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All The Landslides Birds Have Ever Seen


I'll bite - what move are you referring to here??? His suplex onto knees move?


I'm having a "What's The Frequency Kenneth" moment.

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Am I right in thinking tomorrows show will start at 6pm UK time?



Yeah, it was moved early to 1pm because it clashed with another event (UFC or WWE HOF or both?)


Itll be a nice change to watch a Live US show at a sensible hour.

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All The Landslides Birds Have Ever Seen


I'll bite - what move are you referring to here??? His suplex onto knees move?


I'm having a "What's The Frequency Kenneth" moment.



Yup - the move needed a name, and ROH seemed in no hurry to give it one, so I decided to call it All The Landslides Birds Have Ever Seen; I'm guessing I was listening to Kaki King when I coined it. I also named Rhett Titus's knee-neckbreaker manoeuvre the Knee of Jesus.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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This show has been OK so far but i am really struggling with Kevin Kelly on commentary and the crowd have seemed a bit TNAish at times. Very much a standard show in terms of in ring stuff with some cool spots by cole and o'reilly now its intermission and all i have is a black screen with a go fight live logo which is rather annoying.


Also what does everyone think of the DGUSA card for tommorrow? Personally i think it looks bad for DGUSA and certainly like the weakest DGUSA show of the weekend which makes me question why its on iPPV




Richards vs Strong was really good and i think better than final battle


Kings vs WGTT was good but looked average after the last match


Now the Main event is on and they are putting on a great match although i am annoyed as the announcers just claimed that a major title has only changed hands once in Atlanta citing Dusty Rhodes however i feel they have forgot a few from WCW as off the top of my head i can list 2 (Goldberg and Fingerpoke of Doom)

Edited by mackie
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Results from ROH Takes Centre Stage Night 1 :


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Michael Elgin defeats El Generico with the 360 Bomb after run-in by a masked guy


Homicide over Tommaso Ciampa, Colt Cabana & Caleb Konley via Cop Killa on Konley. After the match Konley gets lamped by Elgin.


Hiroyo Matsumoto & Ayumi Kurihara beat Sara Del Rey & Serena Deeb via Matsumoto backdrop driver on Deeb.


The Briscoe Brothers over Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly with Doomsday Device on Cole.


Davey Richards submits Roderick Strong at 27.09 with the ankle lock


WGTT defeat The Briscoe Brothers to become the 30th ROH tag team champions when Haas forced Claudio to tap to the Haas of Pain at 22.58.


Eddie Edwards retains the ROH World Title against Chris Daniels via Cross Special Brainbuster at 30.09. Daniels refuses the handshake after the match


[close spoiler]

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From the perspective of being there live, tonight's show was perfectly adequate; not necessarily worth going out of your way to see, but with nothing bad, and some good stuff at times. Tag title match was best, while main event felt like nothing of the sort. Great venue, with, primarily, a good crowd...

Edited by The Mighty LC
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The second half of the show was great live, really great. First half was just there, the opener was the only match with a "Hunter Finish" though...


Richards vs Strong would have been perfect as a title change if Strong hadn't already lost the belt. Edwards vs Daniels was a really good wrestling match but had little chance as main event after the two previous matches.


KOW vs WGTT was tremendous and (in context of course) would have stolen the show on any WWE PPV, way better than their first encounter and also referencing the finish of that match.


On a massive high, hope tomorrow afternoon even comes close to this.

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Today then: another enjoyable show. Got a "we want more" chant going during D Taylor v C Cabana. It, unfortunately, backfired a bit, with our American friends thinking it was a criticism, rather than a Robbie Brookside reference. Brownies v All Night Express was my personal match of the weekend so far. Main went 5 mins too long, but otherwise good. Struggled with Strong v Generico, but that was more down to tiredness. Women's match was ten times better than night before...

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Typed out a long post on my phone, then it didn't post. Grrr.


