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Doctor Who stuffs....The Two Doctors.it was nice to see Troughton back in a role that wasn't just a parody of himself as he seemed to be in the Five Doctors. Colin Baker's incarnation is growing on me, as is Peri for cleavage related reasons. The story revoles around the Fifth Doctor chasing the Second when he feels Two being tortured. Believing Two to be dead, he investigates as if Two is dead, how can Five be there? Not the best or strongest story butit was fun to watch.The Face of Evil.I was curious to see this after watching a clip of Tom Baker introducing himself in the episode... by talking to the audience. This story worked really well, in that the Doctor had been to the planet he had visited before and his actions had negative repercussions - much like Eccelston's incarnation altering Earths timeline and accidentally creating the Gamestation. The story unfolds nicely and more importantly, Leela is introduced to the series and she doesnt wear a lot. Fantastic.Castrovalva.Regeneration eps always interest me and it was nice to see the Doctor wander around the TARDIS aimlessy, getting alittle insight into it, however the story didn't get interesting until the end of the third part which meant I wasn't really into the final part at all. I was never a big fan of Peter Davidson and this didn't help. Especially when he ripped apart 'the' scarf :(Other stuff;Monsters Inc.It's been a long while since seeing this movie and luckily it was on today. I keep forgetting how uplifting and well written the story is and it's unblievable how real Boo is in the movie. All the elements of this movie are perfect for it's genre - I love it.Hedwig & The Angry Inch.It's actually been a while sicne I was introduced to the film, but I thought I'd write about it here to help balance out the Who-ness. The movie is a musical about a transgendered musician (Hedwig) who's lover (Tommy) stole their work and became famous through it. The movie explains Hedwigs life and feelings through a series of incredible songs, climaxing with Hedwigs personal salvation. Great film, awesome sountrack.I now have Priscilla: Queen of the Desert to watch later after Some Like it Hot and Doctor Who. I'm having an incredibly camp day

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Events over the course of one traumatic night in Paris unfold in reverse-chronological order as the beautiful Alex (Monica Bellucci) is brutally raped and beaten by a stranger in the underpass. Her boyfriend and ex-lover take matters into their own hands by hiring two criminals to help them find the rapist so that they can exact revenge. A simultaneously beautiful and terrible examination of the destructive nature of cause and effect, and how time destroys everything.


This film choices to play the sequence of the films events backwards - piece by piece, in fact the first scene we are introducded to is a stomach curdling violent attack on a pimp in a gay night club, named The Rectum. The handheld position of the camera, jostling for the best shot, can be off putting at times but really does convey the sense of panic and drunken blurryiness of a nightmarish nightout.


The three lead roles take the challenging roles and perform very well throughout - in fact Vincent Cassell's Marcus is spine chilling.


The film is brutal, yet beautiful - bruatful! It explores themes most films choose to purposely to ignore that, let alone the superb performances, should be enough of a recomendation for anyone who like their films thought provoking to pick it up.






Max Fischer (Jason Schwartzman) is a precocious 15-year-old whose reason for living is his attendance at Rushmore, a private school where he's not doing well in any of his classes, but where he's the king of extracurricular activities - from being in the beekeeping society to writing and producing plays, there's very little after school he doesn't do. His life begins to change, however, when he finds out he's on academic probation, and when he stumbles into love with Miss Cross, a pretty teacher of the elementary school at Rushmore. Added to the mix is his friendship with Herman Blume (Bill Murray), wealthy industrialist and father to boys who attend the school, and who also finds himself attracted to Miss Cross. Max's fate becomes inextricably tied to this odd love triangle.


This was Wes Anderson first mainstream film, which also rejuvenated Murray's career (in the eyes of the critics). It is a charming and quaint piece that leaves you with a smile plastered on your face throughout - despite the lack of laugh out loud moments this is still a very strong comedy.


Anderson proves he knows what he is doing by creating a stylised feel the film without appearing pretentious or out of his depth - and the result is a very good and satisfying teen comedy which sits on the other end of the spectrum from American Pie.



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Snakes On A Plane - it took me too long to see this considering i got caught up in the pre-hype...it definatly met and exceeded my expectations. I wanted a stupid, fun and fast paced movie and thats what i got. The snakes themselves were a little cgi'ey but you kinda look past that and just enjoy the ride. As Samuel L. Jackson said in one movie mag this month, 'its total popcorn' and i couldnt agree more. Great!

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been banging the movies in today...


Clerks 2 - absolutely brilliant, i know alot of the origional Clerks fans didnt like this but this was just as good if not better. The wit and charm of the first one are there in abundance, plus you get the added value of a real emotional attachement (the scene in the prison cell is really touching and shows a side of the characters you never see in the first one). Plenty of little in-jokes and the usual Kevin Smith humor is piled in throughout. Top-notch entertainment.


Flags of Our Fathers - mmmm, ive been looking forward to this. Whilst i'll say it's a tremendously shot and directed movie, it's hella boring. The film is the story of the famous Iwo Jima photo from world war 2, its a pretty interesting story and centers around money more than the 'war winning' hope everyone got from it. What i will say is, if you're interested in war stories it's pretty much a must me. If however your looking to see a crazy action war film you're gonna be sorely disappointed, there's 1 big war scene (which for the record is fantastic) but the rest of the movie is pretty much a drama involving loads of flash backs and follows the flag raisers on their media tour of the states. Approach with caution.


Monster House - fantastic...these animated movies are never short of entertaining, this was no different. The animation for the whole is just amazing. This movie put a smile on my face, i dont think id say it was the best animated movie of the year though, ill give that nod to Over The Hedge. But this is great family entertainment.

