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Guest DJM

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MY only issue with Star Trek was not knowing what was going on during some times of panic/confusion/fights as the screen sometimes became so cluttered with CGI, people, smoke, fire, explosions etc. I understand this is needed to enhance the situation but sometimes it felt like ti was too much and i had difficulty understanding what the fuck was going on


In other words it went all Batman Begins.

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Shaky fight cam does piss me off. But I guess I'm getting used to it now as while I noticed it, it didn't bother me.

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Watched Super Troopers and Sex Drive last night. Both were pretty entertaining with Troopers being very indie and Sex Drive being surprisingly good for a teen comedy, albeit very predictable.


We had the extended and unrated version of Sex Drive which is just hilarious for the amount of pointless stuff it adds in but I suspect that may detract from the film for some people.

Edited by elegia
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Superhero Movie - Not as dreadful as I expected and it actually made me laugh a few times, although I'm in no hurry to watch it again.

I have to agree with you.

Yeh, Superhero Movie is a surprisingly decent film. It's not great or anything, but it's good throwaway fun. Plus, Leslie Nielsen's in it and that man's like a God to me.

I'm disappointed in you all. Leslie Nielson was great for about 15 seconds but other than that the film was dreadful. Really, really, really dreadful.


We had the extended and unrated version of Sex Drive which is just hilarious for the amount of pointless stuff it adds in but I suspect that may detract from the film for some people.

I got a copy of that unrated edition recently. Really ruins what should be a routinely amusing film. Obviously I wasn't thrilled with the amount of man junk on display but I was also surprised to find I was pretty annoyed with the gratuitous female flesh they shoehorned in. Probably the first time I've ever been annoyed to see nude poon on film.


In other news I saw Ghostbusters 2 again the other day - so much funnier than I remembered. Also saw the Da Vinci Code. I don't want to talk about it.

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I got a copy of that unrated edition recently. Really ruins what should be a routinely amusing film. Obviously I wasn't thrilled with the amount of man junk on display but I was also surprised to find I was pretty annoyed with the gratuitous female flesh they shoehorned in. Probably the first time I've ever been annoyed to see nude poon on film.

It was gratuitous and unnecessary but it was obviously meant to be humourous instead of eye candy and it made laugh every time random naked chicks appeared on screen. Utterly pointless but fantistically hilarious at the same time. I think the disclaimer at the start pretty much sets the tone for that.


The fact it was always the same man junk regardless of who it was supposed to belong to was at least slightly amusing.

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In other news I saw Ghostbusters 2 again the other day - so much funnier than I remembered.

My friend cannot watch that film. Every time he has tried, he has received devastatingly bad news before the end.

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It was gratuitous and unnecessary but it was obviously meant to be humourous instead of eye candy and it made laugh every time random naked chicks appeared on screen. Utterly pointless but fantistically hilarious at the same time. I think the disclaimer at the start pretty much sets the tone for that. The fact it was always the same man junk regardless of who it was supposed to belong to was at least slightly amusing.

Good point about the disclaimer and I did give the film the benefit of the doubt in that respect but I think what I found most annoying was just how distracting it all was. When normal scenes were interrupted by fine floozys flaunting their poon I completely lost track of what else was happening. Probably would have been more amusing had I seen the original cut first. Man-junk in the cornfield was pretty funny though.



My friend cannot watch Ghostbusters 2. Every time he has tried, he has received devastatingly bad news before the end.

Not the worst thing to have happen - the ending is easily the weakest part. Still very intriguing though, what was the severity of the news like? As in, is it a humorous thing s/he mentions in passing or is it a case of "Never speak of that film"?


I am nosey.

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I watched Deathproof today. I liked the first half. The script is totally Tarantino in that there is loads of general conversation that has a lot of, i don't the word, i'll go with 'Kick' to it and there is some tame gory violence in between. Tarantino has good ideas but sometimes his execution is a little off, this film was 1 hour 45 minutes long, about 15 minutes is violence/car chase and the other 90 is conversation. It goes downhill after the first crash.


The ending was a bit shit with the girls beating up Kurt Russell, i was hoping there would be some really gory finish. The first crash where he takes off that girls leg and lands the wheel on one of the girls faces was brillaint but the ending was so poor in comparison. I was hoping the girls would completely destroy him or stick that metal poll that Zoe Bell picked up through his face, like a medieval night would do.

Edited by Childsy
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I don't understand the Star Trek love. It's a perfectly fine average little sci-fi movie, but not much more. Between the pretentious philosophical ponderings and the obvious and forced humour, the whole thing was a bit...well, naff.

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Today I treated myself to Aliens and Alien3 (both with commentary on) and Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom.


Not much to say that you don't already know, but I still enjoyed them very much. Learned some movie making tricks to boot. Yay.

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Saw "Employee of the month" which I thought was hilarious. Glad they didn't have much Jessica Simpson in it though, as she was like a brick trying to act. Any film that starts with a DEVO song is fine by me.

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I never thought 3 was that bad. I'd read beforehand that they were going for a more claustrophobic Alien type film, than the 80's splatterific adrenaline rush style of Aliens, so I wasn't disappointed by it.


I see flaws with it now, but I also know more about the problems in making it. Some of the puppet work is a bit shonky, but I still do enjoy it for the most part.


Have you seen the storyboards for the the earlier "Wooden Planet" version?

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I never thought 3 was that bad. I'd read beforehand that they were going for a more claustrophobic Alien type film, than the 80's splatterific adrenaline rush style of Aliens, so I wasn't disappointed by it.


I see flaws with it now, but I also know more about the problems in making it. Some of the puppet work is a bit shonky, but I still do enjoy it for the most part.


Have you seen the storyboards for the the earlier "Wooden Planet" version?

I thought that wooden planet/monastery idea would have been terrible. Having a Bishop exorcise an alien out of Ripley would have been too much. Some of the individual scenes sounded ok, but the overall premise just didn't do it for me.


I think Alien 3 gets an unfairly hard time from most people. I thought it was a good film that fit well with the other two and rounded off the trilogy nicely.

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