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Posts posted by BionicRedneck

  1. By all accounts the axing of Melissa Suffield was do to constant disciplinary issues. Shame, as she is a cracking little actress. As awful as Ben Mitchell is, I will miss his camp, hokey acting and delivery on the Square (the funniest thing I have seen on the show for years was the immortal 'You need slappin' dahn' line). They are also recasting Lauren Branning.


    She's got cracking tits. She's a rubbish actress.

  2. You've got to work to try and make them as normal as they can possibly be otherwise we might aswell just put people down. If we're going to have the attitude that someone is bad or evil and can't be rehabilitated then we might aswell just hang them and have done with it.

    Making them "as normal as can be" may not be enough to make them safe enough to be around others, especially youngsters and the like.


    I'm not of the belief that the death penalty should be used in this case (although I think it should be an option in some more extreme cases), but a lifetime prison sentence should have been applied to both of these lads.


    Has Thompson re-offended yet?

  3. With any luck the dad will do what he should have done a long time ago and track them down and butcher them, make no mistake about it someone did that to my boy i would have no problem killing them nice and slowly and as painfully as possible doubtful i would have cared how old they where or not.


    You are clearly also a 'loon'. Fantasising about a scenario where you can justifiably (in your mind) 'butcher' people (painfully and slowly, no matter how young) is not normal. Talk to a professional or something.

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