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Guest DJM

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Curse Of The Golden Flower


Yet another high quality asian movie in the mould of 'Crouching Tiger...' & '... Flying Daggers' but the colour and imagery of 'Memoirs Of A Geisha'. Some awesome acting throughout with Chow Yun Fat superb as the emperor (and looking like Keji Mutoh in his yellow armour!) If you like Asian cinema and are happy to sit through a subtitled movie, this is a great shout.

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I watched a film called Mr. Brooks (due for release this year) today, it stars Kevin Costner, William Hurt and Demi Moore.The short of it is, Costner is a successful business man with a wife/daughter but is an addict.....to killing but he hasn't done it for years. it's really hard to say anymore, Demi Moore plays a cop, even though her character has over $60 million in the bank. As for hurts character...well, I really can't say, you will have to see the film. Undoubtly you will see trailers of the film so you may find out before you actually see the film, but I'm not going to say.I liked this film, I've seen nothing like it before, very unique, very good.EZ

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Lastly, who's seen Ghost World? I hear lots of good things about it but I've never got round to watching it. I think Garrett or someone had a sig relating to it?

Its enjoyable enough, but sadly not as good as the graphic novel its based on, if you enjoy it, youll enjoy American Splendour
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The Simpsons Movie


Outstanding stuff, absolutely did not disappoint and was crammed with good jokes from start to finish. Grand Theft Walrus, "thanks, boob lady!" and many, many more. My favourite of the summer releases that I've seen by some distance.

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I didn't expect this to be as good as it was. Some nice comedy and some incredible tension and actual likeable characters. The highlight was the incredible David Morse as the creepy neighbour. Obvious comparisons can be made with Rear Window and to be fair, I don't think this is a bad updating of it at all. Very, very good movie which deserves the success that it got in the US.


Now that I've seen 10 movies from this year, I can compile a top ten so far !


1. Rocky Balboa

2. The Last King of Scotland

3. Letters From Iwo Jima

4. The Pursuit of Happyness

5. Babel

6. Disturbia

7. Zodiac

8. Hot Fuzz

9. 88 Minutes

10. The Number 23


Yeah, I reckon Apocalypto won't be in that list for long, as I really didn't like it. The rest was at least enjoyable.

Edited by Haraga_Version_One
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Haraga brings the mental as usual. Number 23 being in anyone's top ten best list is bad enough, but placing it above The Fountain is fucking lunacy. Apocalypto was muck too. Rocky at number 1? Your taste never fails to stun me.

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Haraga brings the mental as usual. Number 23 being in anyone's top ten best list is bad enough, but placing it above The Fountain is fucking lunacy. Apocalypto was muck too. Rocky at number 1? Your taste never fails to stun me.

The Fountain was alright, but I just couldn't get into it. As for Rocky, I enjoyed it. It's not a classic or anything, but it was damn good fun, which is why it's my favourite movie of the year so far. If we were going on just purely being the best I'd have probably picked The Last King of Scotland. Apocalypto WAS muck, but since it's one of the only ten 2007 movies I've seen so far this year, it's there. Which is why I said ...

Now that I've seen 10 movies from this year, I can compile a top ten so far !

... and then ...

Yeah, I reckon Apocalypto won't be in that list for long, as I really didn't like it. The rest was at least enjoyable.

Of course, if you'd actually read the post, you might have figured that one out.
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I made an assumption that the next movie I watched was going to take the #10 spot by default. Well I was wrong.




Total and utter wank. I had to stop watching it every ten minutes because it was as interesting as watching grass grow. There was only one character I had any sympathy for and the rest of them just were nothing. The ending was as bad as the movie on the whole too. Why should I care about these guys ? The ending was actually pretty much signposted too. It doesn't usually take much to amuse me when it comes to movies, but that's two movies recently that have been nothing but frustrating to watch. Amazingly, the top 10 stays the same.

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