Six really good matches over two shows make this a great weekend for ROH anyway, though the main event was five to ten minutes too long at 31.57...

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The official results for night 2 :


The Kings of Wrestling defeat Cole and O'Reilly with a Spin Kick/ Bicycle Kick combo


Colt Cabana beat. Dave Taylor with a roll-up


Tomasso Ciampa defeats Homicide via Northern Lights Suplex


Chris Daniels over Michael Elgin with a low blow and the triple-jump moonsault.


Daizee Haze & Tomoka Nakagawa over Hiroyo Matsumoto & Ayumi Kurihara when Haze bridges Matsumoto with a tiger suplex/


The Briscoes over King and Titus via Jay Driller on King


El Generico beats Roderick Strong with the BRANBUSTAH!! After the match Cabana and Daniels run in, and Daniels joins the HOT.


WGTT over the American Wolves at 31.58 when Benjamin hits the Paydirt on Edwards. After the match dissension between Edwards and Richards

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Results from DG:USA Open the Southern Gate , nicked from 411mania



The two main matches saw the VA Bombers retain their titles against Kamikaze Kid and Chivas Kid. And then 'Supernatural' Shane Helms defeated Ric Converse to become the PWI Heavyweight Champ. Helms looked fat, and moving in slow motion, but the majority of the crowd still loved him.


Main Show

Brodie Lee defeated Jon Davis from Dark City Fight Club. Good opener between two power guys. Ricochet was awesome on the outside as his personality as a heel is really shining.


Jimmy Rave defeated Dorado, Matthews, and Dunkerton. Fast-paced spotfest for the most part, but it's so weird to see Rave as a face. Just completely confused me as I was all set to chant Die Jimmy Die, but he was getting cheers. Fairplay came out after the match and said Rave was his fave.


Callihan beat Swann in the first of the Stable Shootout matches. Pretty good match with a few gross spots as Callihan spit right in Swann's face and not one of those little spit spots, but a giant loogy that was dripping down Swann's face. Finish came right after Swann missed his standing 450.


Cannon defeated Facade, Xion, and Fox. Much slower than the first breakout match for the first few minutes. Match never really clicked but there was still some good spots. Cannon looked impressive.


Doi beat Moxley. Solid selling by Moxley as Doi destroyed the knee for the majority of the match and Mox sold it thoughout. Nothing great in the match, but just an overall very solid match.




Reby Sky came out after intermission to thank the crowd which led to Moxley coming out and having a back-and-forth with her until Trina Michaels tried to attack Reby from behind. Reby took Trina out with a DDT.


CIMA defeated Gargano in the MotN to me next. Gargano's a star in the making as he does all the little things right and can keep up with anyone in the ring. Just a great back-and-forth match with tons of nearfalls. It looked like Gargano had the win when he went for the same combination he used to beat CIMA in the tag title tournament, but CIMA saw it coming rolled through and destroyed Gargano with a combo of his finishers. Besides how awesome the match was, the highlight was Swann and Taylor's antics outside the ring as Swann is something I've never seen before, a chickenshit face but it works so well and Taylor's just awesome.


Cannon beat Rave in the breakout challenge match. Okay match but put in a bad position having to follow Gargano/CIMA. Cannon won, Fairplay came out and said Cannon was too ugly to be a breakout star, so Cannon hit him with his twisting slingshot brainbuster. Fairplay got a "Don't Come Back" chant.


PAC & Ricochet beat Taylor & Tozawa. 2nd MotN. PAC got busted open hard early in the match from a sick headbutt by Tozawa and it seemingly pissed PAC off as he was hitting as hard as I've ever seen him. No weak shit in this match. Tozawa and Taylor worked better as a team as PAC & Ricochet kept pushing each other out of the way to hit bigger and bigger moves and steal the spotlight from the other. Awesome match that saw Ricochet hit a 630 and then pushed out of the way by PAC so he can hit some shooting star twisty dealie for the win. PAC was a bloody mess and came across like a huge star.

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