name is being heavily tarnished here with Sheriff's Department ineptitude.

    Yeah, I'm with this guy. Forget things like evidence, police reports and findings, it's impossible for bearers of ***** matches to do something like this. The fans know more about this case than the idiots at the scene, with their forensics and details. Did these fools ever see his Super Jnr win? I don't think so. Ruddy media :angry:
    No, you're missing the point. I didn't shed a tear for Chris last night. He wasn't my favourite wrestler ever, infact he was involved in a number of average-boring matches but the point is this case is far from closed and you've already all condemned him.I just don't think there's anything to suggest that somebody like Chris who loved his kids so much would have killed his own son. We've all seen how they were together and heard many stories from the tributes last night. It's just very unlikely when you actually think about it. Far more likely that Nancy strangled Daniel and then Chris killed her in rage maybe.Someone brought up Bob Woolmer and i would have thought the clusterfuck of arrest/release/drop charges/arrest/release of Barrymore would have told you all you need to know about hunches and conjecture.Just because WWE.com has retardedly written it as fact on the website while the actual investigators only 'believe' but actually DON'T KNOW yet doesn't make this case closed.
    Are you fucking serious? I mean, really, are you fucking serious?How on earth is that 'far more likely' when she was, by all accounts, killed BEFORE him? And, as your reasoning for why Chris Benoit didn't do this was because he 'loved his son' are you suggested that Nancy Benoit didn't?
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