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Guest DJM

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A History Of ViolenceWow. Someone on here was positively raving about this last year. Was it Lantern? Anyways, what film were you watching? I don't think I've seen a more stupid film masquerading as a serious one in quite some time. I mean this shit was ri-goddamn-diculous. I remember watching certain parts thinking, this would only work in a graphic novel, and surprise - it's based on one. Don't get me wrong, I'm not attacking the comicbook world, fuck knows I love my Preachers, Sandmans, Blade Of The Immortals and more, but this is silly comicbook violence in what is attempting to be an important flick, and it just does not work. I laughed openly as the film became more and more ludicrous and preposterous. Seriously, each time Viggo busted out his Superman routine I was in stitches, and the deeply unsubtle attempts at contrasting, such as the hilarious sex scene, and the flashing neon sign messages (VIOLENCE BREEDS VIOLENCE! YOU CAN'T ESCAPE YOUR PAST!), didn't help stifle my giggles.Seriously, if David Cronenberg set out to make a comedy, then fair play, mission accomplished. Alas, he set out to make a modern day western cum revenge flick with a message. And boy did he miss the mark. Awful.

Thats exactly how I felt after leaving the cinema. I left with a feeling of 'is that it?' after all the A+ reviews it got. But when I watched it the second time after the hype had died down.. it was pretty good!
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Blood Diamond


Set against the backdrop of civil war and chaos in 1990's Sierra Leone, Blood Diamond is the story of Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio) - a South African mercenary - and Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou) - a Mende fisherman. Both men are African, but their histories as different as any can be, until their fates become joined in a common quest to recover a rare pink diamond that can transform their lives. While in prison for smuggling, Archer learns that Solomon - who was taken from his family and forced to work in the diamond fields - has found and hidden the extraordinary rough stone. With the help of Maddy Bowen (Jennifer Connelly), an American journalist whose idealism is tempered by a deepening connection with Archer, the two men embark on a trek through rebel territory, a journey that could save Solomon's family and give Archer the second chance he thought he would never have.


A very good film, which seems to have been poorly received and reviewed by a lot of critics, but I personally liked it. It is maybe a little too long at 2-hours 15-minutes, the ending could be viewed as somewhat corny and you cannot help but feel it becomes more and more of a Hollywood action movie as it progresses, but it has a nice mix of political, war, action and adventure themes, a little humour and an underlying message which it tries to get across whilst not being too preachy in doing so. There is another very good performance from Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead role (his performance in The Departed was more deserving of the Oscar nomination though), Jennifer Connelly is fine in the role she is given (even if she is not given all that much to actually do) and Djimon Hounsou puts in an intense performance (the best in whole movie) which could easily win him the supporting male Oscar. I didn

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Right At Your Door - meh, id been looking forward to seeing this...i loved the idea of it, and the film basically panned out as i was expecting, it just lacked the tension and suspense i thought it would have. As for the ending, it fucks me off that so many people talk about a 'twist' (press included) so your kinda waiting for it. I thought it was pretty obvious that something like what happened was going to happen. I think stuff like this would be 100% better if there isnt any mention of it before you view 'cause the payoff would be so much better if you didn't know it was coming at all. Having said that, the movie was alright...the best bit was where the solider interoggated the guy through the window, that was pretty f'n awesome. The ending was strong aswell, although i was expecting it. It's a kinda 'watch once' movie, i dont think it has any re-watchable values to it at all.

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Right At Your Door - meh, id been looking forward to seeing this...i loved the idea of it, and the film basically panned out as i was expecting, it just lacked the tension and suspense i thought it would have. As for the ending, it fucks me off that so many people talk about a 'twist' (press included) so your kinda waiting for it. I thought it was pretty obvious that something like what happened was going to happen. I think stuff like this would be 100% better if there isnt any mention of it before you view 'cause the payoff would be so much better if you didn't know it was coming at all. Having said that, the movie was alright...the best bit was where the solider interoggated the guy through the window, that was pretty f'n awesome. The ending was strong aswell, although i was expecting it. It's a kinda 'watch once' movie, i dont think it has any re-watchable values to it at all.

