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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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Interesting news about the AAA hook up if it's true. I can imagine that conversation: Cary: "I've made a deal with AAA."Gabe: "I don't like lucha"Cary: "Shut the fuck up"Gabe : (sulks for a bit) "Well in that case I get to bring back B.J. Whitmer"Cary: *sigh* "Fine...."Incidentally, who's going to the NOAH show this weekend? I'll be there. I have seven facial piercings, so I'm somewhat recognisable :D

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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ROH Dragon Gate Challenge II


Couldn't be bothered waiting to get this double shot.


Delirious vs. Nigel McGuinness


Good choice of opener, as it gets the crowd into things and gets Nigel over as a badass. Loved the comedy stuff from Delirious at the start, which is nice because I was beginning to find his act a bit stale.


Kenny King and Sal Rinuaro vs. Ruckus and Jigsaw


Good faced paced action. It was a good showcase for what Kenny King can do in there. I'd like to see some more of YRR. Ruckus and Jigsaw had a couple of cool tag team moves. I can take Ruckus in small doses, and this was a very small dose.


Genki Horiguchi vs. Austin Aries


Quality match to open the ROH vs. Dragon Gate series for the night. Both guys had a load of fire in there. It's always good to watch Aries because of the amount of snap he adds to every one of his moves. Genki helped this one with his heelish antics and managed to make the fans hate him. Another match with a frantic pace.


El Generico and Kevin Steen vs. Naruki Doi and Kevin Steen


Fabulous tag team action. Enjoyed how a lot of stuff that happened during the heel control of the match got paid off when the hot tag happened. It's also the first time I've seen Kevin Steen go out and try and use power to control a match rather than just forget what size he actually is. The closing stretch is, as is the norm for this show, fought out at a blistering pace. A must see match for 2008.


Shingo Takagi and BxB Hulk vs. Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs


More quality tag action from the DG boys. This one didn't feel like it was going to last long, but it ended up building really nicely. I've noticed over a good amount of time that BxB Hulk can take one hell of a beating. It was good to see AoTF really try and keep Hulk in there as he was the weak link of the team.


The Briscoes vs. Dragon Kid and Ryo Saito


Three tag matches in a row ? Surely they could have rearranged these matches a little. This match features my new favourite test of strength spot ever. I can't actually tell the Briscoes apart anymore. Anyways, there's only so many times you can watch a tag match like this. Doesn't help that the match isn't actually that great anyways. Really just a watered down version of the previous matches.


Roderick Strong, Davey Richards and Rocky Romero vs. Erick Stevens, CIMA and Go Shiozaki


Takes a loooong time to get going, but once it does, it's pretty good. It does suffer from the same problem as the last match as it's far too similar to what has come before it. It's a worthy main event though.





You can't go wrong here. Two tremendous tag matches and a solid main event, and everything else is decent.

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Interesting news about the AAA hook up if it's true. I can imagine that conversation: Cary: "I've made a deal with AAA."Gabe: "I don't like lucha"Cary: "Shut the fuck up"Gabe : (sulks for a bit) "Well in that case I get to bring back B.J. Whitmer"Cary: *sigh* "Fine...."

Funniest thing I've read on here in a while. :D
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That should be a cracking couple of matches. Looking forward to seeing what comes of the hook up with AAA, hopefully a few entertaining legends matches and I think it'll be good for some of the stars of RoH to go and ply their trade in Mexico for a bit.

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That should be a cracking couple of matches. Looking forward to seeing what comes of the hook up with AAA, hopefully a few entertaining legends matches and I think it'll be good for some of the stars of RoH to go and ply their trade in Mexico for a bit.

Thats if there's anyone left, about 6 guys have left AAA in the last 10 days with more to follow. Cibernetico in ROH will be the funnest thing in wrestling since Khali became WWE champ.The thought of a match containing the Vulture Squad and any one of Xtreme Tiger, Joe Lider and Crazzy Boy brings me out in thoughts of suicide.
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That's unfortunate, why have they left? Have they to gone to CMLL or another rival promotion?

A month or so ago Fuerza Guerrera quit, a few days before Triplemania Mr Niebla walked out and rejoined CMLL. Zumbido, Decnnis, Guapito and Scorpio jumped to IWRG and Intocable has left/been fired. Laredo Kid and Charley Manson are out indefinatley with bad injuries and Octagon might also be leaving.Konnan's doing a great job.
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Those kids in ROH will be in wheelchairs by the time they're 40.

