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United We Stand Review- 22/6/07


Despite the awesomeness of Becky Bayless

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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I found Claudio and Sydal vs The Briscoes very disappointing here, too - way below the Hero and Claudio vs Briscoes match from earlier that month.

Yes, it did come off as a bit slapdash compared to the Respect Is Earned match. As good as that match was though, I'm not sure why Prazak kept saying the match "stole the show." The main event was miles better! Stole the undercard maybe
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Shelley & Sabin Invade ROH Thursday, February 21, 2008 Something has been eating away at Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin, The Motor City Machine Guns, since ROH's "Good Times, Great Memories" event last year. They lost a classic to Jay & Mark Briscoe on that show that ended up at the top of many match of the year polls. That loss has been haunting them. Now they are set to return to ROH to try to even the score. Shelley & Sabin are signed for ROH's April 18th Detroit and April 19th Chicago cards. Right now, they are only scheduled for those events. They have issued a challenge to The Briscoes. We will find out Jay & Mark's answer next week. The Motor City Machine Guns are regarded as one of the elite teams in the entire wrestling industry. ROH's tag team scene is red hot. Shelley & Sabin want to conquer the world. They know that in order to do that they have to beat ROH's best teams. Things are going to get very interesting in Detroit and Chicago. Tickets are on sale for both shows at ROHwrestling.com, Tickets.com or by calling 215-781-2500. Stay tuned for more news on the surprising return of Shelley & Sabin.

Great bit off news, hopefully they get to wrestle another team as well beacause MCMG vs Steenerico or AOTF (there match in PWG was a corker) has SERIOUS potential.
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Shelley & Sabin Invade ROH Thursday, February 21, 2008 Something has been eating away at Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin, The Motor City Machine Guns, since ROH's "Good Times, Great Memories" event last year. They lost a classic to Jay & Mark Briscoe on that show that ended up at the top of many match of the year polls. That loss has been haunting them. Now they are set to return to ROH to try to even the score. Shelley & Sabin are signed for ROH's April 18th Detroit and April 19th Chicago cards. Right now, they are only scheduled for those events. They have issued a challenge to The Briscoes. We will find out Jay & Mark's answer next week. The Motor City Machine Guns are regarded as one of the elite teams in the entire wrestling industry. ROH's tag team scene is red hot. Shelley & Sabin want to conquer the world. They know that in order to do that they have to beat ROH's best teams. Things are going to get very interesting in Detroit and Chicago. Tickets are on sale for both shows at ROHwrestling.com, Tickets.com or by calling 215-781-2500. Stay tuned for more news on the surprising return of Shelley & Sabin.

Great bit off news, hopefully they get to wrestle another team as well beacause MCMG vs Steenerico or AOTF (there match in PWG was a corker) has SERIOUS potential.
Have they left TNA. I thought ROH wouldnt use TNA talent anymore?
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Nope. It's a one weekend deal. ROH don't use TNA stars in general as they're not allowed to feature on ROH PPV, so long term storylines are impossible, but this is for one weekend of non-PPV shows, so is fine.

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Great news! MCMG vs Briscoes and MCMH vs Steen & Generico have to be the two matches. Let's just hope we don't get some bullshit match like MCMG vs Whitmer & Albright - 'cause you know Gabe is WELL capable of booking such a turd

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Ten Disappointing ROH Main Events Not to dwell on the negative or anything...Homicide vs Steve Corino - The Bitter End (11/4/06) - maybe the worst main event in ROH history? CM Punk vs Christopher Daniels - The Homecoming (23/7/05) - given the way that what should have been ROH

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I'm just glad someone's actually responded to the list!!!! :thumbsup: The NOAH tag is certainly debatable. Maybe upon reflection I'd replace it in the list with the Scramble match from the First Anniversary show. I stand by the nomination of the Aries/ Joe match though. As a spectacle it was ok, but it was a squash whoch completely cut Aries off at the knees. There were a million ways to make Joe look strong without dishing out the battering he did. Now if only someone would comment on the retrospective I wrote on Chris Daniels career!

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God that Scramble was horrific, 20 minutes of bullshit and blown spots. Looking back it's hard to believe he would even consider making that the main event of your first anniversary show. Cide/Joe was also shockingly dull when you hold it up againsty there earlier ROH matches. I remember beingh extremely dissapointed after seeing that one as I thought they had a chance of topping there revious efforts but all we got was a mega phone in job.

Edited by Jun Kasai
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More like 30 minutes wasn't it? Or maybe it just felt that long. I think the thinking behind it was after the awesome 10 man scramble in Boston, a 14 man would be even better! Didn't work out that way though. Homicide vs Joe was indeed a turd - especially when you consider how good their match at FYF:Finale was.

Homicide vs. Samoa Joe - hmmm. Ok, I guess, which tells you all you need to know about these guys form as of late. Responsible for some belting matches in 03/04, the two

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The angle with Sweeney & Danger sounds just horrible, you'd think ROH would have learned their lesson from the Jade Chung angle a few years ago.

Just read the above in another ROH topic.I quite liked the Jade Chung/Embassy thing in the 2005 shows that I saw, and it was clearly heading towards her eventually standing up for herself and turning on them.But when and how did that whole thing end? I know she left ROH pretty soon after, was it worth the wait or a bit of an anti-climax?
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