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Posts posted by BionicRedneck

  1. Steamboat had a ninja to watch his back. He'd had Rude beaten on a couple of occasions, but Madusa or Paul E. had interfered and cost him the win (and the US title). So he hired a ninja to make sure he'd get a fair fight. But thanks to Madusa's scheming ways, it never worked out that way... :(


    Ah, I see. Thanks for the info.


    I might be remembering this wrongly, but didn't Jericho have a ninja in his entourage at one point? The Jerichoholic Ninja, I think.


    Yeah, but he wasn't a real ninja. He was just some guy with a T-shirt with 'Jerichoholic Ninja' on it. I seem to recall Goldberg annihilated him.


    Jericho in 1998 was solid gold. Speaking of which - anyone know what happened to Ralphus?

  2. This is just fucking great.


    Following on from my post the other day, I'm still baffled as to why Ricky Steamboat had a personal ninja who he evidently didn't know the identity of. I tried to find an explanation and I couldn't. But, I did find something better...I bring you :



    Mean Gene interviews Steamboat from the Temple of Ching Lao where he is preparing for the World Wrestling Federation, by passing The Three True Tests. Mean Gene describes the bridge of serenity as 'tremendously serene'. Steamboat says it wasn't always so serene and that's where the fun really begins.


    Seriously, why have I never seen this before?

  3. Doesn't get much more old school than these chaps.


    I was actually trying to find the Sting/Robocop thing because I fancied a giggle, when I stumbled across an angle, which reminded me of a much better storyline. That being the formation of maybe my favourite faction ever (along with Kaentai DX) - The Dangerous Alliance. The basic story was that Paul E. Dangerously had been a commentator, but lost his job, was pissed off about it and declared war on WCW. They generally feuded with all the top faces in the company, mainly Sting, Ricky Steamboat, Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham, Nikita Koloff, leading to the famous War Games match at WrestleWar '92. I tried to find as much of the important stuff as I could, so enjoy you lucky swines!


    But, be warned - while early 90s WCW was so great in many ways, it was also comically shit. This stuff is a good example of that...


    In the first relevant incident Larry Zbyszko earns his 'Crusher' nickname by fucking up Baz Windham's hand with help from Arn Anderson while Dustin Rhodes, like an idiot, sits there doing nothing. Then The Haloween Phantom is revealed as Rick Rude. Like I said, WCW in the early 90s is fucking hysterical. Look at Eric Bischoff! Just look at him dressed up as Dracula. What's more, he seems perfectly happy to be dressed as Dracula. Not to mention, The Phantom's cheap ass looking outfit. Anyway, Heyman cuts a hell of a promo and pre-horrible tit job Madusa looks nice.


    At the Clash of the Champions, Rhodes and Windham are scheduled to face tag Champs Anderson and Zbyszko, but Bazza's hand is fucked so Rhodes finds a mystery partner. A mystery partner who enters wearing the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life on his head. The mystery partner is revealed and the tag title match is on - Parts I, II and III. It's good stuff.


    Same night, Sting is scheduled to face Rude for the US title. Then some wacky shit involving mystery boxes and Madusa acting like a possessed slut lead to Sting getting injured by Lex Luger. 'What a dastardly attack' says JR. Bobby Eaton, the sly bastard, tells Sting to go to hospital (or in JR world, a 'medical facility') because he's got plenty of time. Except he doesn't as Paul E. has found a loophole in the contract which means if Sting isn't in the ring come bell time, Rude wins the US title by forfeit. More comedy from Bischoff, with him and JR having a phone conversation from hospital. Look at his little face in that picture. Sting, being a hero, returns to face Rude. Good little brawl they have. Ross is great on commentary here and Paul E. cuts another great promo post-match complete with theatrical spitting.


    Anyway, Heyman officially announces The Dangerous Alliance of Zybysko, Anderson, Rude, Stunning Steve Austin, Eaton and Madusa. I'm not actually sure where Austin fits into all this but he's 'the world's greatest athlete' according to Heyman and he's Stunning Steve Austin, so who cares?


    On to Starrcade '91 and the impossibly shit 'Lethal Lottery'. 40 wrestlers were entered into the lottery and chosen 'at random' to form 20 tag teams. Each team faced another 'randomly' chosen team and the winning team got entered into BattleBowl~! (or a battle royal to you and me) where the winner gets...something. I dunno. So basically, the PPV had 10 tag matches and a battle royal. Like I said - shit. Amazingly, Rude and Austin were 'randomly' chosen to team together where they faced the Hansen/Brody-like duo of Van Hammer and Big Josh. Zybysko doesn't make BattleBowl because El Gigante is a retard. I know you're desperate to see clips of all this so : here. Anyway, Sting ends up winning BattleBowl and getting whatever you get for winning BattleBowl.