Damn right! Ah, back in my day kid, we had 'em hanging from the rafters! Never even had to take a bump. No psychology, that's the trouble. Bring back kayfabe! Etc
Yes, nowadays people are ashamed of kayfabe and find it laughable when people try to keep it. Tazz was criticized for believing his character too much, i'm sure I heard a story about Jim Cornette not letting people walk on the same side of the road or something, that's how it should be but the ECW generation has devoured kayfabe.
Yeah, this has been argued to death, and pretty much every rational person came to the conclusion that it's not the job of the fans to protect kayfabe. This has become an enjoyable, friendly discussion thread, don't turn it into a redunant argument where nobody will change their minds and everyone will repeat the same points over and over.Sorry to mini-mod, I just don't want this thread to be dragged off-topic into irrelevant rhetoric.
The fans should be exactly that-fans, not pretend insiders.

Those kids in ROH will be in wheelchairs by the time they're 40.

You are fast becoming the most annoying poster on this board.
I speaketh the truth.
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  • Paid Members

I speaketh the truth.

When you have to resort to lines like that to defend yourself, it's a sure sign that the barrel is being scraped. Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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ROH Supercard of Honor III


Go Shiozaki vs. Delirious


Liked the comedy stuff at the start, but Delirious is beginning to get a bit stale, and as a result, his matches seem to be getting a wee bit stale as well. The middle of this match is in the middle of the road. Nothing to get excited about and rather boring. I guess the match is entertaining, but not up to what both men are capable of.


Kenny King, Sal Rinuaro and Chasyn Rance vs. Buchwhacker Luke, Alex Payne and Dingo


After the good YRR showcase of the night before, this is a HUGE stepdown. Payne and Dingo bring nothing to the table. However, Luke hits the ring and we have all sorts of flashbacks and entertainment and makes me wish that we seen little cameos like this in ROH more often.


Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens - FIP Heavyweight Championship


Do you want to see two people murder each other ? Well, here you go. Stiff, bloody and violent match, if you can even call it a match. You could tell that there was nothing but hate here, and both men were determined that the other man was not going to keep them down, and it was awesome as a result.


Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black vs. The Briscoes, Relxed Rules Match


I'd rather not see another match with these two teams. They're beginning to blend together in my mind. Once again, the insanity is there, there's a couple of cool spots, but why do I even care anymore ? I stopped caring about this fued about 5 minutes into this match. Would have been a lower rating if there wasn't a load of effort.


BxB Hulk and Shingo Takagi vs. El Generico and Kevin Steen


Not as good as the Steenerico from the night before, but that team sure know how to work the DG guys. BxB Hulk needs to be in more ROH shows, because I'm beginning to love the hell out of the guy. The action is frantic as you'd expect, but it's no different from what we were getting. The one standout is Kevin Steen's antics all through the match.


Nigel McGuinness vs. Austin Aries - ROH World Heavyweight Championship


Would have been a higher rating if the middle portion of the match went somewhere. There's also the problem that Nigel seemed to be a lot more normal, when his style is very unique in ROH. However, this match is an absolute war. The way the match builds, you just know that it's going to kick off in incredible fashion, and when both men DO get pissed off, it's worth it. Yet another amazing ROH Title reign continues in style.


Muscle Outlawz vs. Typhoon


Not quite what they were going for here. Disjointed and a couple of blown spots and the pace was all over the place. However, they did add some terrific new spots to the match that haven't been seen before. However, this match was no different from the last two as far as layout goes, and as a result, you began to see what was going to happen before it actually happened. It was still a thrilling match to see.





It's a shame that a couple of the matches disappoint. I'd actually recommend Stevens/Strong over Aries/McGuinness as I'm sure you've all seen the better match that they had on PPV. And if you haven't, get it. Anyways, buy this DVD. You won't be disappointed.

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I'm needing a break from wXw 16 Carat. I realised that there really is waayy too much of a good thing. That tourney has burned me out of watching it for a couple of days, so I'm gonna go back to 2004 ROH.


ROH The Battle Lines are Drawn


I've decided to start watching from 2004, and this seems like a good place to start. Why ? Because this is the show where we see Daniels head off, and that is a significant step towards the changes that were to come in the ROH roster. Anyways.


