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Literally two minutes i suddenly got a sharp pain under my left armpit of all places. I can feel the smallest of lumps at the source of the pain. Any ideas?


Minor infection, probably. You have sweat glands in your armpit. One is probably inflamed. If there's anything visible, it could be an ingrowing hair. Keep an eye on it though. If it gets worse or other lumps appear you'll want to get a doctor to have a look.

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This might sound a tad rasist but it isn't meant to be! But why are all toilet attendants black? Has anyone seen otherwise?


Most are probably paid under the counter, from their tips. That makes it a shit-paying job, but one that's still attractive to someone who's not legally allowed to get a job. Like a refugee, for example.

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All the toilet attendants I've spoken to (I'm a friendly drunk) have been African students on Visas who need a bit of extra cash or refugees who can't get work/money otherwise. The club owners absolutely take the piss with what they give them for it, so I don't begrudge giving them generous tips. I'd imagine it's the same reason a lot of other shitty jobs are largely worked by foreigners (in my experience it's been exclusively Africans rather than Black British folk), which would be a willingness to do the job for pittance that most locals would find unacceptable and many employers' willingness to exploit that. I met a guy who escaped persecution in Zimbabwe, a dude from Ghana who is studying at Hertfordshire Uni and works the Watford nightclubs and a Nigerian guy who is also studying and needs the cash to put towards his fees. I asked the latter guy why he didn't consider working the door or something because he's built like fucking tank and there's certainly no shenanigans in the toilets when he's working, but he said he can't deal with aggression and violence and doesn't want any part of it. Aside from that, I'd imagine there are legal barriers preventing him from doing such a job. He then sprayed some Joop on me.


The guy at Area in Watford who used to make horribly crude jokes is sorely missed though. If you turned down the aftershave.. "no splash, no gash" would be his retort. Unparallelled wit.


Why it tends to be Africans rather than other immigrants is a valid question though. I've always been under the impression that Chinese and Korean students are likely to have more support with funding their courses than those from Africa, either from their families or a more robust procedure regarding grants/loans etc, but that's based on my own anecdotal evidence and may well be a huge sweeping generalisation.

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This might sound a tad rasist but it isn't meant to be! But why are all toilet attendants black? Has anyone seen otherwise?


Most are probably paid under the counter, from their tips. That makes it a shit-paying job, but one that's still attractive to someone who's not legally allowed to get a job. Like a refugee, for example.




They don't get to keep their tips, they'll get a flat rate and then all the tip money will goto the club which will then give them 'expenses' for new stuff and a cut of the tips.

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one in cheers in london was mental. he had taken all the bars paper towels and comendered the sink. didnt opt for the full works no going near any of his sinks.


he was aggresive, pushy and a cock.


Wipe your hands on his face.

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Can anyone recommend a decent mobile contract offer?



Preferably I want:


-the network to be Vodafone


-a decent/new(ish) phone, 3mp+ camera, Bluetooth


-not bothered about minutes, so 100 would be fine


-as many texts as possible


-free shit (laptop, TV etc.).


-and, the most awkward bit, I want the monthly cost to be under

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one in cheers in london was mental. he had taken all the bars paper towels and comendered the sink. didnt opt for the full works no going near any of his sinks.


he was aggresive, pushy and a cock.


Wipe your hands on his face.


the glare he gave me when i went to use the tap i dont think id have left the bogs alive.

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So I was in a club last night and a song came on that my mate thought was The Chemical Brothers, he said it's their new track. Do they have a new track? I want to find out what this song was. All I can think of was it had no vocals, so if it is a Chem Bros song, then it might narrow it down. Yeah I explained this one terribly.

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