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Slap Shot - foul mouthed sports comedy starring Paul Newman (fucking legend), this takes the usual sports movie formula but litters it with violence, tits and bad language. This rightfully deserves it's place as a cult classic, plenty of classic quotable dialogue...they certainly dont make em like this anymore. There's a dodgy looking sequel starring Stephen Baldwin out, im gonna check it though.

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Blood Diamond - just got back from seeing it in the cinema, absolutely fantastic! Just solid all around. It's a pretty fucked up story of illegal diamond smuggling, the movie examines a pretty serious subject that i had no idea existed. Brilliantly acted by all involved and expertly directed by Edward Zwick, this is one bad-ass movie.

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Rear Window


Hitchcock's 1954 thriller is considered to be one of his greatest flicks, and although it is good, I would hardly give it such high praise.


L. B. Jefferies (James Stewart) is stuck in his apartment, which overlooks a courtyard of flats, due to a broken leg. His girlfriend (Grace Kelly), a high flying yet souless member of the elite and his home help Stella are his only company. Its no surprise then that he spends all day looking out the window, and when he sees a women disappear and her husband attacking suspiciously he believes he is unravelling a murder.


This film is pretty much set in Jefferies flat throughout the whole 2 hours (reminding me somewhat of The Glass Menagerie, which is never a good thing), and no shot outside of the apartment block is shot, and although Hitchcock ensures the audience aren't too aware of this, it doesn't help the static feeling that this film creates.


The most interesting level to the flick is the relationship between Jefferies and his girlfriend, which at the start of the film is mismatched, disjointed and mainly physical (Kelly's sexuality is on full display here), yet through the supposedly horrofic circumstances they are able to use murder as a lubrication to a better relationship. Kelly especially seems aware of this yet, almost acknowledging the sacrifice of a life as a fair act for the salvation of their relationship. In many ways this complex relationship means the murder itself plays second fiddle.


The murder plot itself is fairly basic and uninspiring, yet it is the unlikable Jefferies response to the proceedings which mean the viewer doesn't lose interest.


Compared to many of Hitchcock's true classics this film does not have a tense edge to it (not to the modern audience anyway, when the idea of voyuerism or being watched all the time is reality not fantasy), till the final 10 minutes of climax. Perhaps the idea of being watched from afar is accepted to the point where the pivatol point of the flick is somewhat lost.

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I went to see "For Your Consideration" last night...Great cast, really made me laugh a lot... but - it just seemed a bit disjointed and unfinished. Like they could have done more with it. It was pretty short, too.I've been told that Christopher Guest films are often like this, and that Waiting for Guffman is much the same.Still, though, well worth a watch..

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Just watched League of their Own 2:Warriors down under


Wether or not you are a fan of Rugby League I urge you to buy this DVD. It provides the most unique and real insight into how the GB team prepares for their test matches during the tri nations. If you like Rugby League you will find it fascinating, as Nobby and the boys prepare. If you aren't a fan, buy it, it will give you a new found respect for the game.


Simply put, you like sports, buy this!

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Epic Movie is the first film ive ever watched and been angry about seeing. I knew it was going to be crap after Date Movie but seeing as they were using epics this time i though it might be good for a few laughs.How the hell they managed to finance this script is totally beyond me!

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Downfall - i've had this on me shelf for over a year but hadnt got around to watching it, its one of them films i knew that your gonna have to be in the right mood for. Anyway's i banged it on...incredible! i've never seen a film that captures panic, fear, confusion and complete desperation like this one. It's all about the last few days and hours of Adolf Hitler and World War II. It's shown completely from a German perspective and is centered around one of the greatest cinematic performances ive ever seen, with Bruno Ganz as Hitler, he nails it as the fallen, frail yet still defiant leader, it seems a little wrong but you can't help but feel sorry for him. The film has no real narrative, it's basically the events as they happened, the fascinating thing is seeing how the different character react to what's happening. Where some attempt to stay loyal to the fuhrer, others bail, many just kill themselves. People are shown trying to live on normally depsite the terror happening around them. Kids on the street pick up guns and attempt to fight the russian army as if it's some kind of game. It's complete madness. The film is incredibly realistic, so much so that by the end of it i felt as if id seen the actual last moments of Hitler's life. This is my favourite war movie of all time, everyone needs to see this! *****

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Downfall - i've had this on me shelf for over a year but hadnt got around to watching it, its one of them films i knew that your gonna have to be in the right mood for. Anyway's i banged it on...incredible! i've never seen a film that captures panic, fear, confusion and complete desperation like this one. It's all about the last few days and hours of Adolf Hitler and World War II. It's shown completely from a German perspective and is centered around one of the greatest cinematic performances ive ever seen, with Bruno Ganz as Hitler, he nails it as the fallen, frail yet still defiant leader, it seems a little wrong but you can't help but feel sorry for him. The film has no real narrative, it's basically the events as they happened, the fascinating thing is seeing how the different character react to what's happening. Where some attempt to stay loyal to the fuhrer, others bail, many just kill themselves. People are shown trying to live on normally depsite the terror happening around them. Kids on the street pick up guns and attempt to fight the russian army as if it's some kind of game. It's complete madness. The film is incredibly realistic, so much so that by the end of it i felt as if id seen the actual last moments of Hitler's life. This is my favourite war movie of all time, everyone needs to see this! *****

It is really good.I can't think of any better protrayl of Hitler off the top of my head.Although Robert Carlisle was pretty good.
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The Living Daylights


This was Dalton's first and penultimate outing as Bond (I rated him highly as a decent Bond), and its a film I really like.


Sure its a genre flick, and keeps to the straight and narrow Bond cliches but a gritty soviet plot, great action sequences and an intelligent storyline means its one of the better 80s Bond movies.

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Letter To Brezhnev


The factories, pubs, clubs, hotels and streets of 1980s Liverpool form the backdrop for this tale of love, friendship, sex and a letter to the Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev. Two Liverpool lasses, Teresa and Elaine meet two Russian sailors, Sergei (a young Alfred Molina!!) and Peter and hook up for a night of fun and frolics. Teresa is looking for sex and a smile, Elaine wants love, romance and the dream of life far away from the grime of the Liverpool docklands.


This film is a let down, superficially gliding over its redeeming factors such as the idea of an illconceived perception of Russia and the Soviet Union, instead it is over sentimental and embarasingly scripted.


The photography and gloomy feel of Liverpool however is spot on, and despite a monotonous direction, the shots create a real broody feel to the film. Sadly this is let down by people falling in 'love' with each other within hours of meeting, unlikeable characters (the two main girls are annoying, possibly a glimpse into the darker side of the 'laddette' culture) and the film really doesn't pick up till the last half hour when things actually start getting interesting with the possibility of Elaine moving to Russia being shown.


Certainly not the greatest British flick from the 80s, and I wouldn't recomend you bother with it despite its okayish factors.

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