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Guest DJM

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Watched Pay It Forward last night.I quite enjoyed it, in parts. The premise and story was nice and seemed like it could have gone to very exciting places if they had passed the story along through each person who was touched by Pay It Forward and it would have made for a more interesting film. The ending sucked balls and making Haley Joel Osmont out as a Jesus figure was a joke. Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt were good in it but I was more interested in Pay It Forward than their relationship and her drinking habits. Tried to pull on every heartstring it could but just made the film seem a bit of a joke in doing so. 2.5/5

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The Devil's Rejects


The sequel to the absolutely dreadful House Of 1000 Corpses. I was ready to hate this, but I ended up not hating it and almost liking it. It's a much better film than House, from structure to character development, to the overall look of the film. The film looks incredible, every frame is stylish and rich looking. Top marks there. The soundtrack is also excellent and William Forsythe's performance as the sheriff out for justice is brilliant.


That said, there are some serious problems. I honestly think Zombie wanted us to empathise and support the band of ruthless serial killers, but no fucking way was that happening. Their characters aren't likeable rebels, they're vicious killers and I was cheering on the sheriff in his quest for blood.


A few scenes drag on way too long, DDP and Danny Trejo's characters weren't used enough, but the thing that pissed me off the most...


The bit where Tiny just shows up out of nowhere and saves the day. Can you say Deus Ex Machina?


Overall, not bad, but not great.

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I got Ong-bak and Oldboy as Christmas presents:Ong-bak was just amazing! It just pisses all over every martial arts movie I have ever seen (even The Blade - which I thought was untouchable) This is exactly how all kung-fu movies should be - simple storyline and eye-popping action all the way, Tony Jaa is outstandingly talented and if he doesn't become a legend it will be an unspeakable travesty. The fact that he's incredibly good-looking is a huge bonus!Oldboy - there is only one word I can think of to describe this film: Stunning. I adored every single uncomfortable moment. It's so rare to find a film that has such an interesting protaganist and don't even get me started on the villain! However, if you're of a squeemish disposition then don't watch it - tis rather heavy-going!

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i watch so many dvds ive never bothered to post in here though lol.Ong-Bak is a great film as is Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle.Ive got a few im getting through at the moment, got about 30 asian films, all 3 vengeance films are waiting as are Born To Fight and Silver Hawk.Recently i watched Azumi and Azumi 2 - Death Or Love - both very stunning films, easy to get into, and great action. Recommended.

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Recently i watched Azumi and Azumi 2 - Death Or Love - both very stunning films, easy to get into, and great action. Recommended.

Got Azumi as a joint christmas present with my ex last year - he got that in the split :angry: which sucks because I liked it a whole lot more than that prick did (bitter? me? never!)Haven't seen Azumi 2 yet, it's on my ever-expanding list of things to see (as is Kung Fu Hustle) - Aya Ueto :love:
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Spiders II: Breeding Ground - one of them dodgy nu-image b-movies, dunno why but i got a thing for em...anway's this was awful, for the first half hour i thought this coulda been kinda cool, the feeling of isolation and menace were there and i thought i was in for abit of a treat, then it started to fall apart. i dunno why movies like this try to include special effects the budget clearly cant handle, anyways they do here and their absymal, shit film worth seeing for the mad doctor character though :laugh: .

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I got Ong-bak and Oldboy as Christmas presents:Ong-bak was just amazing! It just pisses all over every martial arts movie I have ever seen (even The Blade - which I thought was untouchable) This is exactly how all kung-fu movies should be - simple storyline and eye-popping action all the way, Tony Jaa is outstandingly talented and if he doesn't become a legend it will be an unspeakable travesty. The fact that he's incredibly good-looking is a huge bonus!Oldboy - there is only one word I can think of to describe this film: Stunning. I adored every single uncomfortable moment. It's so rare to find a film that has such an interesting protaganist and don't even get me started on the villain! However, if you're of a squeemish disposition then don't watch it - tis rather heavy-going!

Ong Bak really is all that. :thumbsup: (It was shocking that Kung Fu Hustle made the top 50 films of 2005 and Ong Bak didn't. No question which of the two is the better film)I watched Green Street. I really enjoyed it but it's not that great. Definitely good!
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I too just finished watching Green Street:


I love the way i was swinging between liking and disliking some of the characters. Pete, for example, came in in the first scene he's in and he's a loudmouth prick. Then by the middle, and he's somebody thats followed, he mellows out towards Matt.


Elijah Wood. Originally i thought 'what the fuck', to this choice, but it's perfect. Sure, we know he's a wimp. Thats why it works.


The final fight scene was immense. The main fight of Pete and Tommy, and then when he brings up the death of Tommy's kid...


Also, Jake Moon~.

Edited by Daniel Edler
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That 70's Show Season 1 - very cool and funny programme, just rattled off 25 episodes in 4 days, now starting on Arrested Development Season 1, and im gonna watch Born To Fight and i have a Studio Ghibli Collection to get through too - 14 films in 1 boxset :)

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Wedding Crashers


It was shit, and crucially for a comedy, not funny at all. Rachel McAdams is gorgeous and Isla Fisher was both hot and amusing, but the whole thing was just... I dunno, pointless. Basically for some reason it really felt like it wasn't real, and I know it isn't real because it's a film, but the whole thing just felt really obvious that it was a film.


I didn't explain that very well but you get the gist.

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I know it's an Oldie, but I watched "Seven Samurai" again last night, I must say it's such a damn good film and I hadn't noticed a short documentary/narrative on it's extras before so I watched that too which gave me some whole new insights into the film and Kurosawa himself.The Characterisations are fantastic and the relationships between the two different castes really makes you wonder how anyone got by in those times, Well worth watching if you haven't seen it already. It's easy to see how he inspired so many other directors.

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