    At the next Clash, Sting and Steamboat took on Austin and Rude. I'm pretty sure there was six man involving the other members, but I couldn't find it, so we'll pretend it didn't happen.


    On to SuperBrawl II (

    ). This is the show with the pretty famous Liger/Pillman match, generally recognised as one of the best opening matches ever. But we aren't here to talk about that shit. Barry Windham is still, understandably, pissed off about his broken hand. He's looking for revenge on Zybyszko, who teams with Stunning Steve to take on Windham and Rhodes. At the beginning of this, you get an interview with The Taylor Made Man who is described, by Missy Hyatt, as looking 'so dapper'. He doesn't, of course. He looks like Terry Taylor wearing something that the Million Dollar Man rejected. In fact, I'd go as far as to say he looks like a twat. Anyway, this match is good stuff. Like all good grudge matches it starts with a brawl~! I hate it when grudge matches start with headlocks and shit. Here's part II. Same night Eaton and Anderson (who are now the tag champs) face the Steiner Brothers. It's another good tag match - Parts I and II.


    Before this match Missy Hyatt interviews a ninja. Yep. A ninja. Ricky Steamboat's own personal ninja apparently. Don't ask me. Madusa also tries to talk to Steamboat, but the ninja wont let her, so she bitchslaps him: See this ninja-related madness. All this is ahead of Rick Rude vs. Steamboat for the US title. The ninja's reaction when Steamboat is leaving his dressing room is priceless. I'm not sure what I'm missing with this ninja business. Can anyone fill me in? Why did Steamboat have his own ninja? Anyway, it's one of Rude's better singles matches, certainly in a WCW ring, that I can think of. The crowd absolutely HATES him. They are so loud he can barely do his pre-match disrobing routine. Steamboat w/Ninja vs. Rude part I and Part II. Afterwards, the ninja's true identity is revealed. Missy Hyatt is so terrible in these segments that you have to wonder if she's doing it on purpose.


    The blow-off to the feud was, of course, War Games. The Dangerous Alliance vs. Sting's Squadron. In the build-up there was a suggestion that Nikita couldn't be trusted and that he'd betray his team. Plus, the Alliance attacked Steamboat and broke his nose, which explains the comedy plaster he is wearing. It's a classic brawl and a great blow-off to the feud and my personal favourite War Games match (Part I, Part II).


    That was basically it. The faction carried on for a bit, IIRC, but Larry got booted, then Madusa got fired and I'm pretty sure Michael Hayes ended up getting involved and things all got a bit shit. When Heyman went to ECW a couple of New Dangerous Alliances appeared, but the originals were the bollocks. Here is some more fun DA-related stuff:


    Ricky Steamboat vs. Bobby Eaton - Steamboat gets his nose broken.

    Sting gets attacked

    6-Man tag

    Steamboat interview - He's with Sting, Rhodes and Windham. Oh and his ninja.

    Another 6-Man.

    Windham vs. Austin - for the TV Title.

    Madusa gets fired. - Paul E. is gold.


    You better watch all this stuff now that I've found it. :thumbsup:

  4. You'll probably like seeing the Beverley Brothers trying to murder this jobber then...


    Good lord~! The shit eating grin on his face as he makes the cover is the icing on the cake.


    I'd just like to say, I don't actually enjoy seeing people get actually badly hurt or anything. Honest. But jobber squashes are (or at least were) great.

  5. More jobber deaths~!


    - Yoko kills some poor bastard with the Banzai Drop, then sits on him for ages. Try not to laugh as the guy struggles underneath him. Especially as Yoko's balls are practically in his face. Even Jim Cornette feels sorry for the poor guy and tells Yoko to get up.


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XngKLjGD7tk - Vader breaking a jobbers back. You've probably all seen this one or at least heard about it. He really puts a beatdown on this poor guy. He slaps him silly, hits a brutal lariat, chokeslams him so viciously that two guys in the background jump to their feet and put their hands on their heads and then finishes the job with a powerbomb that almost literally snaps the guy in half.


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJnb-_YOdZM...feature=related - 'Sid Vicious destroys two gay guys' is the title of the video. Yup, that just about sums it up. At about 0:48 see Lenny Lane get annihilated.


    Oh, and you're not wrong about Doink. Especially the Evil Doink

    . Terrifying.
  6. I randomly came across this the other day and it seems to fit well enough in this thread.



    Yokozuna killing some jobber. Everything about this rules. Special mention to McMahon's "Forgettaboutit!". That used to be like his catchphrase.

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