I liked the film, but I can understand where you are coming from with your thoughts. I thought the performances from Rory Cochrane and Mary McCormack in the lead roles were both strong and believable and the story was an all-too plausible idea. The "twist" at the end is logical, but as you say it was never going to be as good as the film-promotion makes it out to be.
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Right At Your Door - meh, id been looking forward to seeing this...i loved the idea of it, and the film basically panned out as i was expecting, it just lacked the tension and suspense i thought it would have. As for the ending, it fucks me off that so many people talk about a 'twist' (press included) so your kinda waiting for it. I thought it was pretty obvious that something like what happened was going to happen. I think stuff like this would be 100% better if there isnt any mention of it before you view 'cause the payoff would be so much better if you didn't know it was coming at all. Having said that, the movie was alright...the best bit was where the solider interoggated the guy through the window, that was pretty f'n awesome. The ending was strong aswell, although i was expecting it. It's a kinda 'watch once' movie, i dont think it has any re-watchable values to it at all.

I liked the film, but I can understand where you are coming from with your thoughts. I thought the performances from Rory Cochrane and Mary McCormack in the lead roles were both strong and believable and the story was an all-too plausible idea. The "twist" at the end is logical, but as you say it was never going to be as good as the film-promotion makes it out to be.
I thought this film was excellent. Kept me enthralled right through. And the ending......was very clever and shocking. Recommended!
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ApocalyptoHave to agree with Nev here. Boring as hell. I fell asleep twice during the movie, which generally isn't a good sign. There is one thing that REALLY annoyed me about it.

The movie basically ended with more chasing. We just watched this guy get chased and then it ends with THOSE guys running.

Can't say I was the biggest fan of the movie at all.

eh? what ending did you see?

Ignoring the thing at the end with Jaguar Paw and his family, which came as a result of what happened right before it. The two men who had chased Jaguar Paw to the beach when they seen the men on the boats, and basically did a runner from them. Made the entire thing a waste of my time.


they didnt run did they? i thought they walked towards the water?
Aye, they did walk towards the water ... seemed to think for a second ... and then hightailed it out of there.
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Smokin' Aces, fucking dire. SPOILERS AND THAT BELOowI'd ask the cinema for a refund of my money but I'd much rather have the hours of my life it consumed. Total waste of time, spent about 30 minutes introducing people I couldn't and didn't care about, had some little kid doing karate with a boner, a mildly amusing bit with some redneck playing with Aflecks face, er what else, oh yeah, the fact the whole film was based on someone getting their wires crossed about a Swede and in the end they both died anyway. Ryan Reynolds' character was right to be pissed off in the end, not only his time wasted but mine. Me and my mate came out of the cinema into the bus station and found some old fella spitting all over the floor more entertaining. In short, a film about nothing with people who mean nothing. NOTHING.I'm gona have to download a film and pretend I paid for it and saw Smokin Aces for free.

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Battle Royale


Finally got to see what all the hype was about this film, and was pleasantly surprised to find out that it is one of the best films I have ever seen. I am not slasher/thriller/films with non stop killings, so is even more surprising that found this to be absolutely fantastic. Great characters and original story.


Battle Royale 2


Everything the first wasn't. This may be one of the worst sequels ever. Just terrible characters, plot that was nonsense and made very little sense. Horrible, just horrible.

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Half Past Dead - an absolute shocker from Seagal, anything he's done since the millenium has sucked, however...what makes this movie standout from his other newer movies (and yep, ive seen em all) it that it's fun to watch. Wheare as most Seagal movies take themselves way to seriously, this one is just a stupid prison-set action film. The action is ridiculous and unrealistic, the dialogue is shit and the touching scenes between Seagal and Ja Rule's character are laughable but its still easy viewing. If you like shitty actioners it's worth a viewing, if you want anything else you dont wanna watch this.


The movie must have done something right though, ive read that there's a sequel planned :confused:

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Broken Arrow's a terrific, very underated film. John Travolta's always better when he's playing villains and it's easily one of the best things Christian Slater's ever done. Hopefully, they'll get round to releasing a special edition dvd soon.

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