Alex Shelley vs. Matt Stryker - Pure Rules


At this point, these two guys were made for matches like this, so as you'd expect, these guys deliver a terrific opening match. The emphasis, as always with these matches, was put on the rope break rule, and as this was one of the first matches to use these rules, they did a great job of making the rule mean something to the crowd. The crowd was actually uber-hot for this match which comes as a surprise.


Cody Hawk vs. Nigel McGuinness - HWA Title


I've always liked showcase matches in ROH, and this is no exception. They never seem to set the world on fire, but they're short and both guys get to show off a wee bit. You'd never have been able to tell where McGuinness was going from here, as Cody Hawk was the one who got the lion's share of offense in the match and didn't look too bad, while Nigel looked a bit awkward out there. But they seen something in Nigel McGuinness and continued to bring him in. That sure paid off in style.


Chris Sabin vs. Jimmy Jacobs


This match just flew by in amazing fashion. Okay, amazing might be a bit strong a word, but the whole thing just strung together. The only times that it ever lost it's sense of purpose was when Jacobs brought the goofyness, but he didn't bring it as much here. A very good match.


Todd Sexton vs. Caprice Coleman vs. Rainman vs. Jimmy Rave


The usual fun four way that ROH was doing around this time. The big moves, the big dives and everyone getting time to showcase some of their finishers and stuff with nearfalls and everyone getting knocked down for the pop. All of the usual stuff, but nothing wrong with that, as I liked the matches like this.


Homicide vs. AJ Styles


Considering just how awesome Homicide was around this point, I can't believe that this match wasn't much better than it turned out to be. Don't get me wrong, this is a very entertaining and fast paced match, but it seemed more like the AJ Styles show, which was pretty strange booking of Homicide who was surely a main event guy at this stage.


Special K vs. Dunn and Marcos vs. The Carnage Crew - Scramble Match


I quite like Slim J. Everyone else ... not so much. Well, that's not fair, but I've already given my feelings on the other two teams in Scramble Matches, and I won't be going back on those feelings after watching this. It's like watching every Scramble Match that they've been involved in, and not a very good version of those matches either.


The Briscoes vs. Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe - ROH Tag Team Championships


Watching the Briscoes here is actually very strange. They didn't seem to be all about sprinting around. They still brought lots of hard hitting tag offense with them, but their pace isn't as frantic. That pace might well have been needed here, as this felt very much like a nothing match. Considering who the challengers were, you'd think that they'd have a hope in hell, but I never believed for a second that they had a chance. Through the motions stuff.


The Prophecy vs. The Second City Saints


This match is the reason that this is a good place to start again. The match itself isn't nearly heated enough for such a heated rivalry. Of course, things kicked off after the match. So, basically, stay for the post-match shenanigans, and watch the average match.





Looking at that card, it's pretty amazing to see just how good ROH got. I'd say there's six matches on that show that are worth a watch, with two of those matches being really good. 2004 gets off to a flying start.

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Those kids in ROH will be in wheelchairs by the time they're 40.

Damn right! Ah, back in my day kid, we had 'em hanging from the rafters! Never even had to take a bump. No psychology, that's the trouble. Bring back kayfabe! Etc
Yes, nowadays people are ashamed of kayfabe and find it laughable when people try to keep it. Tazz was criticized for believing his character too much, i'm sure I heard a story about Jim Cornette not letting people walk on the same side of the road or something, that's how it should be but the ECW generation has devoured kayfabe.
Yeah, this has been argued to death, and pretty much every rational person came to the conclusion that it's not the job of the fans to protect kayfabe. This has become an enjoyable, friendly discussion thread, don't turn it into a redunant argument where nobody will change their minds and everyone will repeat the same points over and over.Sorry to mini-mod, I just don't want this thread to be dragged off-topic into irrelevant rhetoric.
The fans should be exactly that-fans, not pretend insiders.
Well, like it or not, you can't tell people how they're "supposed" to enjoy something. The things you don't like about modern wrestling are as much a fault of the business as the fans, and the fans shouldn't be blamed for having an appetite for insider knowledge. Anyway, like I said, this is off-topic and has been argued to death, so if all you're intending to do is complain about an issue that's only loosely connected to Ring of Honor, please get out of this thread. No offence intended, it's just that you're really detracting from an otherwise interesting topic.
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