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Chris Benoit dead


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The people screaming about him being a child killer who should rot in hell are pretty much as stupid as those who refused to believe a good worker would ever murder his family. He went nuts, folks. Stone bonkers. I want to know why, when it seems like this has come as a total shock to anyone who knew him at all, he would suddenly flip like that. The News Of The World hyperboyle is ridiculous. Something really, really weird happened to this guy, he didn't just "turn evil" on Friday.

Not sure if this is directed at me, but I'll bite. I never once said I want him to rot in hell. He is a child killer though, and when I say I'm condemning him for it, trust me, I'm not sitting here with face red and blood boiling. I'm not going to start a demonstration complete with banners and sandwich boards, however I refuse to give any benefit of the doubt here. The consequences of his actions are too extreme. I, like you, want to know why he did it, but why he did it will not change the outcome.
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The people screaming about him being a child killer who should rot in hell are pretty much as stupid as those who refused to believe a good worker would ever murder his family. He went nuts, folks. Stone bonkers. I want to know why, when it seems like this has come as a total shock to anyone who knew him at all, he would suddenly flip like that. The News Of The World hyperboyle is ridiculous. Something really, really weird happened to this guy, he didn't just "turn evil" on Friday.

This is how I feel about things, really. We are not talking about some evil serial killer here, this is/was a normal family man with a slightly odd job, who has shown no signs of being a cold blooded killer in the past.He snapped. Went fucking postal?? It's just really hard to comprehend...Chris Benoit is dead, and yet I'm not even slightly moved or upset at the moment, it's just a "what the fuck is going on??" feeling.
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What has clearly happened is something has happened to affect Benoit and he has reacted in the worst way possible. That doesn't make him a bad man, it just makes this an awful thing to happen and I pray for all 3 of them, that they find peace after death.

There is nothing that can have happened to justify what he did. Doesn't make him a bad man? I dread to think would someone would have to do to be considered a "bad man" in your eyes.
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Im even more shocked now. What he did was unforgivable, and I think Monday's Raw will be the last mention of chris benoit on wwe television. Its such a shame that such an amazing career has to end like this. I can only find comfort in the thought that he took his own life in the light of what he did out of madness. I don't think we'll ever truly know what really happened, RIP to a great career and to the 2 innocent victims who did nothing to deserve this.

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The people screaming about him being a child killer who should rot in hell are pretty much as stupid as those who refused to believe a good worker would ever murder his family. He went nuts, folks. Stone bonkers. I want to know why, when it seems like this has come as a total shock to anyone who knew him at all, he would suddenly flip like that. The News Of The World hyperboyle is ridiculous. Something really, really weird happened to this guy, he didn't just "turn evil" on Friday.

I can understand what you're saying, i really can, but I simply can't look at it that way. The fact is he DID murder a child, his own child at that! His own flesh and blood. That makes him a child killer. And I believe to take your own flesh and bloods life - something HE had created is the most monsterous act imaginable. Look, I know something went wrong in his head but you could use that excuse for most criminals. I'm afraid it doesn't wash with me.
What if the Toxicology reports show that Benoit was so doped up on pills or had some sort of brain damage from steroids that he could barely form a coherent sentence? The doctor they interviewed on Fox said that long-term steroid abuse can cause psychosis, hallucinations and suchlike, if the Toxicology reports come back clean then feel free to condemn the man to you hearts content, I'll certainly join you, but until that time comes I thinks it's better to reserve the "burn in hell you cunt" comments until all of the facts have been laid out.
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From an extremely selfish point of view I hope this doesn't mean that networks will now begin to be even more wary of pro-wrestling. TNA must be gutted with all those rumours of a two hour time slot, this will set them back huge.

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This is so fucked up and surreal, I really can't get my head round it. Been following this story all day, and like many others was hoping that there was some kinda explanation as to why this all happened, or alluding to it all being a big mistake or misunderstanding, but there's no excuses and nothing else to say: Chris Benoit murdered his wife and son. It's something I'm having trouble coming to terms with as I'm sure many others are.

