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Guest DJM

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Etrnal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Biggest load of wank ever. It started off quite well, and usually I'm a fan of films out of chronological order, but Christ this one is simply too complicated to follow. A man (Jim Carrey) wakes up one day to find that his girlfriend doesn't know who he is anymore, due to having the recollection of him erased from her memory. The whole film is based around flashbacks and shit like that. And the ending is stupid and dull.

It's really not all that hard to follow and understand. It's put together magnificently and the ending is pretty much perfect.
I found the constant flashbacks hard enough to follow but when Clementine started appearing in them too I became frustrated because I simply couldn't make sense of it all. I found the ending dissatisfying.
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Just My Luck

Ashley (Lindsay Lohan) is known to many as the luckiest woman around. After a chance encounter with a down-and-out young man (Chris Pine), however, she realizes that she's swapped her fortune for his.

Just My Luck is just below average at best. It has a moderately interesting plot, but the execution is poor. The film is quite predictable and never quite capitalizes on the opportunities that the story presents for some really funny moments, but instead resorts to repetitive attempts at comedy. Lindsay Lohan, in the lead role, isn't as likeable as she should be. It's not as though her character is meant to be arrogant or egotistical, but, for some reason, I didn't care when she became unlucky. Perhaps it was simply Lohan's mediocre acting. She ranges from being unable to portray emotion at all to completely overdoing it. Additionally, she seems too young for her role, which is that of an office woman.Chris Pine, on the other hand, is actually rather good. However, his performance is plagued by a lackluster script, which is loaded with cheesy lines and unrealistic reactions, notably from his character. Nonetheless, there are a couple of decent jokes in Just My Luck, but a considerable amount of it falls flat. There are only so many times that a scene in which something goes wrong and someone tries to frantically fix it can be recycled in one film.All-in-all, Just My Luck won't bore you stupid, but you'll probably forget most of it within a week and won't want to watch it twice. Better yet, watch something else. On a closing note; the only surprisingly decent Linsay Lohan movie is Mean Girls and judging from her recent efforts, especially Herbie Fully Loaded, it looks like things may stay that way for a long time. Edited by Van_Dammer
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Etrnal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Biggest load of wank ever. It started off quite well, and usually I'm a fan of films out of chronological order, but Christ this one is simply too complicated to follow. A man (Jim Carrey) wakes up one day to find that his girlfriend doesn't know who he is anymore, due to having the recollection of him erased from her memory. The whole film is based around flashbacks and shit like that. And the ending is stupid and dull.

It's really not all that hard to follow and understand. It's put together magnificently and the ending is pretty much perfect.
I found the constant flashbacks hard enough to follow but when Clementine started appearing in them too I became frustrated because I simply couldn't make sense of it all. I found the ending dissatisfying.
I don't mean to be rude, but I don't think you would have been dissatisfied by the ending if you had understood the film... And they weren't flashbacks per se, they were his memories..I duno - maybe watch it again if you can be arsed... I saw it just a couple weeks ago, and it was the best film I've seen in ages. (Or rather, it was - I've since been to the cinema to see Snakes on a Plane) Edited by Who has called me Hage?
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I have to say, I'm continually impressed with how many films Van Dammer watches. Do you do anything else?

I'm not, because it means we get subjected to his pathetic "I think I'm writing for a magazine" film reviews.Oh and Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind is fucking brilliant.
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What the fuck !This is a movie thoughts thread and your criticising the guy for how he expresses his views!Firstly, like he said you don't have to read his posts. The internet is all about being allowed to express yourself however you want. If we all conformed to one style of writing then not only would the internet be a dull and less varied place, but it would also be fairly pointless to ever contribute.Secondly, Van_Dammers posts are usually well thought out and justified and are some of the most valid on this thread (which is probably the best off topic thread for the last couple of years). To simply dissmiss his views as being written like a journalist is snobbery and missing the point.

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The internet is all about being allowed to express yourself however you want.

How right you are. Therefore you should have no problem with me expressing that I think his reviews are hollow, empty, boring and inspire nothing in me but apathy.
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Twilight SamuraiAfter losing his wife, Seibei Iguchi (Hiroyuki Sanada), looks after after his two young daughters and sick mother. With very little pay and in unenviable conditions, he dedicates the majority of his time to them...This film defies practically every 'samurai movie' stereotype. It's an excellently acted character-driven drama, in which the protagonist evokes a lot of respect. A potential love story, with a surprising amount of romance, unfolds as the plot thickens. It's refreshing because, throughout, everything's done with a great degree of realism. The two fight scenes, for example, feature absolutely no over-the-top bouncing-off-trees style action or excessive violence.My main gripe with Twilight Samurai is that, towards the climax, it should have been far more intense than it actually was. Similarly, there were several times that I desperately wanted to fast-forward it. Overall, though, it's a good movie and is worthwhile, but I don't rate it as highly as a lot of other people do.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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Seven, you're just being an dick for the sake of it. Keep your own personal opinion on Van Dammer out of this thread as people just want to read movie and DVD reviews by other posters, not this crap. And his reviews are just fine.Anyways, I bought Evolution on DVD the other day and it really is a hidden gem. Most people haven't seen it but it's a fucking brilliant comedy with David Duchovney(sp) showing the huge abilities he has as a comedic actor. The only real downside is with Julianne Moore's character in that they attempted to give her a clumsly splapstick edge which doesn't come even remotely close to working. Plus, Dan Akyroyd is in it~.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Seven, you're just being an dick for the sake of it. Keep your own personal opinion on Van Dammer out of this thread as people just want to read movie and DVD reviews by other posters, not this crap. And his reviews are just fine.

No I'm not. Also, yourself and others have given your own personal opinions on VD in this thread, they just happen to be positive. Why should my views on him be kept out of this thread and yours not?
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