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Guest DJM

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Are any of Michael Haneke's movies any good? (other than Hidden and Funny Games which I have already seen and despite some great reviews I didn't think much of)

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Along Came Polly

I'm a sucker for a Ben Stiller comedy, and in this film he does his usual schtick with some extra rom-com moments. Plus Jennifer Aniston looking smoking hot and doing her best Ben Stiller impression throughout! Quite a funny film as a whole.


Who knew that Chief Wiggum worked out eh. ;)

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In the last week and a bit i've watchedBaise Moi: averageLost In Translation: TOTALLY over ratedMemories Of Murder : I highly recommend it to everyoneNotre Musique: Total shitBehind The Sun: Which is fantasticDogville :sleeping: Orphans: Barking mad scottish movie

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"Are you working on film studies coursework at the moment?" :laugh: indeed, a lot of reviews from that guy read like a first year film student. And a none-too-bright one at that.Shyamalan is a glorified hack.anyway, I watched Pan's Labyrinth again this week. It really is lovely.I finally managed to see DogDay Afternoon, too. Really enjoyed it. blah blah blah counter-culture blah doesn't hold itself back blah blah thought-provoking yadda yadda multi-layered blah blah

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Finally watched The Entity, after spending a lot of my young years trying not to let my Mum catch me ogling the naked breast on the video cover when we used to go down to Cassells (local video rental).It's not all that bad. It's very eighties, but not in a naff dated looking way. It was interesting seeing acted out the scene where the parapsychology students photograph her on the bed, as I've seen one of the photo's of the actual Carla Moran in that situation.Nicely creepy and menacing, but not ruined by some dodgy stop-motion monster or man in a rubber suit.

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Saw Fast Food Nation the other day. I'm a Richard Linklater fan, and I like that he tries all sorts of different stuff, but he's struck out a couple of times over his career. This was one of them. It wasn't bad, it was just a bit unnecessary. Taking down the fast food industry in 2007 is like shooting fish in a barrell, and some of the cod-politics on display here were pretty cringeworthy. It's also pretty hard to get behind a group of activist characters led by Avril Frickin Lavigne. Worth checking out if you're genuinely unaware of the questionable ethics of the fast food industry, but otherwise a bit of a letdown.

Edited by Parkamarka
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Are any of Michael Haneke's movies any good? (other than Hidden and Funny Games which I have already seen and despite some great reviews I didn't think much of)

Try the Piano Teacher
Thanks for the relevant reply, unlike this...

Try watching Martin Lawrence movies instead.

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HmmmI'm quite dissapointed. Bought the Jackass 2 DVD, enjoyed it thoroughly, watched all the extras which were great. But then to my dismay realised there's NO Don Vito. Now I realise the guy is going through some shit from some gold diggers in the states but seriously!Are they hidden? Or just completely removed never to be seen (Which is the dumbest thing I've ever heard)?

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Saw Fracture in the flicks today, didn't really know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. Stars Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling (who i'd never even heard of) and to avoid the risk of giving away large chunks of the film, it's a game of 'cat and mouse' as Hopkins is jailed for shooting his wife and Gosling (the lawyer) has to try and prove Hopkins guilt (and avoid losing everything, including his own sense of what's right and wrong). I loved the face-offs between Hopkins and Gosling and any scene which didn't feature Hopkins, to me was lacking, he was that enjoyable here.


A really original script which had a lot of twists and turns and Hopkins seemed to relish the character he was given (which certainly had glimpses of Hannibal Lecter). The inital court scene is surprisingly, really funny, which was unexpected from the tone of the film.


Would highly recommend this film.

Edited by Gossy
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