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Posts posted by BionicRedneck

  1. Well, that's one fucked knee.Class!That guy's going to be the next shoe in for the Darwin awards if he continues.... lol...

    Saw that for the first time the other day and it's pretty much the funniest thing ever. Him screaming in anguish while his mates laugh only makes it funnier. 'AAAAAHHHHHHHOOOOOWWWWAAAAAAHH! *sob* Stop it! I'm not kidding'. Guys behind the camera: *snigger* 'Hahahahahahahahahaha' :laugh:
  2. Went to see 'Silent Hill' yesterday. It was good visually, has some cool moments and is very faithful to the games, but overall it was just a giant mess. It makes virtually no sense (although, if you've played the games, you are more likely to understand some of it) and seems to last about 4 hours.When it ended, some guy sat behind me got up and proclaimed 'Well, that was the worst film ever.'

  3. I've not read both, but Nige's was a fairly simple looks into a well publicised career of where the information is available from anywhere.I'm happy to have Nige write for my site and he'll continue to do so. If you'd bothered looking it up you'd see he does articles on news the day it happens. Now unless you find something through google he isn't taking that from a magazine.

    So, how come people noticed straight away that it was ripped off? How come he only really mentions stuff that was also mentioned in the magazine article even though Eddie has a large career to choose from. Sure, it COULD be a coincidence...

    Nige is1) A better writer than Mo Chatra

    I'm no fan Chatra mark (he'll tell ya that), but I don't see why you're attacking him. He's done nothing wrong as far as I can see.

    2) Not stupid enough to copy stuff from a guy he works for and publicise it on a forum, unless he was very very drunk. and he'd have needed beer gogs on when it came to Mo's writing and getting that drunk would show in the typing

    You would think not.

    Nothing to do with people being sheep? Show me some people not going "OMG IT WOZ ALWAZE GUNA HAPAN CUZ XWRESTLZING IS FRAUDZ CUZ MOJ SED SO!!!11" and I might give you some credence

    Well...plenty of people haven't done that. Are you actually reading this thread?

    I'll take that and my own dealings with him that go back further than anyone elses here over some half assed conspiracy claptrap about two simple articles that were a bit similar.

    No. Not a bit similar. VERY similar. Nobody is crying conspiracy, either. Except you.

    Hell you post a lot like Ray from my boards, I don't accuse you of being the same person though many of the ideas are the same in your posts. I could probably do some quotes and make a decent case if I wanted to.

    Not many people here post like Ray, actually.

    I won't because I'm not a twat and don't sink to wanting to lynch someone for something like this, and frankly having thought of you as a level headed guy in the past it sucks that you've lowered my opinion of you by doing so

    Nobody wants to lynch him, either. You need to calm down, bud.

    Although I'm sure you're 10x more over with Version1 and van halen so good for you I suppose

  4. Nice to see any sheep theories being played out in full here!Shocking that coming up to Eddie Guerrero's big title chance two people would decide to do an article on him, dig up some research off google and HORROR OF HORRORS end up with a similar articleI mean jesus unless someone's going to find duplicates of all the other articles Nige has posted there's no case whatsoever.1 in 20+ articles mysteriously ended up being similar to one someone else had written about a popular and widley known subject. Someone call the JFK theoristsIt's more Mo thinking he's better than he is in that he's THAT DAMN GOOD that noone could possibly match any of his articles as a throwaway piece. Oh noFact is I suggested the idea of a Guerrero article to Nige, so he didn't get the idea from powerslam.and fuck if I was looking for CREDIBILITY in the IWC I'm sure as hell not going to waste half an hour writing up an article written by Mo fucking Chatra, considered a retard by a good portion of your target audienceGood to see that everyone turned on Nige without considering other options or waiting for any kind of explanation though. Slightly sad to see people I've come to expect better from doing exactly the same.Actually come to think of it I think he reviewed the Royal Rumble on the same day as Scott Keith and listed the same moves :o:o:oHe's guilty as Shipman folks!

    Roughly translated: "Aw...shit. I can't believe I let that guy write for my website".Have you read the PowerSlam article? Have you read the article done by Nigel? If so, then I dunno where the fuck you're coming from. If not, do so. It's pretty obvious what's happened here, and it's got nothing to do with people here being sheep.
  5. Next week Nigel passes off Have a Nice Day as his own in depth look at the life and times of Mick Foley

    Very good, sir.As soon as Nigel comes here to defend himself, I'm guessing this is gonna develop into UKFF Gold~! In fact, just put this in UKFF Gold, now. Thoughts?
  6. I'm shocked and appalled that Nakanishi beat Tenryu. Seriously. First off, wouldn't it have made more sense to book Tenryu to win to set up future matches with the likes of Nagata, Chono & Tenzan? Secondly, if Tenryu is challenging for the Triple Crown later this month (as rumoured), it makes him look weak. With AJPW owner Mutoh on the card, that seems like a strange course of action.

    I think it's to get Nakanishi over again. Plus, New Japan want to get jobs out of Tenryu before he goes to AJPW/NOAH. It's pretty obvious that he is jobbing to Kawada, so it's a good booking decision from a New Japan point of view. I'm also surprised Mutoh didn't object to it but he's a retard.
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