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I'm sorry, but depression of ANY level should not drive any person to murder. If you murder whilst depressed, you are a murderer nevertheless.

Congratulations on pointing out the obvious.

It's confirmed he did it. I feel sick. Honestly sick. Part of me wants to keep coming up with theories as to why he did it. Depression etc. I've had depression and know it can be very very hard, but never would I have considered killing anyone, let alone the ones I love. The ability to do it must've been inside him anyway.I had a lot of respect for the man, but it's slipping away. I'm not the sort to say 'Rot in hell' but I retract my earlier 'Rest in Peace'.Nancy and Daniel, RIP.

Good God you really are a fucktard.Like many illnesses their are different levels of severity. Depression is a mental illness and can drive you to do things that are really not normal for you.And who said he was depressed anyway?
As someone who actually works in acute and secure mental health services I wanna point out I have never ever come across someone who killed due to depression. You say depression can make you do things you wouldnt do usually... to yourself? yes... to others? I have never ever seen it.Mike
I didn't actually mean depression could drive someone to murder. I was merely pointing out the complete stupidity in rockbus post. I've seen depression and been around it. Suffered with it myself for a short while. Self harm is the only out of character effect I've seen/been through.
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The people screaming about him being a child killer who should rot in hell are pretty much as stupid as those who refused to believe a good worker would ever murder his family. He went nuts, folks. Stone bonkers. I want to know why, when it seems like this has come as a total shock to anyone who knew him at all, he would suddenly flip like that. The News Of The World hyperboyle is ridiculous. Something really, really weird happened to this guy, he didn't just "turn evil" on Friday.

I can understand what you're saying, i really can, but I simply can't look at it that way. The fact is he DID murder a child, his own child at that! His own flesh and blood. That makes him a child killer. And I believe to take your own flesh and bloods life - something HE had created is the most monsterous act imaginable. Look, I know something went wrong in his head but you could use that excuse for most criminals. I'm afraid it doesn't wash with me.
What if the Toxicology reports show that Benoit was so doped up on pills or had some sort of brain damage from steroids that he could barely form a coherent sentence? The doctor they interviewed on Fox said that long-term steroid abuse can cause psychosis, hallucinations and suchlike, if the Toxicology reports come back clean then feel free to condemn the man to you hearts content, I'll certainly join you, but until that time comes I thinks it's better to reserve the "burn in hell you cunt" comments until all of the facts have been laid out.
I will stop the burn in hell stuff but only out of respect for the people that want to remember Benoit for what he was. if the steroids did cause hallucinations, psychosis etc then that might help explain the situation with his wife. But what about the hours between then and his son? And it almost seems like he had his faculties about him enough to wrap her in a towel and leave a bible next to her and his son. Again, I'm purely speculating just as you are. You're right all the facts need to come out before wishing he'd burn in hell, but certainly from what you and I have heard so far the fact is he is a double murderer and one of them was his child
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The thing with the steroids is that they say they were prescribed drugs... Perhaps something to do with the serious neck surgery this man had? If a doctor was worried about his mindstate he wouldn't prescribe these drugs that Fox painted to be nothing more than a recreational hallousogen... The way that "expert" talked about "eye popping" and "throwing bibles all over the place" the like was pretty ridiculous...Something sent this man over the edge... I can only speculate as much as the next man what it was... The way Chavo described staying at his house last week in his tribute it doesn't seem like a man close to the edge... Maybe we will never find out the true circumstances that made him do this but it seems like things went far, far further than he wanted and he didn't know what to do... He couldn't cope with his actions... Didn't want his son to grow up without his parents... So he took his own life... I won't defend a murderer for one single moment but this was not a man who had a history of violence and did not seem to be pre-meditating killing his family.This is one of the saddest stories I have ever heard and not because a great wrestler has died but because an a man greatly respected and loved by his peers, his wife and a young boy have lost their lives and noone seems to know why it happened.

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