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Posts posted by BionicRedneck

  1. *Spoilers for those who ain't seen it*


    Well, Mosley-Mayweather was a nothing fight. It went pretty much as expected, but when Shane actually fought it was competitive. He hurt Floyd in the 2nd. But for most of the night he did absolutely nothing. Just stood in front of Floyd and took straight rights all night. If Floyd had actually gone for it, he'd have stopped him.

  2. Tragic stuff.


    He'd clearly gone batshit a while ago and considering he'd suffered a massive head injury prior to his pro boxing career, I think it's safe to say he should never have been allowed to fight professionally.

  3. Surely the bigger question would be why would aliens come all this way just to visit the West Midlands? And why do they always seem to just hover in the sky in broad daylight? For incredibly advanced creatures, they don't seem very smart.

  4. I reckon that first knockdown punch would have floored either of the Klitchkos for good. It looked like a one-way street though as far as I could tell on my shitty stream.


    Maybe Wladimir but Vitali has an iron chin.

  5. Clottey has a very good defence, but I think Manny is too quick. I don't think Clottey has the speed, skill or brains to make Manny miss and then counter him. Whenever I've seen him, he usually just stands in front of guys and blocks their shots with his forearms Winky Wright-style and then counters them. He had some success against Cotto doing that, but I don't think you can do that with Manny because of his speed and the angles he throws from. And if he comes forward and tries to dominate because of his natural size advantage, he'll probably get stopped.


    But, you're right about it being a no-win situation for Pacquiao. Clottey is awkward and very difficult to look good against and, if Pac does lose, it's not like he's lost to a name fighter.

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