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JLM, the only webcomic I've ever read with a girl with coloured hair was Sinfest.net and even then it's purple. And only in colour on Sundays... There's hundreds of webcomics so I fear that may not have been much help.


Thanks, but that wasn't the one. Thankfully some helpful soul on the Cracked Forums has finally solved this one for me!


It was Subnormal comics/Subnormality, but their URL is confusingly "VirusComix" and I'd never have made that connection from memory.


Here are some assorted examples:








The strips are almost always standalone and vary wildly in subject matter and setting. Sometimes it's a seven panel strip, sometimes a single picture. They're hit and miss, but I did find some of them absolutely hilarious.

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I dunno, it rings a bell but really I could just be getting him confused with the actual Eminem.


I need more than a ringing bell to believe him. So far I'm swinging towards not believing him, but it would certainly be nice to know.

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He's not on the members list so either he's lying or he's been banned. Maybe banned members still show, I don't know.


In any case, if he was banned, he was banned for a reason and is probably a twat. If he's lying, he's probably a twat too.

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He's been banned multiple times and his new account always finds some way of bringing up his past exploits...




The person I remember starting the rap battles here was Tazzmission.

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He's been banned multiple times and his new account always finds some way of bringing up his past exploits...


Are you implying that I am Eminem? The strangest thing about this claim is, a detailed search of the name brought up no mention of said poster in this forums history, or did visiting the net arhives. So without beating around the bush, what do you mean exactly, or have I got the wrong end of the stick?

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The pattern does seem familiar, in the same way that most of the newer posters who start with "I've heard about this Hulkamania Fan poster" turn out to be Hulky. I'm not bothered if you are or aren't him so you don't need to post a picture of a wrestling figure with a fork.



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So are you calling me Roger, or Eminem, Roger? Or are we all the same person? :(


Next time he's online I'll ask him some questions. But over at the RIM boards, as I said, he was a respected poster. That can be looked up over there. So I doubt he'd come on another board to start spamming?

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Sniper is on MSN now, he says he never posted here as Sniper, only Eminem. And he never had any other account other than Eminem of whom he was a big fan.


RE the rap battles, he said he started doing it in regular posts for some flavour, then soon others started doing it for fun, then a topic was made just for battle raps.

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Had an offline MSN message waiting for me from Sniper when I logged on this morning. After my bugging of him to come and say hello, Sniper logged in here OK, but was met with a message saying he could not view anything. He has no memory of ever being banned?


Any idea Neil?


Sniper is a good guy, and a good poster. I am so confident that if he were to come back he would "fit in well" so to speak, I'd confidently say I'd put my own account on the line if he were to slip up.

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I have a keyboard question. When I first got my PC, pressing the @ key would produce the " symbol and vice versa. I was told how to change it but in those three years I've forgotten how I done it and am faced with the same dilemma. Anyone know how to change it?

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You've got it set as US style keyboard. It'll be in your regional settings but I've got a Mac at work so I'm not sure where they are. Have a look through Control Panel or wait for someone else to reply :)

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Open Regional and Language Options in your control panel

On the languages tab, click Details,

Click on the 'Add' button.

Select 'English (United Kingdom)' from the drop down menu.

Tick the Keyboard Layout/IME checkbox

Select 'United Kingdom Extended' from the drop down menu, click OK.

Under 'Keyboard' select 'US' and press the 'Remove' button.

Click Apply, click OK

You will need to restart your computer before the changes take effect.

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