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Guest DJM

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oh and to anybody who's seen beyond the mat and have just checked out the wrestler, does anybody recognise the similarities between Rourkes character in the film and Jake the snakes life in Beyond the mat?


oh and to anybody who's read through the thread, does anybody recognise the similarities between Steveo2007's post and every other post already in this thread and the thread about this film that make the same point as him?


Seconded. This and the movie thread in the same forum and full of it. I've been happy to tell non-wrestling fans of the similarities as they've not seen the documentary.


Awesome film though. And I got paid to see it. Which is even better.

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oh and to anybody who's seen beyond the mat and have just checked out the wrestler, does anybody recognise the similarities between Rourkes character in the film and Jake the snakes life in Beyond the mat?


oh and to anybody who's read through the thread, does anybody recognise the similarities between Steveo2007's post and every other post already in this thread and the thread about this film that make the same point as him?

Blah Blah Blah.


Nobody likes you.




Piss off, nonce.

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oh and to anybody who's seen beyond the mat and have just checked out the wrestler, does anybody recognise the similarities between Rourkes character in the film and Jake the snakes life in Beyond the mat?


oh and to anybody who's read through the thread, does anybody recognise the similarities between Steveo2007's post and every other post already in this thread and the thread about this film that make the same point as him?


Seconded. This and the movie thread in the same forum and full of it. I've been happy to tell non-wrestling fans of the similarities as they've not seen the documentary.


Awesome film though. And I got paid to see it. Which is even better.

well I haven't been in any of the other threads apart from a glance at actual movie thread so I can be forgiven for not seeing that it's been posted before.

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The Wrestler.


The director of this movie is obviously a big fan of wrestling. There are so many references in there so that if you've known about wrestling your whole life (like me) you can sit there thinking.... "This guy's got it spot on", but this isn't just a wrestling movie, it's a movie about a guy going through a hard time and desperately seeking some acceptance.


The psycology of the film is just awesome.


Sure, it gives out a ton of 'our' secrets, but it never makes wrestling look silly, instead it shows it in a light that I don't think anyone has shown before (though beyond the mat obviously touched on it) and it may make people understand not only what some people get out of wrestling but also what some people go through in order to entertain. There are the obvious references in there that you've heard about a million times, but also look deeper in there and you'll see a million more waiting to be picked out.


A must watch for any fan, and a must watch for anyone interested in the human condition.


Well deserving of all the praise it's got.


Great film.

Edited by DJ Stevie C
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I'll have see it, sounds really good.


I saw Forbidden Kingdom last night on DVD, loved it! Good to see a Kung Fu movie made more for a family audience, just 2 swear words. Anyway it had great action scenes in it as you'd expect and especially cool to feature both Jackie Chan and Jet Li plus it linked in with the King Monkey legend. :cool::ninja::yinyang:

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I'll have see it, sounds really good.


I saw Forbidden Kingdom last night on DVD, loved it! Good to see a Kung Fu movie made more for a family audience, just 2 swear words. Anyway it had great action scenes in it as you'd expect and especially cool to feature both Jackie Chan and Jet Li plus it linked in with the King Monkey legend. :cool::ninja::yinyang:

The king monkey is a real myth?

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JFK - 1991 directed by Oliver Stone and staring Kevin Costner, Tommy Lee Jones, Gary Oldman and numerous others is a rediculously good movie that I've seen twice before but always pick up something else whenever I watch it again. I STRONGLY reccommend this film to anyone who either loves conspiricy theories on true events or just simply a bloody good detective movie...

It's about as much based on true events as "50,000 BC" was. It contains little which is verifiable truth and lots which is absolute flat-out lies.


Mortimer misses the point once again.............it's in black and white, this automatically makes it a great film. :rolleyes:


What wonderful assumptions you make of people...Not possible to be liked because its a good movie that I am far from alone on thinking no it has to be because of something else that perhaps some over-the-top film students would get excited about....Also JFK is not in black and white.

Edited by DannRead
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Watched Kill Bill this week, its one of my Mrs' favourite movies if not her actual favourite along with Withnail & I.


Gotta say I did not like this movie. Theres some nice ideas in theres such as the bride not being able to use her legs when she wakes from a coma but unfortunately its marred by the fact that altho she can't use her legs she can still use the rest of her body. But tbh thats quite a petty thing to moan about. Its the whole movie that I dislike. The story, the self-gratifying layout, the fight scenes - its all a load of bollocks in my opinion (which I realise is that of a minority considering its success).


It really was one of those films that after a while you're just thinking "how much longer til this ends?"


I havn't explained very well why I didnt like this movie, theres no real "they did this wrong and they did this wrong" because they obviously did a lot right for it to be such a huge success, however I just really did not like movie and theres not a lot else I can add to that...


Anybody else not like it but can do a better job than me of saying why?

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Saw Cloverfield tonight and thought it was a decent viewing.


Kind of enjoyed the film (probably because it was different with the cam corder view) although felt a little dizzy/sick in patches with the shakey camera movement but there were a few 'oh shit' moments as because of the different view you almost felt like you were a person involved in the film rather than watching a group of people run etc.


Its probably worth watching just because it offers something a little different.

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Saw Cloverfield tonight and thought it was a decent viewing.


Kind of enjoyed the film (probably because it was different with the cam corder view) although felt a little dizzy/sick in patches with the shakey camera movement but there were a few 'oh shit' moments as because of the different view you almost felt like you were a person involved in the film rather than watching a group of people run etc.


Its probably worth watching just because it offers something a little different.

Very good movie but is one of those where you can't watch it again and enjoy it as much.


Watched Frost/Nixon the movie not the interview.


It was sort of a mock documentary mixed with drama, it was good but nothing overly special IMO


Michael Sheen as a young David Frost worked really well, but I wasn't crazy on Frank Langella as Nixon as I felt he was trying too hard to actually sound familiar to Nixon whereas with Sheen the Frost accent and voice seemed to come naturally. It gave an interesting insight into the workings that brought the interview together and showed how it almost didn't happen.

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The director of this movie is obviously a big fan of wrestling.

I think that, considering he's gone on record as saying he's not a wrestling fan, he's evidently done a very good job indeed!

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I thought it was pretty obvious, smith was good but he always is. Just screamed 'PLEASE GIVE US AN OSCAR' but it wasn't very good imo

He is deserving of an Oscar imo.


He's primarily an action star but can prove himself time and time again as a legitimate actor and almost always gets overlooked.

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