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Clerks 2 - absolutely brilliant, i know alot of the origional Clerks fans didnt like this but this was just as good if not better. The wit and charm of the first one are there in abundance, plus you get the added value of a real emotional attachement (the scene in the prison cell is really touching and shows a side of the characters you never see in the first one). Plenty of little in-jokes and the usual Kevin Smith humor is piled in throughout. Top-notch entertainment.

You are officially the wrongest man in history.
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As I said in the official thread:

After some of my friends watched it and loved it, I decided to give Clerks II a second chance. It did indeed change my opinion. I went from finding it to be pretty terrible to downright hating it and realising just how awful it really is.I was way too generous before. The new guy isn't funny and Smith's wife isn't tolerable. The biggest crime the film commits is calling itself a comedy. There's one good joke in the movie, that being when Randal says his grandmother once referred to a broken beer bottle as a "nigger-knife". I will admit to pissing myself at that, but that was it. There were so many cringeworthy moments. Smith appearing into frame and bobbing his head whilst rolling his eyes, just because it's his movie. The Bollywood take-off scene which has no place in the film and is just there because Smith is devoid of ideas. The scene between Elias and Randal where Elias explains why he and his girlfriend can't have sex with the stupid sinister music playing in the background, the notion that Rosario Dawson would fall for Brian O'Halloran who looks like a sex offender and last but not least, the stupid fucking montage scene with "1979" (great song, insulting that it's associated with this tripe) where everyone looks pensive and Dante has a "moment" with a cute toothless kid. Short of having a big flashing neon sign front and centre, Smith couldn't be less subtle.Worst film of the year, easily.

It was a bloated, self-indulgent, embarrassing, disgusting mess of a film. I genuinely think anyone who likes it isn't worth knowing.
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Over the last couple of days I've watched...Home AloneOne of the most fun Christmas films ever, pure family entertainment thanks to the adorable McCauley Culkin who makes the film and the fun and japes in the final half hour is joyously entertaining with the necessary family reunion and the message of family at christmas. We've all seen it and we've all enjoyed it.Home Alone 2Same as the above, but set in New York. The only difference being the setting of the abandoned house and the pigeon woman instead of the weird snow shuffling guy. That's where the film lacks compared to the first one - we are meant to believe it happens to Kevin AGAIN and the house of fun is not as fun as the first one.Match PointCompletely dislikeable characters but a very interesting film full of manipulation and deceit and I loved it. Without knowing I would never have guessed this was a Woody Allen film, but I must argue against the choice of Jonathan Rhys Meyers as the lead actor who plays an ex-tennis pro who finds his way into an extremely rich London family by going out with the family's daughter but he begins an affair with her brother's fiancee (Scarlett Johansen) and they continue their affair throughout the movie. It's not about human relationships and other Allen traits but that's what made it quite interesting to me.The Last KissI loved this. About the breakdown of relationships amongst varying ages of people and varying types of relationship and people. It showed the weaknesses of the strongest relationships and how scary each of these things can be. Zach Braff extends himself beyond Garden State and this isn't just Garden State plus 3 years. It's written by Paul Haggis (writer of Crash and Million Dollar Baby) so that gives you some idea of how well this is writen and how the guy can handle characters and relationships. Not a romantic comedy as advertised but more of a drama which shouldn't put you off giving this a go.

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Well, tis the Season to go out and see films...


I went to see Perfume on Boxing Day, and I was really quite disappointed.


It's a great story, and they could have done so much with it.. but they fell short for sure.


I can appreciate that a story entirely about smell would be very hard to get across visually, and they did a good job of that in a lot of scenes...


But to accomplish that, and then fumble on the actual telling of the story seems silly... First off they didn't seem to have much idea what kinda style they wanted it to be.. The opening scene is so fucking gruesome, but then other bits that had the potential to be pretty dark and fucked up they just threw away offhand, in an almost comedy fashion.


Also, they didn't seem to do much in the way of translating it into a screenplay from the book - the telling of the story is a very straight forward narrative style. They turned what is actually a really good story that happens to be set in the past into like a fable-y mythic kind fairy tale period costume nonsense. (I guess it didn't help that I quite disliked the voice of the narrator)


It would have really helped on this point and in other ways if they'd made the film in French, too.. It just seems a bit silly everyone wandering around with dumb old timey English accents in the middle of Paris; it's hard to get a feel for the situation.


Anyone else seen this yet?




One thing I'll say for the film though, is that it has made me really want to read the book, because I'm sure I'll enjoy it a lot more.

Edited by Who has called me Hage?
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Eerie Indiana: The Complete Series

Eerie Indiana; the centre of weirdness in the world. Had to pick this up on dvd as I have fond memories of watching this show when I was a kid. Series follows Marshal Teller and his buddie Simon Holmes investigating and getting caught up in all kinds of weidness in a small town called Eerie Indiana. Excellnt stuff! I loved all 19 episodes. I only wish they made more than one series of this gem of a show. There was a spin off series called Eerie Indiana: the other dimension which came 5 or 6 years later and lasted 15 episodes. I can only hope this is released somtime soon.


Walk the Line

I finally picked this up on dvd. Man this film was truely amazing. I am a big Johnny Cash fan and was blown away by Joaquin Phoenix performance. Reese Witherspoon was also top notch as June Carter. I absoloutly loved this, a must for any fan of Johnny Cash. Very Insightful.


Stand by Me

Based apon a story by Stephen King called 'The Body'. Stand by Me is the story of 4 friends who embark on an adventure to find the body of a missing child. A powerful movie, with some great performances given by some young actors in particular River Phoenix and Cory Feldman.

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