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Guest DJM

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Just to add to the Oldboy discussion, here are reviews of the three films in the Vengeance Trilogy (Sympathy For Mr Vengeance, Oldboy, Sympathy For Lady Vengeance)...



Sympathy For Mr Vengeance

A great, very cleverly conceived movie, with a great story (of the lengths a brother will go to try to help his dying sister, and the lengths a father will go to try to get revenge on the killers of his daughter). There is great emotion to the film - both happiness and sadness (but mostly alot of sadness), and you feel sympathy for both parties. The film is slow paced, but the story is good enough to hold the viewers interest. There is great acting by all involved, some needed dark humour, the violence used is realistic (and has impact), and the movie has an especially great last 10-minutes. Highly recommended, and the best of the Vengeance Trilogy.





A great film, with a great and very interesting story, and which is violent at times but also has some dark humour. Min-sik Choi(Shiri, Brotherhood, Crying Fist) is perfectly cast and amazing as the main character of Oh Dae-su, Ji-tae Yu(Into the Mirror, Natural City) is great as Woo-jin, Hye-jeong Kang is great as Mi-Do, and the rest of the cast are also good in the roles they are given. The film has some good plot twists, a very good soundtrack, and a great end 15-minutes or so leading into a wonderful ending. The only problem I have is whether the major plot-twist is too predictable?


Some good extras on the 2nd DVD, including featurettes, interviews with the cast and director, and deleted scenes.




Sympathy For Lady Vengeance

A very good film, with an interesting story (the story does jumps around a bit though - to the past, then back to the present, then to the past again (maybe too much)), some occasional dark humour, and some violence (as usual) and a good soundtrack.. The film however has a slower pace than Mr Vengeance and Oldboy, and yet more unnecessary animal cruelty (shooting a dog)! Min-sik Choi is great again (as he was in Oldboy), and there is good acting from Yeong-ae Lee in the main role. The two main leads out of Mr. Vengeance are also good in the small and limited roles they are given as two assassins (it must be noted that alot of the cast from the other two films in the Vengeance Trilogy (Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance & Oldboy) are given roles or cameos in this film). On the whole the film is better in the 2nd hour (and in particular the last 30-minutes) than the 1st hour, and lacks a big twist (like Oldboy) and real emotion (like Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance). The weakest of the Trilogy of film, but still very good on it

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American Pie

A very good teen comedy, which is funny, entertaining, and great fun, with some gross-out humour but nothing bad and nothing which effects the enjoyment of the film. There is a good cast, a good soundtrack, and some likeable and very entertaining characters. Eugene Levy (Jim

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